
  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Covers recent cases, rulings, regulations, and legislation dealing with tax and non-tax issues pertaining to trusts, their beneficiaries, trustees, and protectors.


  • Cost of Bad Practice - IRS Notice Implementing Monetary Penalties Under Circular 230 - Ed Zollars


    This Podcast provides guidance on Circular 230 issues.  The IRS on April 23 released guidance on the application of monetary penalties to practitioners, their employers, firms and related entities for violations of Circular 230 as authorized by the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 This guidance gives some insight into the IRS's views on how they will make use of this new enforcement tool, as well as some indication of what the IRS might view as an appropriate quality control system for a tax practice.  If, as expected, SSTS No. 9 goes from an exposure draft to a final standard for CPAs, this document may be one to consider when a CPA firm sets out its tax quality control standards. And given the existence of the 'aspirational' standard for best practices in Circular 230 Section 10.33, the importance of SSTS No. 9 may not be limited to CPAs. The materials for this podcast can be found at's an excellent book on this topic by Jonathan Bl

  • Insurable Interest - Part 2 - Steve Leimberg and Randy Zipse


    This Podcast is Part II in a discussion on Insurable Interest between Steve Leimberg and Randy Zipse of the John Hancock. This Podcast is sponsored by Leimberg Information Services, Inc. at Please visit our software, books, and PowerPoint Presentations site at

  • Insurable Interest - Part 1 - Steve Leimberg and Randy Zipse


    This Podcast is the first in a 3 part series on Insurable Interest.  In this Podcast, Steve Leimberg and Randy Zipse of the John Hancock discuss the underlying philosophy and legal background.  In the following Podcasts, Steve and Randy will cover more specific situations such as the insurable interest between spouses, unmarried couples, parents and children, partners and their partnerships, and employers and employees. This Podcast is sponsored by Leimberg Information Services, Inc. at Please visit our software, books, and PowerPoint Presentations site at

  • The Future Vision of Estate Planning - Part II- Dick Nenno


    This is PART II of our two part PodCast, THE FUTURE VISION OF ESTATE PLANNING, a special presentation of Leimberg Information Services, Inc. (LISI) and is courtesy of the Wilmington Trust Company of Wilmington, Delaware.    Wilmington Trust Company has been hosting panel discussion seminars entitled, "The Future Vision of Estate Planning" in major U.S. cities throughout 2006.  WTC was kind enough to allow LISI to tape and share with LISI members its Wednesday, November 8th, 2006 program which was presented in Philadelphia.     The panel was moderated by Wilmington Trust's Managing Director and Trust Counsel for Wilmington Trust's Wealth Advisory Services (and frequent LISI commentator) Richard (Dick) Nenno and included other three renowned attorneys as panel participants, Francis (Frank) J. Mirabello, Esquire - partner and manager of the Personal Law Practice of Morgan Lewis, Pam H. Schneider, Esquire - founding partner of the law firm of Gadsden Schneider &

  • The Future Vision of Estate Planning - Part I - Dick Nenno


    This is PART I of a two part PodCast, THE FUTURE VISION OF ESTATE PLANNING, a special presentation of Leimberg Information Services, Inc. (LISI) and is courtesy of the Wilmington Trust Company of Wilmington, Delaware.    Wilmington Trust Company has been hosting panel discussion seminars entitled, "The Future Vision of Estate Planning" in major U.S. cities throughout 2006.  WTC was kind enough to allow LISI to tape and share with LISI members its Wednesday, November 8th, 2006 program which was presented in Philadelphia.     The panel was moderated by Wilmington Trust's Managing Director and Trust Counsel for Wilmington Trust's Wealth Advisory Services (and frequent LISI commentator) Richard (Dick) Nenno and included other three renowned attorneys as panel participants, Francis (Frank) J. Mirabello, Esquire - partner and manager of the Personal Law Practice of Morgan Lewis, Pam H. Schneider, Esquire - founding partner of the law firm of Gadsden Schneider &

  • A Ringing in Your Ears-Telephone Tax Refunds and Businesses - Ed Zollars


    This PodCast is about the simplified method that businesses can elect to use to compute the amount of their refund for the federal long distance excise tax that the IRS finally agreed the law did not allow them to collect.  The simplified method is elective, and uses April and September 2006 phone invoices to compute a percentage that is applied to all telephone expense throughout the relevant period.Materials, including the IRS notice and questions and answers, can be downloaded at . This Podcast is sponsored by Leimberg Information Services, Inc. at Please visit our software, books, and PowerPoint Presentations site at

  • Sorry, But No Dice-Reliance Upon a Tax Professional Co-Administrator - Ed Zollars


