Build Your Utopia is a podcast made for you. If you have lofty ambitions in corporate or entrepreneur settings, this is the show that delivers quality episodes to inspire and arm you to achieve your goals. One of the biggest challenges that you are faced with is juggling work-life balance. Our guests, all very successful professionally, all provide plenty of honest feedback on how you can tackle this consistent challenge successfully. Every episode with guests promises takeaways that you can apply right away. Join Josh Marsden and Ben Thompson twice a week so you can identify, seize, and accomplish your Personal Utopia while maintaining your sanity!
107: Interview Part 2 with Chris Plough
08/10/2015 Duration: 33minWe are very excited to bring you part 2 of our conversation with Chris Plough, Entrepreneur, Storyteller, and Adventurer. We jump right back into the conversation with Ben asking Chris Plough to help explain how to find your True North. Chris has a very specific way that he works through his ideas to help keep him on the path and he shares that with us. Besides jumping into a Wraith and driving around Europe, Chris Plough takes us through the methods he uses to make time for himself and gives his mind a place to work and bubble up ideas. We then get on another tangent by Josh and Chris Plough encouraging Ben to share his own motorcycle story. Ben shares the story of his bike wreck which includes totaling the bike, road rash, and an overpass. While Josh and Chris enjoyed the story, it wasn't the one Josh wanted to hear and prompts Ben again for the story of a mustang, the center stripe on a two lane highway, two semi-trucks, and 130 miles per hour. We bring things back to business with Chris Plough sharing
106: Interview Part 1 with Chris Plough
06/10/2015 Duration: 33minWe are very excited to bring you part 1 of our conversation with Chris Plough, Entrepreneur, Storyteller, and Adventurer. Chris Plough starts of the show by sharing some of his 'reset' adventures including driving an ambulance across Europe, riding a motorcycle and side car in the arctic, and racing a Rolls Royce Wraith in Europe. Next, Chris Plough takes some time to walk us through his history. He has worked for small startups, for large companies (that acquired the small startup), started his own business, purchased ambulances (yes, more than one), the loss of his parents and how he handled that, his vision of Utopia and if he is there. Links for the show: Twitter As always, a special thank you to The Strand for our intro and outro music!
105: Interview Part 2 with Ryan Deiss
01/10/2015 Duration: 29minWe are excited to bring you part 2 of our conversation with Ryan Deiss, CEO of Digital Marketer, co-founder of Idea Incubator LP, speaker, loving husband, and father of four. We jump right back into the show by learning how to ask your audience what they want and you do that by offering them a product. Offers are great because you can drive the conversation with your offers and if your audience like it, they will vote for it with their pocketbook. Ryan Deiss shares a couple stories about oscillating between making money and being broke. Google made a change to their algorhythms and his business stopped. He got better by running up $250,000 in credit card debt. He fixed that only to find out he owed a ton in back taxes to the government. His experience is a great lesson we should all learn and keep in mind. Ryan Deiss drops some value bombs on us! Chaos is okay Life is not about checking a bunch of stuff off a list Remember that you don't actually matter Links for the show: Digital Marketer 1,000 True
104: Interview Part 1 with Ryan Deiss
29/09/2015 Duration: 30minWe are very very pleased to bring you part 1 of our conversation with Ryan Deiss, CEO of Digital Marketer, co-founder of Idea Incubator LP, speaker, loving husband, and father of four. We start the show by learning that while Ryan Deiss is a famous and sought after speaker, that was not his goal. He is protective of his personal life and has learned to keep his business self and personal self separate. He sometimes feels conflict about this as he knows the value of social media and presenting himself publicly for his professional endeavors. Ryan Deiss has given this a ton of thought (even wishing at times he had gone in under a pseudonym) and shares some of his thoughts on keeping his professional self separate from his personal self. He even shares a story about a weirdo who found his home phone number and called his wife! After a bit of time down tangent road, we come back around and hear Ryan Deiss's thoughts on Utopia. His vision is the ability to choose. He has tried living the leisurely life, and a
103: Be Excellent to Each Other
25/09/2015 Duration: 35minIt's the last Friday of the month and that means it is time to talk about what we've learned from our stellar guests this month! Thank you to Josh Turner, Cheryl Liew Chng, Allyn & Greg Reid, and Omar Zenhom. Ben & Josh joke about Josh Turner starting a business with his friend Ben and how that parallels so closely with this show. Then they jump right into Josh Turner's value bombs and talk about their favorite (surprisingly, our hosts agree with each other). Next Josh & Ben recall how awesome Cheryl Liew Chng is because of her impact on the folks around her while being able to have time for herself and her family. Our hosts then discuss their favorite value bombs. Then Ben & Josh talk about Allyn & Greg Reid. Josh shares how he met Greg and both Josh & Ben talk about how the conversation with Allyn & Greg impacted their lives. It was also great having the pair on together as a couple, and this leads Ben & Josh down memory lane and the couples who have been on the show in the
