Focus The Fire

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 63:19:06
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PODCAST teaching young professionals how to transform from average employee to amazing leader!


  • 045 - Don’t get a job, join an ecosystem

    27/11/2017 Duration: 11min

    In this episode we look at things you need to consider before joining your next team or hunting for a new opportunity. It’s deeper than time and money.  To get the return you deserve, you’ll need to join an ecosystem that allows you to thrive.       Home:  Twitter: @dalanv Twitter: @focusthefire Facebook | Instagram: @focusthefire (show) or @dalanv (host)

  • 044 - Don't work, write stories

    20/11/2017 Duration: 16min

    The Focus the Fire podcast dedicated to helping people like you design and create more meaningful careers. 40+ hours each week is way too much time to burn being miserable or unintentional.    On this episode we look at a powerful way to reframe your professional life and move from being an employee, to a super hero in your own movie series. Who doesn’t love a good story right?   Let’s get started with some of your own epic tales.     Here are 10 Questions to guide your story:   What are the abilities you want to showcase in this narrative? “Tell us about a time when you had to…”  Besides you, who are the other main characters needed to make this a great story? What is the major problem or conflict that you will solve? Can you describe it vividly in numbers, costs, or how long (time) the problem has been around? Why do you feel a strong desire to address this issue? Are there particular skills you have now or will develop to handle this issue like a boss? In 2-3 brief sentences, what is your plan of action?

  • 043 - Control your money! It's been controlling you.

    06/09/2017 Duration: 19min

    Control your money today with this powerful tool.  Join Dalan and 1000s of other people who enjoy the freedom of knowing exactly what their money is doing (and not doing!).     What’s the point of all of this really? Chasing jobs, promotions, connecting with influential people, generating income.   The truth is that you will probably never feel like you have enough money.  It’s like sugar and other drugs - addictive.  You set financial goals. Maybe its buying a house, taking a fancy vacation, seeing your bank account hit a certain number, paying off debt, saving money.  No matter how high the goal, reaching it will only build your confidence and increase your appetite. So if we begin with money as the end goal, there will be no end, just a life filled with cycles of dissatisfaction.    In this episode I share my no-nonsense approach to budgeting and the main software/app I use for managing personal finances.    Money is a means, don’t let it be your end.     Try YNAB FREE for 1 month:  

  • 042 - It's Graduation Time

    28/08/2017 Duration: 14min

    Learn how to increase the progress toward the life you deserve. Develop a mindset to overcome complacency.   Forget school for a minute. Besides that, when was your last graduation?   Home:  Twitter: @dalanv Twitter: @focusthefire Facebook | Instagram: @focusthefire (show) or @dalanv (host)

  • 041 - What's your highest use?

    10/07/2017 Duration: 13min

    High performers and persons seeking to grow in leadership often have multiple skills in motion. While juggling multiple projects can feel exciting and give the illusion of productivity, it’s important to identify and remove distractions. To achieve massive success we have to find our highest use and exploit that mode. This may mean ending other activities that are positive.   Here are reflections on "The Dip” by Seth Godin. I look forward to hearing yours.     Links: Seth Godin “The Dip” Web: Twitter: @dalanv Twitter: @focusthefire Facebook | Instagram: @focusthefire (show) or @dalanv (host)

  • 040 - Manage your diet

    26/06/2017 Duration: 11min

    Your mind is consuming material constantly. Learn how being intentional about this content can boost your performance quickly.   Put some rocket fuel in your career. Grow faster, make deeper connections and more money.     For more information visit and join the community list to get fire in your inbox   Facebook | Instagram | Twitter: @focusthefire (show) or @dalanv (host)

  • 039 - Do good work, the right person is watching

    01/05/2017 Duration: 10min

    Are you really working for someone else? In this episode we take a brief look at why it’s crucial to maintain your high quality performance.   Have a listen and let us know what you think. Twitter: @dalanv       Put some rocket fuel in your career. Grow faster, make deeper connections and more money.   For more information visit and join the community list to get fire in your inbox.   Facebook | Instagram | Twitter: @focusthefire (show) or @dalanv (host)

  • 038 - The problem with passionate people

    03/04/2017 Duration: 15min

    038 - The problem with passionate people There are so many passionate people walking and talking around. But why do these passions yield little success?  In this episode we start examining part of the underlying problem and get you on the path to living a powerful life.    There is a fire burning inside each person, but we find two common challenges: 1. In one case their passion is burning so low that it can’t generate enough heat to change the state of their lives.   2. Their passion is burning very high, but lacks the focus needed to make progress in a specific direction.    Put some rocket fuel in your career. Grow faster, make deeper connections and more money.   For more information visit and join the community list to get fire in your inbox   Facebook | Instagram | Twitter: @focusthefire (show) or @dalanv (host)

  • 037 - What kind of company am I dating?

