The Health Report separate stories podcast lets you pick which stories to download. The Health Report appeals to specialist and mainstream audiences by applying a broad definition of health and seeing it within social, scientific and political contexts.
Updating transient ischaemic attack
28/03/2022 Duration: 07minA 'temporary stroke' means people get the warning signs of a stroke but the symptoms go away without treatment. The medical name for this has been a Transient Ischaemic Attack - or a TIA.
Will antibody infusions continue to treat COVID-19
28/03/2022 Duration: 05minA study yet to be peer-reviewed has assessed the evidence on treating COVID-19 with antibody infusions—particularly monoclonal antibodies. It has found that in the early days of the pandemic doses were too high—but things are different with Omicron and its variants, because the antibodies target different sections of the virus.
Do mental health issues indicate risk of dementia?
21/03/2022 Duration: 07minWe know that when people's cognitive abilities decline they may develop mental health issues like depression and anxiety. But could mental health issues actually raise the risk of cognitive decline—because there are similar causes in the brain.
Using diet to ease MS symptoms
21/03/2022 Duration: 08minThere's plenty of research to support the idea that a good diet—including wholefoods, fruit and vegetables—is really good at helping you to not get sick. But when people talk about using food to treat diseases the picture isn't so clear. And this is especially so with a disease like multiple sclerosis.
The demography of blood groups
21/03/2022 Duration: 08minKnowing your blood group is handy information if you need a blood transfusion, or even an organ transplant. And it's essential information for the blood bank recruiting donors who match your blood type—and for people needing a blood product.
The data on decreased heart attacks
14/03/2022 Duration: 06minA study published in Lancet Public Health describes the large administrative data sets from four countries—covering 80 million people—and it looks at what's behind the reduction in mortality from cardiovascular disease.
Surprising revelations in heart transplant surgery
14/03/2022 Duration: 05minUS heart transplant patient David Bennett Senior died recently, and it reminded Norman of his 1985 interview with Dr Leonard Bailey—and Dr Bailey's revolutionary operation on Baby Fae, who was given the heart of a baboon. During the interview there was a surprising revelation.
Climate does impact your health
14/03/2022 Duration: 07minThe rise of JEV in Australia happened when the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (the IPCC) were writing a report. A key aspect of it was the effect of climate on health.
Why has Japanese Encephalitis travelled south?
14/03/2022 Duration: 06minThe Japanese Encephalitis virus is spread by mosquitos—it's a common virus in Asia but has travelled south to Australia and is causing concern in several Australian states.
Stomas—and stoma care nurses
07/03/2022 Duration: 06minA stoma is a portal in your body—often built-in during bowel cancer surgery—where your intestine is joined to a small hole in your abdomen wall and a pouch then attaches to your belly to collect your poo. It may be permanent or temporary—but it can be quite confronting to learn that you will poo into a pouch, even if just for a few months.