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Self-driving trucks are here, but they won’t put truck drivers out of work — yet
26/10/2016 Duration: 171h00s -
It was like being in a boys' club': female aid workers on sexual harassment
26/10/2016 Duration: 163h00s -
DID YOU KNOW?: The northern leopard frog swallows its prey using its eyes
26/10/2016 Duration: 130h00s -
After 30 years, the Man Booker Prize is staying relevant by opening up to the rest of the world
26/10/2016 Duration: 149h00s -
The world would be $1.1 trillion richer if it treated its young people more like Germany
26/10/2016 Duration: 180h00s -
Obamacare’s soaring premiums aren’t the disaster Donald Trump needs to win
26/10/2016 Duration: 177h00s -
Not Fit To Print? When Politicians Talk Dirty, Media Scramble To Sanitize
26/10/2016 Duration: 252h00s -
It’s so dangerous being a bridesmaid in China that some brides are hiring professionals instead
26/10/2016 Duration: 283h00s