    27/02/2017 Duration: 26min

    037 - What kind of company am I dating?   6 types of companies you dated before, or you are giving your love to right now:   Sweat Shop / Burn out program   Incubator   Couch Potato     Old Boys Club   Growing Organization   University     Put some rocket fuel in your career. Grow faster, make deeper connections and more money.   For more information visit and join the community list to get fire in your inbox   Facebook | Instagram | Twitter: @focusthefire (show) or @dalanv (host)

  • 036 - How to scale you

    15/02/2017 Duration: 19min

    Focus The Fire Episode 036 - How to scale you   Systems over transactions Get what's inside your head on paper.  Document the process, especially for things you seem to do intuitively.  Experiment with delegating certain tasks, or just ask someone to follow your instructions.  Where to they ask questions?  What went well or wrong? How can it be more clear? Can it be more efficient?  There's only 1 you, but millions of dollars to make.  Put your time toward its highest use.  Is this task part of my core skills? Is there someone else who can do this better or faster, while I do something more profitable?  Review the process for improvements and adjust quickly Shorten the feedback loop Create, test, review, adjust. Repeat.  Don't let fear lure you into procrastination Tools to assist Microsoft word / Apple Pages Evernote Trello Put some rocket fuel in your career. Grow faster, make deeper connections and more money.   For more information visit and join the community list

  • 035 - Finding your G spot

    07/02/2017 Duration: 16min

    035 - Finding your G spot     You might be good at several things, but there are 1 or 2 areas where your natural ability begins to shine brighter than usual. This doesn’t mean that you’ll automatically be amazing at this skill but you feel a level of comfort that makes you want to linger there and perfect that craft. As you get closer to that place you get excited about explore how deep the experience can go. This is your area of genius, your “G-spot” and magic lives here!   Finding your G-spot What skill or area would you be willing to invested at least 5% of your income to develop and train? If you could invest the time needed to be come an expert in one thing, what would it be? What are the top three things that make you miserable at work? (Talking to people, sitting behind a desk, crunching numbers, et cetera)   Surviving the search Identify a compelling reason for finding your G-spot. What specific needs will this satisfy in your life and the people or causes you care about? Try to turn your current

  • 034 - BIG ACTION, small bs: Get off the bench!

    16/01/2017 Duration: 16min

      Start with why (Simon Sinek) You need a deep rooted conviction, linked to a tangible outcome. Internal outcome - What will this do for you personally? External outcome - What will this do for the people or causes you care about?   What are some of the usual reasons people people don't meet their goals?  Lack of discipline Unrealistic goal Lose focus Underestimated the work involved   Don't be overwhelmed by the big mission. Constantly ask yourself what is the next rationale step? Focus on that.    "Nothing happens until the pain for remaining the same outweighs the pain of change." - Arthur Burt   More on the details on the inside.     Put some rocket fuel in your career, grow faster, make deeper connections and more money.   For more information visit and join the community list to get fire in your inbox.   Facebook | Instagram | Twitter: @focusthefire (show) or @dalanv (host)

  • 033 - Glimpse of Greatness: Get exposed!

    19/12/2016 Duration: 15min

    033 - Glimpse of Greatness: Get exposed!   Remember that feeling when you see someone doing something on a level or scale you wish you could?   “I wish I could sing like that.”  “I can only dream of speaking like that.”  “She seems confident, like she owns this room.   These experiences are CRUCIAL to our development. Take in this episode on the side-effects of being exposed to greatness.      What is an activity or cause that really makes you feel alive? If you could spend your life learning how to do something better, what would it be? Who can you identify that’s already doing it at a high level?   In 2017, find a way to get exposed to them and their work. It can be a book, online course, videos, conference or other method.    More on the details on the inside.     Put some rocket fuel in your career, grow faster, make deeper connections and more money.   For more information visit and join the community list to get fire in your inbox.   Facebook | Instagram | Twitter: @f

  • 032 - Lovers and Friends

    05/12/2016 Duration: 20min

    032 - Lovers and Friends: Choosing the right partners   It’s almost time for those awkward office holiday parties and family gatherings. Besides pretending to laugh at a litany of bad jokes, you’ll also have to introduce important people to your partner.  Here are a few things to consider when deciding who to have as your guest.    Do you want a partner or a project? As a high performer your reputation is priceless. Beware people who have little to lose. Resource: “His Needs Her Needs” by Willard F. Harley, Jr. People close to you have greater access to your emotional state. Keep security tight! Does your partner’s value system match the things that are important to you? What is their attitude toward money? More on the details on the inside.     Put some rocket fuel in your career, grow faster, make deeper connections and more money.   For more information visit and join the community list to get fire in your inbox.   Facebook | Instagram | Twitter: @focusthefire (show) or