    This podcast deals with the case of Estate of Landers, TC Memo 2006-230, where an estate's co-administrator attempted to seek a finding that there was reasonable cause for late filing based upon his reliance upon his (now deceased) co-administrator, who was a tax professional, and who suffered a broken hip two months before the extended due date of the estate tax return.The case offers a look at what does and doesn't constitute reasonable cause for late filing, as well as the issue of whether a nonprofessional can be excused for not being aware of the due date of a return if he claims he relied upon a professional to inform him of the due date.The materials are located at . This Podcast is sponsored by Leimberg Information Services, Inc. at Please visit our software, books, and PowerPoint Presentations site at

  • Plain Speaking: General Powers of Appointment, the GST and Grandfathered TRA86 Trusts - Ed Zollars


    This Podcast is about the GST.  The Tax Court reasserted its previously stated position on the treatment of the GST grandfathering provision for trusts in existence on September 25, 1985 when a party holds a general power of appointment under that trust.  It held that the IRS final regulations that treat such a power as removing the trust transfers from the protection of the grandfathering provisions are valid, despite cases decided by the Eighth and Ninth Circuit where it was held the plain language of the grandfathering provisions meant that such powers were to be ignored for this purpose. The Tax Court and the Second Circuit had previously held such a position to be a valid interpretation of the law.  Now it appears the Sixth Circuit, which has not yet been heard on this matter, will gets its say in the Gerson Estate case (127 TC No. 11). The materials can be downloaded from .  This Podcast is sponsored by Leimberg Information Services,

  • A Defining Issue-Who Is an Employee? Ed Zollars


    This PodCast is about the definition of the term, "employee".  The issue of whether a service provider is properly treated as a contractor or employee is an important issue for many small businesses.  In the case of Orion Contracting Trust v. Commissioner, TC Memo 2006-211, the Tax Court looked at this issue.  As well, the Court also took a look at the issue of what actions would indicate the proper "bad faith" to allow the imposition of a fraud penalty.The materials for the podcast can be downloaded from .. This Podcast is sponsored by Leimberg Information Services, Inc. at Please visit our software, books, and PowerPoint Presentations site at

  • "Kill the Death Tax Forever" - But First,, a Few Questions! Steve Leimberg


    This PodCast is a Response to Dr. Bill Frist's Request to his Colleagues to "KILL THE DEATH TAX FOREVER".  Frist stated that, "Because of Katrina, we could not act on repealing the death tax last fall".  But he then added, "NOW IS THE TIME!  HERE IS OUR MOMENT!"The first week in May, the estate tax repeal adventure will continue.  In this OPEN LETTER, we ask Dr. Frisk what's changed that made the first week in May so different than the week after Katrina.We'd like to live in a world with no estate tax - but the world we live in  -  right now  -  as we discuss in the PodCast - has many more pressing needs!  It's a question of priorities. This Podcast is sponsored by Leimberg Information Services, Inc. at Please visit our software, books, and PowerPoint Presentations site at

  • Efficient Tax Research - Ed Zollars


    This Podcast considers issues and methods of tax research. Ed Zollars deals with research issues that arise in a tax practice. The materials are found at this link. This Podcast is sponsored by Leimberg Information Services, Inc. at Please visit our software, books, and PowerPoint Presentations site at

  • Circular 230 Update


    This podcast is based on a September 20, 2005 talk by Ed Zollars for the Arizona Society of CPAs on the changes to Circular 230 that became effective over the summer. To download a manual, click here. Please post your commments on the blogsite  at Sponsored by Leimberg Information Services, Inc.(LISI) at Please visit our software, books, and PowerPoint Presentations site at This Podcast is sponsored by Leimberg Information Services, Inc. at Please visit our software, books, and PowerPoint Presentations site at

  • The $100,000 problem--Reportable and Listed Transactions


    This Podcast deals with reportable transactions and the penalty for failure to disclose.Download materials that consist of the Powerpoint for this presentation. This Podcast is sponsored by Leimberg Information Services, Inc. at Please visit our software, books, and PowerPoint Presentations site at

  • State Residency Issues on Fiduciary Returns


    This podcast deals with how three states determine if a trust or estate is a resident or nonresident entity, as well as containing a discussion of how to approach state filing issues in general with trusts and estates. The states we look at will be Arizona, California and Michigan. The materials you can refer to are located here: State Resident Fiduciary Returns" There are links to the California forms and instructions on Ed Zollar's personal website at  This Podcast is sponsored by Leimberg Information Services, Inc. at Please visit our software, books, and PowerPoint Presentations site at

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