Welcome to Enterprise Initiatives. We provide discussions with some of the top thinkers and practitioners in the industry and focus on hot topics such as DevOps, PaaS, IoTs, and many others. I'm your host Mike Kavis aka, Mad Greek, with the consulting firm Cloud Technology Partners.
The Best Way to Compete with Disruptors? Speed up Your Delivery.
28/01/2016 Duration: 24minOur guest on the podcast this week is Matthew Lodge, Chief Operating Officer at Weaveworks. We discuss how speed triumphs over size when competing as a disruptor, which is why microservices and containers are increasingly important to allow companies to keep up. A focus on small, dispersed teams changes the landscape of cloud computing. With many new companies entering the microservices market, we anticipate future trends for the next few years from mergers and acquisitions to IPOs.
The 1-2 Punch of Big Data Processing in the Cloud
20/10/2015 Duration: 17minOur guest on the podcast this week is Jason Parsons, Senior Architect and Big Data expert at Cloud Technology Partners. We discuss the benefits of real time, big data processing in the cloud and why some companies are hesitant to migrate from their traditional data centers. Jason explains why planning is key when moving from on-premise centers and why all companies should begin their cloud initiatives with a minimum viable product before going into full production.
Smart Monitoring, Automation, and Open Source at Yahoo
20/10/2015 Duration: 20minOur guest on the podcast this week is Preeti Somal, VP of Engineering at Yahoo. We discuss the cloud challenges that come with supporting over a billion consumers per day at Yahoo. One way the Yahoo team simplifies this is through automation and smarter monitoring. Yahoo also leverages open source projects such as Hadoop and OpenStack, which helps onboard employees through their many mergers and acquisitions.
Current Cloud Trends from AWS re:Invent 2015
09/10/2015 Duration: 17minOur guest on the podcast this week is Mike Draper, Vice President, Principal Architect at Cloud Technology Partners. We discuss 2015 cloud trends and news from this year’s AWS re:Invent. With topics from big data, application migration, security, and internet of things, there is no shortage of new products and services available in the industry. The most notable announcements so far have been the release of AWS Database Migration Service and Snowball, a 50TB shippable data storage appliance.
Understanding Complex Cloud Systems Through Behavior
07/10/2015 Duration: 32minOur guest on the podcast this week is Dave Zwieback, Author of Beyond Blame, Head of Engineering at Next Big Sound, and CTO at Lotus Outreach. We discuss how to reach a blame-free culture where outages are linked to multiple conditions instead of one person. Dave shares his framework for Learning Reviews and effective Postmortems. In an increasingly complex world, it is impossible to predict how a system will fail, but through these practices we can see emergent trends and understand how to continuously improve our systems.
Why Large Enterprises are Going Public Cloud
24/09/2015 Duration: 20minOur guest on the podcast this week is Tom Gallagher, VP and Client Partner at Cloud Technology Partners. We discuss why large enterprises are rapidly switching from the private cloud to the public cloud and the massive cost benefits that come with that decision. We also look at bottlenecks that arise from using legacy processes and how to avoid them with DevOps adoption.
Best Practices for Continuous Integration & Delivery
18/09/2015 Duration: 24minOur guest on the podcast this week is Paul Duvall, Chairman and CTO at Stelligent, and author of “Continuous Integration” and “DevOps in AWS”. We discuss continuous integration and the cultural changes that must occur for an organization to make the switch to continuous delivery and integration. We also hear about the most common tools being used for continuous integration, continuous delivery, and testing.
How Jenkins Shapes Development and Business Strategies
11/09/2015 Duration: 12minOur guest on the podcast this week is Kohsuke Kawaguchi, Creator of Jenkins and CloudBees. We discuss highlights and takeaways from theCloudBees Jenkins User Conference, which emphasizes the strong community around Jenkins. Jenkins makes continuous delivery a strategic enabler because it changes the speed at which optimizations can reach users’ hands. We also get a preview of what we can expect with Tiger from CloudBees.
Unleashing “The DevOps” With Matt Stratton
03/09/2015 Duration: 32minOur guest on the podcast this week is Matt Stratton, Senior Solutions Architect at Chef and Co-Host of the Arrested DevOps Podcast. We discuss building DevOps communities in new cities with DevOps days, as well as best practices from Orbitz and Target in DevOps adoption. Matt highlights great ways to start small with DevOps (maybe even without calling it DevOps) in your organization to gain traction and prove results to make adoption smoother in large companies.
