Natasha and Roshawn read the Harry Potter series one chapter at a time. Natasha knows everything, Roshawn knows nothing!
Harry Potter and The Chamber Of Secrets, Chapters 11&12
21/05/2015 Duration: 01h03minSsssssspeak Sssssssnake, Harry!
Harry Potter and The Chamber Of Secrets, Chapters 9&10
13/05/2015 Duration: 01h31minRoshawn says "Holy shit" to these revelations.
Harry Potter and The Chamber Of Secrets, Episode 3- Chapters 5,6,7&8
06/05/2015 Duration: 01h07minOkay, let's try this again.
Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets, Chapters 3&4
22/04/2015 Duration: 01h08minMOLLY FOR PRESIDENT
Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone, Episode 9- Chapters 15&16
24/03/2015 Duration: 58minMe and my big mouth.
Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone, Episode 8- Chapters 13&14
18/03/2015 Duration: 44minHarry's got 99 problems but Quidditch ain't one.
Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone, Episode 7- Chapters 11&12
12/03/2015 Duration: 52minI show not your face, but your ears' desire...
Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone, Episode 6: Chapters 9&10- The Midnight Duel & Halloween
01/03/2015 Duration: 01h05minit's a trap!
Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone, Episode 5- Chapters 7&8
21/02/2015 Duration: 49minGOT YER CONK!
Episode 4- Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone, Chapters 5&6
12/02/2015 Duration: 01h27minGo grab a flask of pumpkin juice and get ready to enjoy some banter.
Episode 3- Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone, Chapters 3&4
31/01/2015 Duration: 27min"Yer a hairy wizard! I mean..."
Episode 2: Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone, Chapter 2- The Vanishing Glass
22/01/2015 Duration: 24minThankssss, amigos...
Episode 1: Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone, Chapter 1- The Boy Who Lived
16/01/2015 Duration: 39minI am so excited about this show. Hurrah!