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DID YOU KNOW?: The world's deepest postbox is in Susami Bay in Japan. It's 10 metres underwater.
21/10/2016 Duration: 149h00s -
Sweden opens first atheist cemetery to cater to growing non-religious population
21/10/2016 Duration: 152h00s -
Beware of your money: The rise of protectionism will not be good for stocks
21/10/2016 Duration: 173h00s -
Hyperpartisan Facebook Pages Are Publishing False And Misleading Information At An Alarming Rate
21/10/2016 Duration: 244h00s -
The psychological conceit that explains how Trump can deny facts over and over with a straight face
21/10/2016 Duration: 224h00s -
Positive psychology is rooted in the radical idea that you are not a problem to fix
21/10/2016 Duration: 292h00s -
A possible ninth planet may be the reason for a tilt in our solar system
20/10/2016 Duration: 168h00s -
Tesla Rolls Out Fully Autonomous Cars 'Twice as Safe' as Average Driver
20/10/2016 Duration: 112h00s -
China worked its way into the US presidential debate, even on the topic of abortion
20/10/2016 Duration: 196h00s -
UK government proposes issuing Britons with unique porn-viewing ID numbers
20/10/2016 Duration: 113h00s -
Takeaways from the final presidential debate, on The Daily David Chalian
20/10/2016 Duration: 451h00s -