Six-time national champion bodybuilder, one-on-one peak performance coaching specialist, supplement company owner, and speaker, Skip La Cour, offers advice on training, nutrition, and motivation that will help you take your efforts to the next level and interviews the most interesting people in the bodybuilding and fitness world. (For more information, visit his website at
Skip La Cour's MASS MACHINE Bodybuilding & Training (Sponsored by Mass Machine® Nutrition)
05/02/2012 Duration: 31minSkip La Cour talks about the upcoming week of the Mass Machine Bulking and Cutting Program Challenge. Six-time National Champion bodybuilder, Success/Leadership Coach, book author, and speaker, Skip La Cour, offers advice on training, nutrition, and motivation that will help you take your bodybuilding and training efforts to the next level. (For more information, visit his web sites at and
Skip La Cour's MASS MACHINE Bodybuilding & Training (Sponsored by Mass Machine® Nutrition)
29/01/2012 Duration: 31minSkip La Cour Gets You Ready for Week #3 of the Mass Machine Bulking and Cutting Program Challenge Six-time National Champion bodybuilder, Success/Leadership Coach, book author, and speaker, Skip La Cour, offers advice on training, nutrition, and motivation that will help you take your bodybuilding and training efforts to the next level. (For more information, visit his web sites at and
Skip La Cour's MASS MACHINE Bodybuilding & Training (Sponsored by Mass Machine® Nutrition)
22/01/2012 Duration: 31minSkip La Cour talks about the Mass Machine Bulking and Cutting Program Challenge. No matter what your goals are, you can benefit from this journey. Six-time National Champion bodybuilder, Success/Leadership Coach, book author, and speaker, Skip La Cour, offers advice on training, nutrition, and motivation that will help you take your bodybuilding and training efforts to the next level. (For more information, visit his web sites at and
Skip La Cour's MASS MACHINE Bodybuilding & Training (Sponsored by Mass Machine® Nutrition)
15/01/2012 Duration: 30minSkip La Cour Talks About the Mass Machine Bulking and Cutting Program Challenge The Mass Machine Bulking and Cutting Program Challenge begins on Monday, January 16th and runs for six months until June 30th. Sign up TODAY! To learn more about this awesome transformation contest and free online coaching program, click here. Six-time National Champion bodybuilder,Mass Machine Nutrition supplement company owner, Success/Leadership Coach, and speaker, Skip La Cour, offers advice on training, nutrition, and motivation that will help you take your bodybuilding and training efforts to the next level. (For more information, visit his web sites at and
Skip La Cour's MASS MACHINE Bodybuilding & Training (Sponsored by Mass Machine® Nutrition)
08/01/2012 Duration: 18minHow to Avoid "Information Overload" and Start Making Progress Towards Your Training Goals - Part One Collecting more and more training information without knowing how to properly implement what you’ve learned can lead to what six-time national champion bodybuilder, success coach, and speaker Skip La Cour calls “Information Overload.” In this podcast, Skip La Cour gives you real life examples of “Information Overload” and suggests the reasons why you might be clinging onto this disempowering approach that hampers your bodybuilding and training progress. (For more information, visit his web sites at and
Skip La Cour's MASS MACHINE Bodybuilding & Training (Sponsored by Mass Machine® Nutrition)
01/01/2012 Duration: 19minSurviving the Times When You Are NOT Motivated to Work Out It’s easy to get into the gym and have productive workouts when things are going well. But just how do you get yourself to keep going to the gym when you aren’t motivated? That’s a real challenge. Six-time national champion bodybuilder, Mass Machine Nutrition owner, success coach, and speaker Skip La Cour helps you get the most out of your bodybuilding and training efforts by outlining seven steps that will help you overcome those inevitable times when you are not motivated to work out. (For more information, visit his web sites at and
Skip La Cour's MASS MACHINE Bodybuilding & Training (Sponsored by Mass Machine® Nutrition)
04/12/2011 Duration: 30minThe Benefits and Drawbacks of Going On Bodybuildling "Bulking" and "Cutting" Programs Six-time National Champion bodybuilder, Success/Leadership Coach, book author, and speaker, Skip La Cour, offers advice on training, nutrition, and motivation that will help you take your bodybuilding and training efforts to the next level. (For more information, visit his web sites at and
Skip La Cour's MASS MACHINE Bodybuilding & Training (Sponsored by Mass Machine® Nutrition)