How to Succeed with DevOps? Make Room for Experimentation!
27/08/2015 Duration: 19minOur guest on the podcast this week is Helen Beal, Head of DevOps at Ranger4 Limited. We discuss how successful DevOps transitions depend on culture, so to start companies must identify their current problem areas. Helen describes the most successful DevOps culture as a place where each individual has autonomy as part of the larger team and where experimentation is encouraged.
Using IoT to Make Better Decisions on the Edge
17/08/2015 Duration: 24minOur guest on the podcast this week is Nicola de Carne, Founder, President and VP of Marketing at Wi-Next. We discuss ways to manage data on the edge, by allowing end nodes to react and make decisions close to industrial machines without communicating back to a centralized ERP. We also see how the most disruptive part of IoT is not the new technologies, but the innovative ways businesses use the new information to optimize their initiatives.
Why Containers are Critical for the Best PaaS Solution
13/08/2015 Duration: 22minOur guest on the podcast this week is Ruslan Synytsky, CEO at Jelastic. We discuss why containers are a key component to the right PaaS solution for enterprises, stressing the importance of giving customers freedom with architecture so they do not get locked into specific technologies. We also learn about the differences between technology adoption in Europe versus the US.
How CoreOS Revolutionizes Container Security
07/08/2015 Duration: 22minOur guest on the podcast this week is Alex Polvi, CEO at CoreOS. We discuss how CoreOS fundamentally improves the security of the internet by modeling the infrastructure best practices developed by Google, Facebook and Twitter. Alex also breaks down the specifications of CoreOS’ new innovative products from Rocket to App Container to Tectonic.
The Future of IT is Composability and Integration
03/08/2015 Duration: 24minOur guest on the podcast this week is JP Morgenthal, Global Solutions Executive at CSC. We discuss the architecture of microservices and how to overcome the challenge of making different tools work together. We learn about the importance of hiring engineers who can compose services into an integrated system.
The Importance of Systems Thinking for Cloud Migration
28/07/2015 Duration: 25minOur guest on the podcast this week is Kacy Clarke, Vice President and Principal Architect at Cloud Technology Partners. We discuss common issues companies face when migrating to AWS, and the importance of systems thinking. Listen in to discover the best strategy to launch your DevOps initiative.
A Changing Mindset for Disaster Recovery
17/07/2015 Duration: 31minOur guest on the podcast this week is Tim Crawford, CIO Strategic Advisor at AVOA. We discuss the need for disruption in disaster recovery practices after recent tech issues grounded all United Airlines flights, and halted trading at the New York Stock Exchange. Listen in to learn more about how disaster recovery practices must change from just building more redundancy to completely re-architecting systems on the cloud that do not break.
Designing the IT Architecture of the Future
09/07/2015 Duration: 27minOur guest on the podcast this week is Adrian Cockcroft, Technology Fellow at Battery Ventures. We discuss what makes Docker and Netflix highly successful, especially through their use of well-designed IT architecture and DevOps.
Privacy and the Internet of Everything
08/07/2015 Duration: 21minOur guest on the podcast this week is Jess Groopman, Industry Analyst at Altimeter Group. We discuss her recent report, ‘Consumer Perceptions of Privacy in the Internet of Things’ and see how forward-thinking companies can incorporate privacy, trust, and education for consumers to differentiate their businesses.
Rodney Rogers on What's Next for Virtustream
09/06/2015 Duration: 28minOur guest on the podcast this week is Rodney Rogers, Co-Founder, Chairman, and CEO of Virtustream. EMC recently acquired Virtustream for $1.2 billion, in a growing trend of M&A activity. As the cloud market grows, we will see more companies consolidate to acquire new capabilities, talent, or IP. Listen in to find out what’s in store for Virtustream.
The State of the OpenStack Movement
05/06/2015 Duration: 19minOur guest on the podcast this week is Randy Bias, VP of Technology at EMC. We discuss his recent ‘State of the Stack’ presentation. Highlighting the tension seen within the OpenStack community on the issue of re-writing code and reducing complexity for users. Listen in to see what the future holds for OpenStack.