  • 031 - The mind for money (live session)

    07/11/2016 Duration: 19min

    031 - The mind for money   All the tips, tricks and fancy money management advice in the world won’t make a difference if you don’t master these things first.   Start with why (Simon Sinek) You need a deep rooted conviction, linked to a tangible outcome. Internal outcome - What will this do for you personally? External outcome - What will this do for the people or causes you care about?   What are your limiting beliefs about wealth and money? That’s not for me. I can’t do it. Money is bad.  Big man - Small man complex I’m entitled to a life of luxury. It’s too complicated.  I can’t afford to save.   Integrity and Discipline Take a holistic approach.  Let integrity and discipline be characteristics that flow through different parts of your life. Deferred gratification. Sacrifice now, enjoy later, celebrate small wins often.   YOU are a small business! Entrepreneurs?  Your business is not your pocket book.  Keep things separate! Budget, track expenses, plan for large purchases, plan for large infl

  • 030 - It’s either training day or showtime: Today’s pain is prep work

    17/10/2016 Duration: 14min

    030 - It’s either training day or showtime: Today’s pain is prep work   On this episode Dalan shares a personal message on how to maintain your focus when frustration wants to take over.  Your dreams are becoming more vivid and with that comes a strong desire to arrive, QUICKLY!    Well what should we do in the meanwhile until that big day?   Everyday before your ambitions materialize is training day. Do the prep work so you can go hard for showtime.   More details on the inside.  Click play.   Put some rocket fuel in your career. Grow faster, make deeper connections and more money.   For more information visit and join the community list to get fire in your inbox.   Facebook | Instagram | Twitter: @focusthefire (show) or @dalanv (host)  

  • 029 - How to hate your job the right way

    29/09/2016 Duration: 17min

    I’m not saying you have to love your job right now, but there is a better way to hate your job.  Here are some constructive ways to channel that energy into moving toward the lifestyle you desire.   Everything has a purpose for a time. Embrace it then move on. Do what you need to for right now. Time is limited. Focus on making yourself better.       Put some rocket fuel in your career, grow faster, make deeper connections and more money.   For more information visit and join the community list to get fire in your inbox.   Facebook | Instagram | Twitter: @focusthefire (show) or @dalanv (host)

  • 028 - Tech tools to help manage your life and business

    06/09/2016 Duration: 26min

    028 - Tech tools to help manage your life and business   On Episode 028 I give a quick run down of some of the apps and other tools I use to manage life and business.  this is of course not an exhaustive list of options, but they are options nonetheless.    Share your experience with any of these tools, or tell us about any great tech tools you use!  I’m @dalanv on twitter and would love to hear from you.   File management Dropbox - Cloud storage, file sharing Google Drive - Cloud storage, file sharing   Apps Good Reader - Read and annotate PDF documents Microsoft Outlook for iOS  Authy - 2-Factor verification  Evernote - Note keeping, project management, to do lists, reminders,  YNAB - You Need A Budget TripCase LinkedIn Jobs   Web hosting and design Wordpress + DIVI Theme Our go to wizard for this stuff is Tell Jeff we sent you. :)     Put some rocket fuel in your career, grow faster, make deeper connections and more money.   For more information visit focusthefire.

  • 027 - Do something scary everyday: Overcoming fear is a skill

    31/08/2016 Duration: 14min

    027 - Do something scary everyday: Overcoming fear is a skill   So many of us let fear stop us from lighting a fire on the inside and switching on greatness. In this episode we share a useful technique for learning how to function at a high level even when you’re scared.   Practice! Push through one silly fear after the next until your strong enough to tackle the one that stands between you and your dreams.   I’ll be on twitter @dalanv so let’s connect. Share one of your silly fears. How did it feel to finally push through it?     Put some rocket fuel in your career, grow faster, make deeper connections and more money.   For more information visit and join the community list to get fire in your inbox.   Facebook | Instagram | Twitter: @focusthefire (show) or @dalanv (host)

  • 026 - Manage your reputation: News travels!

    22/08/2016 Duration: 13min

      026 - Manage your reputation: News travels!   When there’s a big (or small) opportunity on the table people start asking two (2) questions: Who do you know? What do you know about them? Since word of mouth is still a powerful, compelling medium, it’s important to manage your reputation. Ask for feedback and collect testimonials! Reality check: The company or boss are in business to make money, not to make you happy.  If you want more from them, it’s your responsibility to build a compelling case. Professionals are “Always On”! Even outside the office, the person controlling the next opportunity may be watching. Have fun, but consider how it will impact your reputation. Quick take-away on character: It can take a lifetime to build, and 30 seconds to destroy.     Put some rocket fuel in your career, grow faster, make deeper connections and more money.   For more information visit and join the community list to get fire in your inbox.   Facebook | Instagram | Twitter: @foc

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