13/11/2011 Duration: 21minLose Your Need for “Absolute” Bodybuilding Strategies and Start Making Real Gains An “absolute” is described as something that is free of imperfection. Too many people try to make everything they do when it comes to their bodybuilding and training efforts absolutes. Without making every training or eating strategy a “black or white” absolute, they can’t move forward with any certainty. During this motivational podcast, Skip La Cour explains why your search for perfection is not only unnecessary, it’s impossible. He explains why waiting to action or believing that you’ve truly found that absolute strategy can be harmful to your mindset and the attainment of your goals. Six-time National Champion bodybuilder, Success/Leadership Coach, book author, and speaker, Skip La Cour, offers advice on training, nutrition, and motivation that will help you take your bodybuilding and training efforts to the next level. (For more information, visit his web sites at and
Skip La Cour's MASS MACHINE Bodybuilding & Training (Sponsored by Mass Machine® Nutrition)
06/11/2011 Duration: 16minHow to Create an Empowering Mental Approach to Cardiovascular Training Your MIND is your most powerful training tool. That’s not only true for your weight training sessions, it’s also true for your cardiovascular training sessions. You must first develop the proper appreciation for cardiovascular training (a mental quality) before you can get the most out of your sessions; become effective and efficient; and actually follow through with the cardiovascular training sessions that you already know you should do. During this motivational podcast, Skip La Cour will help you transform your cardiovascular training sessions from boring and ineffective “chores” into more exciting, time efficient, and productive “challenges”. In addition, he’ll discuss how you can get the best use of the time you invest when doing your cardiovascular training. The internet’s leading bodybuilding and training coach will also help you improve your ability to enthusiastically follow through on a more consistent basis. Six-time Nationa
Skip La Cour's MASS MACHINE Bodybuilding & Training (Sponsored by Mass Machine® Nutrition)
30/10/2011 Duration: 24minThe Reasons Why Your Body and Mind Need Scheduled Rest and Recuperation From Training During this motivational podcast, Skip La Cour tells you why you must take time out of the gym if you want to develop the very best physique possible. The internet’s leading bodybuilding and training coach also explains why you might not be doing yourself any favors by “gutting it out” and working out for longer periods of time with planned breaks. La Cour explains the physical and mental benefits of taking scheduled time off that was planned in advance—and the consequences you’ll suffer when you do not. Six-time National Champion bodybuilder, Success/Leadership Coach, book author, and speaker, Skip La Cour, offers advice on training, nutrition, and motivation that will help you take your bodybuilding and training efforts to the next level. (For more information, visit his web sites at and
Skip La Cour's MASS MACHINE Bodybuilding & Training (Sponsored by Mass Machine® Nutrition)
23/10/2011 Duration: 17minWhat You Choose NOT To Do Plays An Important Role In Your Bodybuilding and Training Success Have you ever used a training routine or diet plan that produced average or less-than-average results? But later, when you were in a better state of mind and managed your lifestyle more efficiently, that very same routine or diet magically starting working? During this motivational podcast, six-time national bodybuilding champion Skip La Cour explains why prioritizing and conserving your mental and physical energy for a period of time might be just what you need to do in order to achieve more. Six-time National Champion bodybuilder, Success/Leadership Coach, book author, and speaker, Skip La Cour, offers advice on training, nutrition, and motivation that will help you take your bodybuilding and training efforts to the next level. (For more information, visit his web sites at and
Skip La Cour's MASS MACHINE Bodybuilding & Training (Sponsored by Mass Machine® Nutrition)
16/10/2011 Duration: 13minWhy the RIGHT Answers to the WRONG Questions You Are Asking Will NOT Help Solve Your Bodybuilding and Training Challenges During this motivational podcast, Skip La Cour explains why many ambitious—but less experienced—lifters simply ask the wrong questions when looking for answers to solve their challenges. When you get the “right” answer—but asked the wrong question—your time and effort will be wasted. Success leaves clues. La Cour outlines a more effective approach to getting to the next level that has you make fewer inaccurate assumptions that are based on your lack of experience. Six-time National Champion bodybuilder, Success/Leadership Coach, book author, and speaker, Skip La Cour, offers advice on training, nutrition, and motivation that will help you take your bodybuilding and training efforts to the next level. (For more information, visit his web sites at and
Skip La Cour's MASS MACHINE Bodybuilding & Training (Sponsored by Mass Machine® Nutrition)
