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Solar storm is underway, with widespread Auroras possible Thursday and Friday
14/10/2016 Duration: 155h00s -
Donald Trump’s conspiracy theories are making his supporters paranoid—and dangerous
13/10/2016 Duration: 251h00s -
Tech billionaires convinced we live in the Matrix are secretly funding scientists to help break us out of it
13/10/2016 Duration: 143h00s -
The US government has been funding AI for 50 years, and just came up with a plan for its future
13/10/2016 Duration: 182h00s -
China’s military veterans have taken to the streets to protest because they can’t find work
13/10/2016 Duration: 91h00s -
Inside the secret, backroom deals big brands make to vie for control over grocery stores
13/10/2016 Duration: 197h00s -
The Galaxy Note 7 fiasco will cost Samsung at least $2.3 billion in lost profits
13/10/2016 Duration: 134h00s -
The Japanese practice of ‘forest bathing’ is scientifically proven to improve your health
13/10/2016 Duration: 290h00s -
Amazon’s cheap new music streaming service is a great deal—if you love other Amazon things
13/10/2016 Duration: 157h00s -
The prison industrial complex is bankrolling efforts to keep pot illegal
13/10/2016 Duration: 197h00s