Get your local video found on the first page of Google search using videos. This podcast is hosted by Ryan Perry, CEO of Simple Biz Support, Inc. who started uploading video on YouTube in 2009 and uses video as the #1 tool to rank clients on the first page of Google.
Take Pinterest Marketing To New Levels
09/07/2015 Duration: 15minIn this weeks episode of Social Media Wednesday, Provaro Marketing founder Sarah Giometti and I will be discussing 5 new ways to take your #Pinterest Marketing to new levels. Pinterest is a serious playing in the social media game; having raised $367 million in additional venture capital earlier this year, Pinterest in now valued at $11 billion! Watch on YouTube: Ryan Perry founded SBS in 2009 to help small business owners increase sales through Google search. Follow me on Facebook Do you Tweet? Check me out on Google+ Business get's done on LinkedIn
E-Commerce Shipping Integration
02/07/2015 Duration: 15minIn today's episode of Internet Marketing Thursday, Virginie Dorn, CEO of Business Website Center and I talk about what it takes to integrate shipping options into an e-commerce website. Ryan Perry founded SBS in 2009 to help small business owners increase sales through Google search.
5 Pinterest Image Styles People Like To Share
01/07/2015 Duration: 15minGrow your Pinterest followers by sharing images that people like to share. In this weeks episode of Social Media Wednesday, Sarah Giometti, founder of Provaro Marketing and I will be discussing the 5 Pinterest Image styles people like to share. Watch on YouTube: Ryan Perry founded SBS in 2009 to help small business owners increase sales through Google search.
E-Commerce Payment Options
25/06/2015 Duration: 16minStarting a new e-commerce website and not sure what the options are for accepting payments? You're in luck as this is what Virginie Dorn, CEO of Business Website Center and I will be talking about in today's episode of Internet Marketing Thursday.
Facebook Recent News Feed Algorithm Update
25/06/2015 Duration: 05minRecently Facebook announced a major algorithm change that will affect who and what you see on your feed. How will this affect organic reach of your business post? Find out in this weeks episode of Social Media Wednesday hosted by Ryan Perry and Sarah Giometti.
Boost Website Conversion With Testimonials
18/06/2015 Duration: 15minIn this episode of Internet Marketing Thursday, Virginie Dorn, CEO of Business Website Center and I discuss using testimonials on a website to boost conversion by buillding trust and credibility. Ryan Perry founded SBS in 2009 to help small business owners increase sales through Google search.
Bundle Post Review
17/06/2015 Duration: 16minBundle Post is a social media aggregate, bulk scheduler and more to help boost your online visibility while saving time. In this episode of Social Media Wednesday, Sarah and I are reviewing the pro's and con's of Bundle Post to give you a better understanding of how it works. Be sure to check out last weeks episode where we reviewed Post Panner, a similiar type of platform: Ryan Perry founded SBS in 2009 to help small business owners increase sales through Google search.
How A FAQ Page Can Boost Ranking on Google
12/06/2015 Duration: 15minIn this episode of Internet Marketing Thursday, Virginie Dorn, CEO of Business Website Center and I talk about the importance of having a FAQ page on your website. Ryan Perry founded SBS in 2009 to help small business owners increase sales through Google search.
How To Create An Online Marketing Strategy
04/06/2015 Duration: 16minThis week I'll talking with Annette Penney of Inspire & Acquire, a digital marketing firm in Canada as Virginie Dorn is on vacation. Annette is a social media expert whom I met via Twitter and we're going to be talk about how to create an online marketing strategy. All to often small business owner rely on "Hope Marketing" versus creating a measurable marketing strategy. Hope Marketing typically doesn't work and is impossible to track. If you're ready to take your digital marketing to the next level, you'll want to catch this episode of Internet Marketing Thursday. Ryan Perry founded SBS in 2009 to help small business owners increase sales through Google search. Watch this episode on YouTube: http://www.simplebizsupport.com
Social Media Make Easy: Post Planner Review
03/06/2015 Duration: 16minTwo of the biggest frustrations I hear from business owners regarding maintaining social me is posting content throughout the day while running a business and finding content to talk about. I have the same struggles and found a great tool called Post Planner that save me time and frustration by aggragating content and allowing me to schedule content throughout the day in just 10 minutes.
Social Media Scheduling Tools For Efficiency
27/05/2015 Duration: 16minTake your social media engagement to the next level with some easy to use scheduling tools. Efficiency is key to building an online presence when you are a business owner with limited time (resource) to find and post content on your favorite accounts like Facebook and Twitter. I personally found it difficult to keep my Twitter account up-to-date and engaging until I starting using this cool tool that only cost $5 a month. Join Sarah Giometti, Founder of Provaro Marketing and I as we talk about this tool and a couple others on May 27th for Social Media Wednesday.
How To Get Video On First Page of Google In Under 2 Hours
26/05/2015 Duration: 06minIn this podcast I want to show you the power of video marketing, especially if you’re a small business owner and you are trying to geo-target specific keywords. Watch the video here: Remember, geo-targeting is, “I want to be found in a specific city.” You could be an eye doctor, a dentist, auto repair mechanic, but your target audience is typically going to be locally in your city, and maybe one or two surrounding cities. By geo-targeting those specific cities, it makes it much easier to be found than say just dentist or just auto repair, because now it’s a national search, so target your audience by geo-targeting.
How To Optimize Blog Post For Google
22/05/2015 Duration: 15minIn this episode of Internet Marketing Thursday, Virginie Dorn of Business Website Center and I will be discussing how to SEO optimize your blog post using WordPress. This is part one of a two part series. To learn more, check out the playlist of Internet Marketing Thursday videos at
How To Create Custom Images For Social Media
22/05/2015 Duration: 16minIn this episode of Social Media Wednesday, Sarah Giometti, founder of Provaro Marketing and I talk about how to use free tools like Canva to create custom images for your social media accounts. This is a great way to take your company image to the next level. Like to watch too? Check out the playlist of Social Media Wednesday videos at
Heat Map: A Visual Analysis Of Your Website
07/05/2015 Duration: 15minheat maps are a great tool to determin how effective your website is working. In this episode of Internet Marketing Thursday, Virginie Dorn, CEo of Business Website Center and I talk about how to use a heat map to improve the effectiveness of your website.
Turn Your Employees Into Social Media Advocates
06/05/2015 Duration: 15minHave you ever throught about leveraging your employess to grow your social media exposure? In this episode of Social Media Wednesday, Sarah Giometti and I discuss how small business owners can empower their employees to be social media advocates for your brand. For more social marketing tips be sure to come back each Wednesday for a new episode of Social Media Wednesday.
Share Video Instantly On Twitter Mobile
17/04/2015 Duration: 13minIn this broadcast of Social Media Wednesday, Sarah and I talk about the new feature on Twitter for smart phones - the ability to instantly record and share video! How cool is that? We'll talk about some different ways to use this new feature to improve engagement. You can view Hangout on Youtube here:
Losing Facebook Likes?
14/04/2015 Duration: 11minIn this episode of Social Media Wednesday, Sarah Giometti, founder of Provaro Marketing and I discuss why you may be losing Facebook likes on your business page.
Hashtag Marketing Strategies for Instagram
06/04/2015 Duration: 15minLearn how to gain more followers and connect with your potential clients in Instagram using hastags.