102: Interview Part 2 with Omar Zenhom
24/09/2015 Duration: 29minWe are stoked to bring you part 2 of our fun conversation with Omar Zenhom, Educator and Entrepreneur. Our conversation so far meanders and we finally get to hear Omar Zenhom's definition of Utopia. Omar feels it is important to do what you feel like doing. Next, we learn what helps keep Omar Zenhom balanced. He works out because he feels it is important to keep your body in a good place because it impacts your mental attitude. We also learn that Omar spends time watching movies with Nicole (his significant other, who went to film school). It's also critical to take time off, some of his best ideas came out when he was on vacation. We close out the conversation with Omar Zenhom with his 3 Value Bombs: Know the fundamentals and then rehearse (in business, life, and even dance) Completely focus on one task at a time Whatever you choose to do in life, want it bad Follow Omar Zenhom: The $100 MBA Webinar Ninja OMar Zenhom on Twitter As always, a special thank you to The Strand for our intro and outro musi
101: Interview Part 1 with Omar Zenhom
22/09/2015 Duration: 31minWe are excited to bring you part 1 of our interview with Omar Zenhom, Educator and an Entrepreneur. Omar Zenhom starts off by giving us some background on where he came from professionally. Omar used to teach English as a second language to folks coming in and learning so they could attend other classes. Omar also gives us a glimpse into his professional career including working out of an Air BnB for a few months just to decide if the city was a good fit. Next Omar Zenhom talks with us about having a "plan B" versus going 100% in and really believe in what you are trying. Omar believes this can make a huge impact on your mental attitude and your commitment to an idea. It isn't worth the effort to put in part time work, you have to dive all the way in. This talk leads into a corner of how Omar thinks and acts. Omar Zenhom also explains to us the importance of having those closest to you support you in your endeavors. Those folks need to be on board and know you are doing what you are passionate about and
100: Josh and Ben Celebrate 100 Episodes!
18/09/2015 Duration: 34minHello Utopians! Josh and Ben are super stoked to bring you this extra episode, Episode 100! Thank you so much for coming on this journey with us, we wouldn't be here if not for the support of all you listening out there and our fantastic guests for sharing their stories and experiences with us. Josh and Ben talk about how Build Your Utopia has impacted us over the last year. Next Josh and Ben reflect on how Build Your Utopia Guests have inspired, motivated, and challenged us. Then Josh and Ben talk about work-life balance today compared to a year ago. Following that, Josh and Ben cover where they are personally & professionally now versus last year. Guest Clip compilation Free Gift! As always, a special thank you to The Strand for our intro and outro music for the last 100 shows!
099: Interview Part 2 with Allyn and Greg Reid
17/09/2015 Duration: 26minWe are very excited to bring you the second half of our conversation with Allyn & Greg Reid, authors, producers, entrepreneurs and chasers of freedom. We jump right back with another huge message from Greg, change your plan to a strategy. Strategies are adjustable and flexible. Greg makes another point that you have to adapt and illustrates this point with a fun story about a monkey and a nut. Next, Allyn and Ben talk about the advantages and drawbacks of having a set schedule. As we know, Ben is very process driven and uses the "blocked time" mentality to get work done. Allyn believes that being so regimented doesn't leave you open to unexpected events and opportunities. Finally, Allyn & Greg leave us with a huge value bomb each: Allyn -- Ask Questions, especially "How", how is the language of creation Greg -- We are a reflection of our associations Follow Allyn & Greg Reid here: The Secret Knock Sherpa Press Allyn Reid on Twitter Greg Reid on Twitter As always, a special thank you to Th
098: Interview Part 1 with Allyn and Greg Reid
15/09/2015 Duration: 26minWe are very excited to bring you part 1 of our conversation with Allyn & Greg Reid, authors, producers, entrepreneurs and chasers of freedom. Not counting the slight derailment by Ben, we jump right into the definition of Utopia. Allyn gives us a great view of of her Utopia and it is something we've never heard before. Allyn & Greg really live an idea we've heard before on this show. When Allyn & Greg decide to do something, they don't ask a friend, they find an expert in the area and ask them. There is no reason to re-invent the wheel, find someone making a great wheel and learn from them. Next, Allyn and Greg give us some great advice for being a couple devoted to eachother as well as business partners. They get out of each other's way. There is Allyn time, Greg time, and Allyn & Greg time. Most people want to be "normal" and Allyn & Greg are happy by chucking that word out the window. Follow Allyn & Greg Reid here: The Secret Knock Sherpa Press Allyn Reid on Twitter Greg Reid