09/10/2011 Duration: 14minWhy Total Immersion for a Period of Time Will Help You Master Your Bodybuilding and Training Efforts During this podcast, Skip La Cour helps you realize that you’ve never reached the level of bodybuilding and training mastery you’re striving for. You don’t know exactly how a person at the level you really want to be trains, eat, thinks, walks, talks, and takes action yet. La Cour explains how totally immersing yourself in the process for a predetermined period of time will earn you the productive insight and experience that you’ll have for the rest of your life. Six-time National Champion bodybuilder, Success/Leadership Coach, book author, and speaker, Skip La Cour, offers advice on training, nutrition, and motivation that will help you take your bodybuilding and training efforts to the next level. (For more information, visit his web sites at and
Skip La Cour's MASS MACHINE Bodybuilding & Training (Sponsored by Mass Machine® Nutrition)
02/10/2011 Duration: 15minHow to Choose and Use a Mentor to Get You to the Next Level During this motivational podcast, Skip La Cour helps you get from where you are right now to where you ultimately want to go with your bodybuilding and training efforts. La Cour identifies the mistakes that many bodybuilders, fitness enthusiasts, and anyone striving to improve the quality of their bodies make with their weight training, cardiovascular training, and eating regimen, and lifestyle organizational habits. More importantly, the six-time national champion bodybuilder helps you use your mind more effectively to overcome the challenges that are currently standing in your way. Six-time National Champion bodybuilder, Success/Leadership Coach, book author, and speaker, Skip La Cour, offers advice on training, nutrition, and motivation that will help you take your bodybuilding and training efforts to the next level. (For more information, visit his web sites at and
Skip La Cour's MASS MACHINE Bodybuilding & Training (Sponsored by Mass Machine® Nutrition)
25/09/2011 Duration: 14minThe Benefits and Drawbacks To Having a Training Partner and Determining What's Best For You There are many potential benefits and challenges that come along with having a training partner. A training partners can be a tremendous advantage to your efforts—or a debilitating distraction. How do you know when a training partner is the best option in your particular situation? During this motivational podcast, your coach Skip La Cour discusses the advantages and disadvantages of having a training partner and helps you make the right decision. Six-time National Champion bodybuilder, Success/Leadership Coach, book author, and speaker, Skip La Cour, offers advice on training, nutrition, and motivation that will help you take your bodybuilding and training efforts to the next level. (For more information, visit his web sites at and
Skip La Cour's MASS MACHINE Bodybuilding & Training (Sponsored by Mass Machine® Nutrition)
18/09/2011 Duration: 11minWhy The Strategies You Believe Will Work Have The Best Chance To Actually Work During this motivational podcast, Skip La Cour explains why even the most effective and efficient training and eating strategies will not work if you don’t believe they will. The internet’s leading bodybuilding coach explains why, without certainty and confidence in the route you take, you are not going to follow through with all of your physical, mental, emotional, and psychological power. Consequently, you aren’t going to get the results you really want. By the end of this podcast, you’ll learn exactly what you’ll need to do to get that crucial sense of certainty and confidence. Six-time National Champion bodybuilder, Success/Leadership Coach, book author, and speaker, Skip La Cour, offers advice on training, nutrition, and motivation that will help you take your bodybuilding and training efforts to the next level. (For more information, visit his web sites at and
Skip La Cour's MASS MACHINE Bodybuilding & Training (Sponsored by Mass Machine® Nutrition)
11/09/2011 Duration: 11minHow the to Use the Same Old Information to Launch Your Into a New Level of Bodybuilding and Training Growth During this motivational podcast, Skip La Cour tells you why your mindset is much more important to your success than any “brand-new and revolutionary” information you might be searching for during your quest for bodybuilding and training mastery. The six-time national champion drug-free bodybuilder will help you understand that your next round of improvements will come from a deeper understanding of how to effectively implement what you already know. And, your success afterward will be built upon that deeper of understanding. Six-time National Champion bodybuilder, Success/Leadership Coach, book author, and speaker, Skip La Cour, offers advice on training, nutrition, and motivation that will help you take your bodybuilding and training efforts to the next level. (For more information, visit his web sites at and