Join hosts Angela Misri and Eden Spodek as they discuss the latest topics in digital culture and technology.
Episode 54: Disparity amongst CEOs, live suicides, malware for Macs, and epic editorial fails
18/01/2017 Duration: 38min -
Episode 52: Ellevate, Canada Post vending machines, HoHoTo, and the internet archive
14/12/2016 Duration: 34min -
Episode 51: Apple hour of code, The Skimm, countering sexual assault with design and MentorWalks
30/11/2016 Duration: 35min -
Episode 49: Gender pay disparity, Jessica Jones, Cupertino and Crowdfunding menstruation
02/11/2016 Duration: 27min -
Episode 48: What a doctor looks like, Face-stealing on Facebook and Globots
19/10/2016 Duration: 31min -
Episode 47: Climbing and sexism, bad advice for women in tech and Bob LeDrew
05/10/2016 Duration: 33min -
Episode 45: Pinksourcing, redesigning Girl's Life, the Scale Collective and Sit with us
21/09/2016 Duration: 42min -
Episode 44: Olympic sized sexism, Code Club Senegal, Lindsay Lohan and Sara Benincasa
24/08/2016 Duration: 31min -
Episode 43: Captain Marvel, TTC Harassment app, Parkdale WiFi and Instagram Stories
10/08/2016 Duration: 31min -
Episode 42: Canva app, #LoveforLeslie, Shannen Doherty and Mr. Theresa May
27/07/2016 Duration: 27min -
Episode 39: The Stanford heroes, the Aussie heroes and #TryBeatingMeLightly
15/06/2016 Duration: 29min -