097: Interview Part 2 with Cheryl Liew Chng
10/09/2015 Duration: 25minWe are very pleased to bring you part 2 of our engaging conversation with Cheryl Liew Chng, Entrepreneur, Coach, Author, and the 24-Hour Woman. Cheryl Liew Chng keeps the value high by sharing when she would outsource different tasks. Cheryl says the best time to outsource work to other people is as soon as possible! It is also a good idea to look at they type of work and if it is not your forte, then hire someone else to do it. One of the key things to keep in mind when hiring people is not only 'are they a high performer' but also 'do we get along with eachother'. We next change things up with Cheryl Liew Chng by figuring out what her outlets are. Cheryl loves to bake (but not so much the washing up!). She also loves to create floral arrangements. She finds these types of activities that permit her to create very energizing. Thankfully her family also knows that if she doesn't get this time, she becomes grouchy. And no one in her family is upset when she cooks and bakes. Finally, Cheryl Liew Chng dr
096: Interview Part 1 with Cheryl Liew Chng
08/09/2015 Duration: 24minWe are very pleased to bring you part 1 of our engaging conversation with Cheryl Liew Chng, Entrepreneur, Coach, Author, and the 24-Hour Woman. Cheryl Liew Chng doesn't waste any time and jumps right in with her view of Utopia. Cheryl wants us to live our lives as a living legacy and also thriving in the different facets of our lives. She also gives us some tips on how to thrive! When you go to a bookstore and what section of books do you find yourself in? What do your friends and family say are the times you are really engaged and happy? When you look back at your life, what projects or times were you most happy? Those three can really help you triangulate the areas where you thrive. Next, Cheryl Liew Chng shares her vision for the future of continuing to grow the 24-Hour Woman movement by touching and improving the lives of more and more woman. Cheryl also wants to have the time to travel with her family. Through all of this she finds herself as a role model and has to remind herself that people loo
095: Interview Part 2 with Josh Turner
03/09/2015 Duration: 29minWe are very pleased to bring you part 2 of this week's conversation with Josh Turner, entrepreneur, author, and fan of Sour Patch Kids! Josh Turner continues to get right into it by sharing how he makes time for all his interests during the day. He just does it. Josh elaborates by saying that he makes the time for himself, he has to or he gets into a negative mental state (like wondering why he is the only one in the office working late or being lethargic). He makes it a point to jog in the morning, it helps him start the day upbeat and energized. Josh Turner doesn't really struggle to make time for his outlets because he has built his business up to make sure he has the time for himself. That doesn't mean he won't hop on the computer for an hour or two on the weekends, but he doesn't spend all day working. It isn't worth it for him. Ben recalls that Josh Turner mentioned in part 1 that he used to work 60 hours a week and wonders what changed from then to now. Josh says he used to think it was a badge o
094: Interview Part 1 with Josh Turner
01/09/2015 Duration: 29minWe are very pleased to bring you part 1 of this week's conversation with Josh Turner, entrepreneur, author, and fan of Sour Patch Kids! We get right into it with Josh Turner and learn his definition of Utopia is to do whatever makes you happy; enjoy what you're doing and look forward every day to do what you're doing. It could be running your own business, it could be working at a food bank, anything really that gets you pumped up. He dives in a bit further and calls out a number of things that he really enjoys doing (but none that he'd want to do 24/7). Next, Josh Turner shares his journey of working for himself and how he got there. He's been his own boss since 2010 (LinkedSelling started in 2011). He was working for a construction firm that closed up and went out of business when the market crashed and that motivated Josh to take his part time entrepreneur ventures full time. It could have been a rough situation as he didn't really have a pile of savings to ride on, he only had credit cards. This let
093: Noodles or Fried Rice
28/08/2015 Duration: 48minHappy Friday! It is the last Friday of the month and that means it is time for just Josh and Ben to talk about what has happened this month and review the great guests than graced us with their presence on the show. We start off the show discussing networking at conferences. What does it mean for Josh to put his game face on when he attends these events. What does he get out of it and how does it help him professionally and personally? This also leads into a discussion on why we started the show. Learning from those who are out there doing the things they do while still making time for themselves. Next Josh tells a story of revenge! Revenge in a pure form of being the best that he can be. Josh went to Pei Wei after recording an interview and ran into an old friend that he lost after a breakup. We're sure that after a couple breaks up, friends sometimes choose one person or the other to maintain the friendship. This friendship was one of those where Josh was on the losing side. It was very satisfying
