Gospel Tunes is a collection of podcasts from Gospel Students at Griffith University. We proclaim Jesus Christ to University Students, to present everyone mature in Him. We do this as part of the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students (AFES).
Conflict between Christians
20/04/2016 Duration: 32minIn this talk we deal with conflict between Christians, as we study the text of 1 Corinthians 6:1-11. Griffith University, Nathan Campus, N53 0.58. Wednesday 20 April 2016. Gospel Students (with AFES) hosts Bible Talks each week at Griffith University.
Sex & Christian Morality
13/04/2016 Duration: 35minIn this talk we study the topic of sex & Christian morality, as we study the text of 1 Corinthians. Griffith University, Nathan Campus, N53 0.58. Wednesday 13 April 2016. Gospel Students (with AFES) hosts Bible Talks each week at Griffith University.
What's the point of life?
17/08/2014 Duration: 34minWhat's the point of life? We've been made to know God, but our sin has thrust us from God's presence, leaving our existence unfulfilled. But Jesus Christ has come, paying the re-entry price, that we may know God again!
Status update: in the image of God
17/08/2014 Duration: 33minGod has a dream for humanity, which is back on track because of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Forgiven and recreated in Jesus, we again look forward to suiting up as God, living a life of love.
Caught up in the spiritual battle
08/11/2013 Duration: 26minOf all the lives that you might live, the Christian life is the most difficult. We are caught up in a clash of spiritual titans. We are to keep alert. We can also have courage and take heart. God has our back.
Spirit-filled Slavery and Mastery
08/11/2013 Duration: 30minSlaves and masters are to live Spirit-filled lives, as slaves submit to their masters, and as masters serve their slaves.
Eleven Reasons for a Ministry Apprenticeship
07/10/2013 Duration: 40min1 Timothy 3:1-7 (Part of the SPUR series).
Israel's Spies Exploring Canaan
07/10/2013 Duration: 42minNumbers 13:1-33 (Part of the SPUR series).
The Triumph of the Crucified Christ (Revelation 5:1-14)
25/08/2013 Duration: 47minPart of the The Cross of Christ series, preached at a Mid Year Camp service
Cross-Shaped Living (Philippians 1:27-2:11, Luke 9:18-27)
25/08/2013 Duration: 56minPart of the The Cross of Christ series, preached at a Mid Year Camp service
The Reign of Grace (Titus 2:11-3:11)
25/08/2013 Duration: 01h14minPart of the The Cross of Christ series, preached at a Mid Year Camp service
The Kindness of God (Romans 1:18-2:16, Romans 3:11-26)
25/08/2013 Duration: 56minPart of the The Cross of Christ series, preached at a Mid Year Camp service
The Grand Old Story (Luke 24:1-53)
25/08/2013 Duration: 51minPart of the The Cross of Christ series, preached at a Mid Year Camp service
Jesus: arrested, deserted & alone
03/05/2013 Duration: 26minWhat does it mean to confess? Luke provides us with a tale of two confessions, and teaches us how to confess.
Battle Ready: One More Drink!
03/05/2013 Duration: 30minIts leadership transition week, as Jesus passes on the baton to the apostles. Jesus teaches us about leadership - great leadership is about suffering for everyone else's sake.
Luke 22:1-23 His last supper: betrayal!
26/04/2013 Duration: 25minThe gospel! Jesus death shields us from the personal anger of God!