I care about you and your relationship with God! I preach a simple message! The Wages of Sin is Death BUT the Gift of God is Eternal Life. We are chosen by God. He proved that when he gave his son for us. Sin is not worth losing your soul. Simple Godly principles and discipline coupled with Faith and Love will carry us through. There is a lot of Compromising that is taking place in the church today but we have to careful not to stray away from the will of God!I Pastor Jennice Jackson would love to share the ministry that God gave me with you. This ministry is heard around the world. We desire to reach hurting souls. Those that are bound by drug addiction, sexual addiction, affected by homelessness and hunger. Those that have been victimize and transform them through the word of God into Over Comers and Witnesses to Win Souls! We aim to share the unadulterated Word. Compelling Men and Women to Come to Christ. The Lord says come let us reason together. Though your sins be as scarlet he will make them white as snow though they be as crimson he will make them white as wool. We are a healing and deliverance ministry gifted in evangelism. Join us today and be apart of a Mighty Move of God!
My Gospel Soul
05/05/2009 Duration: 01h00sBringing Issues to Your Ears on Blogtalk Radio. Announcing Up coming shows.
My Gospel Soul
04/05/2009 Duration: 30minLet Those people Go! How and who do you let go? When do you Let Go?
Jennice Jackson Interviews Prodigal Son
02/05/2009 Duration: 01h00sSpecial interview with Super Star Gospel Rapper Demetric Walker "The Prodigal Son" The Gospel Lyricist.
My Gospel Soul
01/05/2009 Duration: 01h00sBringing Issues to Your Ears on Blogtalk Radio. Announcing Up coming shows.
Jennice Jackson interviews Shalamar
30/04/2009 Duration: 01h00sJennice Jackson will be interviewing "Shalamar" Gospel Talent Search Winner Tune In you don't want to Miss it!
Jennice Jackson interviews Debra Wilson
28/04/2009 Duration: 01h00sJennice Jackson will be interviewing Recording Artist Debra Wilson on My Gospel Soul.
My Gospel Soul
27/04/2009 Duration: 01h00sBringing Issues to Your Ears on Blogtalk Radio. Announcing Up coming shows.
Ask The Doc!
24/04/2009 Duration: 01h00sBringing Issues to Your Ears on Blogtalk Radio. The Good Doc will be talking about HIV/AIDS. If you have any questions of your own please call in.
Is your service to God Or to your self!
23/04/2009 Duration: 01h00sAre you doing so much til you have forgot about God!
Family That Prays together will stay together!
22/04/2009 Duration: 01h00sDoes you house hold lack prayer. Is your husband or wife not going to church and it is causing a problem in the home. Does it seem like the more you serve God the worst your spouse gets. Have you seen an improvement since your recent dedication to a Godly life. Then this is you show. Tune in!
My Gospel Soul
21/04/2009 Duration: 01h00sBringing Issues to Your Ears on Blogtalk Radio. Announcing Up coming shows.
Young Women, Where is Yourself Respect!
20/04/2009 Duration: 01h00sWhy are allowing yourself to be treated in this manner. Does your mate talk to you any kinda way? Does your girlfriend talk down to you. This is the show for you.
My Gospel Soul
17/04/2009 Duration: 01h00sBringing Issues to Your Ears on Blogtalk Radio. Announcing Up coming shows.
16/04/2009 Duration: 01h00sOne of the biggest problems alot of people have is putting things off for tomorrow. Do you say I'll do it later. I got time.
Own Up to the truth!
15/04/2009 Duration: 01h00sIs some one accusing you of something and you keep denying it. Own up to the Truth! Did you get rid of something that you keep denying you did? Own up to the truth! This is a show about telling the truth.
Family That Prays together will stay together!
13/04/2009 Duration: 01h00sDoes you house hold lack prayer. Is your husband or wife not going to church and it is causing a problem in the home. Does it seem like the more you serve God the worst your spouse gets. Have you seen an improvement since your recent dedication to a Godly life. Then this is you show. Tune in!
Miracle Working God!
09/04/2009 Duration: 01h00sAre you a miracle! Does your testiimony speak for itself. Tell someone what God has done in your life and help someone in their walk of faith. Someone needs to hear from you.
Cheating in The Next Room
08/04/2009 Duration: 01h00sIs your spouse constanlly coming home late. Are they in internet chat rooms making a lot of female friends. Do they leave the room when they answer their phone. Do you really want to know what's going on. Do you want to know iiif there is cheating in the next room. Do you feel like because you are saved you are obligated to stay in an abusive marriage?