092: Interview Part 2 with Alisa DiLorenzo
27/08/2015 Duration: 29minWe are very happy to bring you part 2 of our conversation with Alisa DiLorenzo, author, coach, podcast host, wife, and mother of two. During this half of the conversation with Alisa DiLorenzo, we get really into some of the ramifications of divorce and how the decision to end a relationship can ripple out and have an impact on multiple people for many years down the road. We live in a very disposable world, and it is a shame that people sometimes view their marriage as disposable as razors or paper coffee cups. Josh drops a huge question on Alisa DiLorenzo, "What advice would you give someone who is working on building their business while maintaining a healthy relationship with their significant other." Alisa doesn't miss a beat and has a great answer, SEX Schedule time together - you schedule time with your clients, schedule time with your spouse and keep it! Enrich the relationship - invest in the things your spouse likes to do eXchange roles - sometimes you are the leader and sometimes you have to let
091: Interview Part 1 with Alisa DiLorenzo
25/08/2015 Duration: 29minWe are very happy to bring you part 1 of our conversation with Alisa DiLorenzo, author, coach, podcast host, wife, and mother of two. We start the show catching up with Alisa DiLorenzo. Her husband Tony was a guest on the show back on episode 44. It feels like old friends catching up with eachother and really speaks to how open and easy it is to speak with Alisa. We also find out that their show, One Extraordinary Marriage, is closing in on the 300 episode mark! That is a great accomplishment and we are very excited for them both! Alisa DiLorenzo shares her view of her Utopia. It's an internal sense, it's a sense that she's living her life on purpose. She invests in herself and the world around her. She pours so much into her life with her husband, her kids, her business, and her podcast. Alisa wants to make a positive impact in people's lives. With that in mind, Alisa DiLorenzo tells us the story of why she and her husband Tony wrote the book, The Seven Days of Sex Challenge. Alisa and Tony were in a
090: Interview Part 2 with Austin Iuliano
20/08/2015 Duration: 33minWe are very excited to bring you the second half of our interview with Austin Iuliano, a phenomenal Brand Strategist and avid Meerkat user. As we dive into Austin Iuliano's work/life balance, he feels it's important to give us some back story. He lives in New York, he's 27, he has a girlfriend who is also his business partner. He does not have a family, so his life is work/work. Austin feels the core of the matter is defining your goals in life. He actively decided to not have a family because he wanted to work on his business. You also have to know what revitalizes you. Introverted people get energy from being alone where as extroverted people get energy from other people. Next Austin Iuliano shares how he deals with aspects of his business that he doesn't like to do. For example, Austin loves talking with people, so he does that as often as possible. Austin does not enjoy editing his own blog posts, so he doesn't do them. He's carried that over to nearly every aspect of his business, if he doesn't
089: Interview Part 1 with Austin Iuliano
18/08/2015 Duration: 26minWe are very excited to bring you the first half of our interview with Austin Iuliano, a phenomenal Brad Strategist and avid Meerkat user. Austin Iuliano shares how he recently got into Meerkat and how that platform is a fresh new way to interact with your fans and followers. Not only does Meerkat allow you to directly speak to your followers, it also lets people meet and interact with the person behind the brand. Next Austin Iuliano and Josh make plans to meet up when Josh and his son visit New York. The conversation dives into a mini nerd fest about the Marvel universe with reverences to Iron Man, the Avengers, and Daredevil. Getting back on topic, Austin shares his vision of Utopia. Live each day better than the last. He was inspired at his first job teaching folks to snowboarding (which he officially started at 16). He learned that it isn't about age, but about knowledge. He taught an 86 year old who was not interested in snowboarding, but how to do something new and exciting. It helps to recognize
088: Interview Part 2 with Ed O'Keefe
13/08/2015 Duration: 31minWe are very pleased to release part 2 of our interview with Ed O'Keefe, entrepreneur, author, and father of 7! Ed O'Keefe was reaching the end of desire to be a coach for dentists and he decided to create something from scratch. That is really challenging to do and something very few people have done. Ed then gives us a few high level points about this very topic. Why go to work for anything if you are not passionate about it, especially in this day and age. Next Ed O'Keefe walks us through some of the reasons why we (everyone) feels overwhelmed, like they are 'dumb', or like they 'stink'. Ed starts with a mini biology lesson and helps us understand how we as a species have evolved much slower than the technology we use on a daily basis. Take just six hours a day to pick one thing to focus on and really learn for 90 days. When you wake up after 90 days you will be in the 1% of that niche that you chose. Once we start talking about how Ed O'Keefe keeps balance in his life, his first bit of advice is to t