The PrincipalPLN is a podcast hosted by Theresa Stager, Jessica Johnson and Spike Cook. We are committed to creating podcasts that are informative, innovative and fun!The concept of the podcast was developed by Theresa Stager, who at the time, was a first-year principal seeking ways to learn from others. Theresa reached out to Jessica Johnson, and they invited Spike Cook to join. The crew began podcasting in September of 2013. During the first year they had 35 episodes that are available on Itunes.
02PrincipalCast Social Media And Facebook- @PrincipalPLN
25/09/2014 Duration: 57min02PrincipalCast Social Media And Facebook- @PrincipalPLN by Dr. Spike Cook, Jessica Johnson, Theresa Stager
03Making The Most Out Of Staff Meetings @PrincipalPLN
25/09/2014 Duration: 55min03Making The Most Out Of Staff Meetings @PrincipalPLN by Dr. Spike Cook, Jessica Johnson, Theresa Stager
05You Know Your A Connected Educator When | @PrincipalPLN
25/09/2014 Duration: 46min05You Know Your A Connected Educator When | @PrincipalPLN by Dr. Spike Cook, Jessica Johnson, Theresa Stager
04Social Media In The School District | @PrincipalPLN
25/09/2014 Duration: 47min04Social Media In The School District | @PrincipalPLN by Dr. Spike Cook, Jessica Johnson, Theresa Stager
Staying Healthy to Outlast the Marathon of the School Year (Episode 42 Video)
22/09/2014 Duration: 27minSeason 2 Episode 6
Staying Healthy to Outlast the Marathon of the School Year (Episode 42 Audio)
22/09/2014 Duration: 27minSeason 2 Episode 6
Safety Principles For Principals (Episode 41 Audio)
06/09/2014 Duration: 29minSpike, Jessica and Theresa discuss the not-so-fun topic of making sure your school is ready for anything.
Safety Principles for Principals (Episode 41 Video)
06/09/2014 Duration: 29minSpike, Jessica and Theresa discuss the not-so-fun topic of making sure your school is ready for anything.
PrincipalPLN Episode 40 Video - Twas the Night Before the First Day of School
01/09/2014 Duration: 25minSpike, Jess and Theresa discuss what to expect for your first week of school (and beyond!)
PrincipalPLN Episode 40 Audio - Twas the Night Before the First Day of School
01/09/2014 Duration: 25minSpike, Jess and Theresa discuss what to expect for your first week of school (and beyond!)
PrincipalPLN Episode 39 Video
23/08/2014 Duration: 44minPrincipalPLN Episode 39 Video by Dr. Spike Cook, Jessica Johnson, Theresa Stager
PrincipalPLN Episode 38 Video
23/08/2014 Duration: 33minPrincipalPLN Episode 38 Video by Dr. Spike Cook, Jessica Johnson, Theresa Stager
PrincipalPLN Episode 39 Audio
22/08/2014 Duration: 44minPrincipalPLN Episode 39 Audio by Dr. Spike Cook, Jessica Johnson, Theresa Stager
PrincipalPLN Episode 38 Audio
22/08/2014 Duration: 33minPrincipalPLN Episode 38 Audio by Dr. Spike Cook, Jessica Johnson, Theresa Stager
PrincipalPLN Episode 37
15/08/2014 Duration: 21minPrincipalPLN Episode 37 by Dr. Spike Cook, Jessica Johnson, Theresa Stager