Welcome to Truth Watch Radio where we deliver absolute truth! Moral relativism is attempting to make absolute truth an optional commodity when in fact it can no more be ignored than gravity.
Be Careful How You Vote
23/01/2016 Duration: 16minThe Iowa Caucus is just 10 days away and Dave reminds his listeners that voting for a cult of personality is not what our founders had in mind.
Purging Our Patriots
16/01/2016 Duration: 15minAre you aware how many high-ranking military officers have been fired by Barack Obama? Dave talks about the latest egregious act of retribution and tyrannical abuse from the current commander-in-chief.
Imposing Islam
02/01/2016 Duration: 16minWe need to start out 2016 laying down some foundational truths. The first one we look at on Truth Watch Radio is the myth of Islam being just like any other religion. Dave breaks it down for his listeners.
Can I Change My Mind?
12/10/2015 Duration: 16minTis the season for changing our minds, the minds of politicians. Flip-flopping is back in full force, displayed none better than by Hillary Clinton. Why do politicians believe voters will fall for their campaign tricks?
Happiness Is A Warm Gun
03/10/2015 Duration: 15minWith the tragedy at Umpqua Community College (UCC) in Oregon, gun control advocates led by Barack Obama are shamefully politicizing this event, as usual. Truth is gun control would not have saved a single life at UCC. We look at this in the latest episode of Truth Watch Radio.
Steve Deace Speech at 8th Annual Hope Rides Alone Banquet
24/09/2015 Duration: 49minSteve Deace challenged, entertained, and humored the crowd at the 8th Annual Hope Rides Alone Family Reunion Banquet in Fort Walton Beach, FL.
I Hear You Knockin'
08/09/2015 Duration: 17minChristians may think they can hide in their Christian ghetto and be apolitical, but as we've seen in the last few days and months, Christian persecution is coming to a business or public office near you. The next target of the God-haters are the churches. It's time for us to come now and let us reason together. We look at this in the latest episode of Truth Watch Radio.
A Moralist in Disguise
08/08/2015 Duration: 16minThe Republican Party had its first presidential primary debate last Thursday on FOXNews. The performance of the candidates varied, but the performance of the FOXNews moderators gave evidence that they are not fair and balanced. We look at this in the latest episode of Truth Watch Radio.
The Lion Sleeps Tonight
01/08/2015 Duration: 16minWhile the unnecessary and unfortunate killing for profit of Cecil the Lion has received an overabundance of media coverage and outrage, the demonic and despicable wanton killing of babies and the selling of their body parts has received a paltry, if any, coverage from the press. This is just another sign of the depravity of American society. We look at this in the latest episode of Truth Watch Radio.
Fetal Tissue Factory
16/07/2015 Duration: 16minNo doubt you’ve at least heard about, if not seen, the horrific video of a Planned Parenthood executive discussing the selling of aborted baby body parts while eating her salad and drinking her red wine. The level of depravity and evil for a person to become such would be mindboggling if the Bible had not described such behavior. We look at this atrocity in the latest episode of Truth Watch Radio.
Sounding The Trump
03/07/2015 Duration: 15minThe Donald, as in Trump, is once again in the news, this time for insulting Hispanics. However, there is a much deeper issue at hand here other than Donald Trump insulting a race of people. We dive into the deep waters of political correctness in this episode.
Clowns and Jokers Judging
26/06/2015 Duration: 16minFor all intents and purposes, the Supreme Court has ruled that God is wrong and they are right. Somewhere in our history WE the People fell for the lie of judicial supremacy. If the Supreme Court's ruling on homosexual marriage does not wake up the church, then nothing will and our republic is lost. This episode examines the ramifications of this ruling.
20/06/2015 Duration: 16minActor C. Thomas Howell in the 1986 comedy movie Soul Man uses blackface to win a scholarship to pay for his entrance into Harvard Law School. It was a semi-funny portrayal on effects of equal opportunity and identity politics. We have a real-life case of a blackfaced white person masquerading as an African-American who made her way to an adjunct professorship in Africana studies at Eastern Washington University and the local NAACP chapter president in Spokane. We peel back the onion on the dangers of identity politics in this episode of Truth Watch Radio.
Bruce Is Not Caitlyn
13/06/2015 Duration: 16minSo Bruce Jenner now thinks he is a woman and our depraved society is celebrating Jenner's courage and heroism. Jenner is neither courageous or a hero and we tell you why in this segment of Truth Watch Radio.
Walking On A Thin Line
18/04/2015 Duration: 16minThe United States Military is being stripped of all morality and its generals bowing at the feet of Barack Obama. God-haters like Mikey Weinstein will do everything they can to remove all aspects of Christianity. It's a disgrace and destructive and we uncover this on this episode of Truth Watch Radio.
When Black Friday Comes
10/03/2015 Duration: 18minThe United States Treasury is reaching its debt limit on Monday, March 9th.Of course the doomsayers will tell us we must raise the debt limit again because we cannot face the fear of closing down government.It's a pack of lies and we unpack those lies on this episode of Truth Watch Radio.
Barry, Bibi, and the Bomb
03/03/2015 Duration: 18minWith today's speech to Congress from Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, Americans were reminded of what true diplomacy, leadership, and statesmanship looks like. This is why Barack Obama and his liberal minions in the Democrat Party and media were so opposed to Bibi speaking in Congress. Once again America has been shown the Emperor Barack has no clothes. That's the topic of this episode of Truth Watch Radio.
Barry’s Losing His Religion
25/02/2015 Duration: 17minThere’s been quite a hubbub this week over former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani questioning Barack Obama’s patriotism and love for America. Add to this the growing questioning of Obama’s Christian faith, whether it be real or not. That’s the topic of this episode of Truth Watch Radio.
Lyin Brian
14/02/2015 Duration: 20minTruth about Brian Williams’ lying in specific, and lying in general and its effect on our culture, politics, and religion is the topic of this episode of Truth Watch Radio. Listen and subscribe here.