Are you a Work @ Home RockStar or do you want to be one? Host Tim Melanson interviews self-employed Home Business "RockStars" to learn how they have built their businesses from the comfort of their own home.
WHR 3.30 : Sharita Humphrey
30/08/2021 Duration: 36minSHOW NOTES Good Note: Leaving her public service job to start her business. She wanted her own time and not to be missing out on living. She did everything possible for the change in lifestyle including implementing things her employer was already doing and maximizing her. With an emergency fund she made the transition. Bad Note: You don’t need to invest so much in every aspect of your business. With hindsight she figured that too much money was spent on her website & branding. Don’t give total power for someone to make your decisions. Use and spend your money wisely. Instruments: Social media allows you to get to get connected with multiple people but you don’t need to be on every platform. Use the appropriate social media for what message you’re trying to get across. Tag people you’re working with on instagram or say what you’re doing on twitter. Don’t simply copy and past to every platform. THE STORY Sharita M. Humphrey is a nationally-recognized, award-winning finance expert and money am
WHR 3.29 : Sarah Gibbons
23/08/2021 Duration: 32minSHOW NOTES Good Note: Having a career in online advertising she never felt fulfilled. With a craving to make an impact she decided to go back to grad school, with getting a masters in spiritual psychology. Finally launched her own coaching practice while simultaneously managing a sales team and raising a family. A very proud feeling. Bad Note: Membership programs have always been quite popular, but even with good content, spending money and figuring out the back end, 2 people joined. Without a community or clients she found that she was trying to take a short cut. It’s really easy to compare yourself to others even though you are in a completely different position. Build foundation. Learning from the best: The coaching business has turned into a billion dollar business. The downside is the bar is so low to get in. The people that make phenomenal coaches are the ones that walk the talk. Finding coaches that are different ages can benefit you as well as for different kinds of skills such as parts of you
WHR 3.28 : Eric Seropyan
16/08/2021 Duration: 31minSHOW NOTES Good Note: It’s always good to show your client the data points. After looking through their businesses using web tracking methods they can pick apart what could be needed to get more traffic. Bad Note: While working with certain clients on their online presence, Eric had ran into a situation where the client was using copyrighted material for their blogs. Turning into a real problem when working with google. Practice makes Progress: Keep doing it & testing it. Never stop educating yourself on the subject especially technology. Just look at the innovation in the past 10 years. Bandmates: Picking colleague based on referrals. When in business you take care of your clients the referrals will follow. You can also offer free audits. Getting Fans: Wether it is local or international, the campaign is different when helping a business get leads. Lock in to key words for your business and how your competitors are being found. THE STORY This Is My South Bay is a digital marketing agency lo
WHR 3.27 : Shopanova
09/08/2021 Duration: 34minSHOW NOTES Good Note: After going from commercial fishing to sales, Shopanova dialled in their own marketing for customers and it really took off. Creating a business that solved the problem of their first video production business. Bad Note: During the transition of jobs, there was about a year of grinding and making mistakes. Hiring someone for sales too early on ended in a way only generating enough income to pay the employee. It took learning and having other jobs to make it all work. Learning From the Best: Finding someone who already made a successful agency and learning from them. The slowest way to learn, is to learn from experience. Practice Makes Progress: Through repetition, take every hardship and mistake as motivation. When you have that lens you can start to view them as gifts to something better. Continue showing up and be patient. Getting Fans: Running their own paid add campaigns. Celebrate your clients stories to encourage them and show others. THE STORY Shopanova is the go-to
WHR 3.26 : Christopher Hamze
02/08/2021 Duration: 25minSHOW NOTES Good Note: Using the time during COVID to redo their entire app that hadn’t been redesigned in over 7 years. Bad Note: There have been many pivots over the years, it took realizing that the 1 type of customer that they had been revolving their business around was not best customers to look for. Redesign the old model and track your metrics. Bandmates: Working personally harder will only get you so far, you can’t be good at everything let only give it their 100% focus. Alleviate it with bandmates to spread the work accordingly. With the expense of hiring, you will make it back in the long run whether it been personally or financially. Cash Flow: Being a very conservative company, they determine what’s left over and how to allocate that. Take the time to think things through. Don’t go too crazy with your money and don’t be too stingy. Instruments: In the early days it was more about working with what you have. Later to realize there are many different types of tools to help with being more ef
WHR 3.25 : James Neilson-Watt
26/07/2021 Duration: 33minSHOW NOTES Good Note: Being a health care chiropractor by trade he never felt fulfilled with his own lifestyle. He said he must change something and then released his first small program to show people how to get more clients. Then immediately realized he was undervaluing himself. Bad Note: When things are not going well, try and change it with hindsight. Rather than making the solution complex. Simple businesses scale, complex business fail. Bandmates: You can go fast when you’re alone and go far when you have a team. The most important hires that James did were all personal positions such as a maid & child care to get his time focused. Getting Fans: Ask yourself what is your sales journey to get these clients. THE STORY In 2019, James launched an online program to help healthcare practice owners to fill theirpractices with their ideal clients so they can generate more revenue and impact morepeople. With eight months he grew it to 7 figures – fast forward to now without hundredsof healthcare
WHR 3.24 : Mike Arnold
19/07/2021 Duration: 29minSHOW NOTES Good Note: During Covid utilizing the time and all of the skills he has learned to generate more income & success. Taking on work with a medical technology company that is now ready by having time working from home. Bad Note: During his 13 years in the business there has been many bad notes whether it was work for himself or other corporations. Ultimately time gets away from you, getting caught up in doing the ‘best’ you can do. Thinking you can do everything. Constantly being away from your family and stressing about something you could have finished. Loosing money and not giving yourself time to train yourself to develop. Bandmates: At first there was no band, no delegating which took nothing but time away from him. After working for certain companies when there was a lot to do, he started utilizing people efficiently by marking down who was doing what, then work load deminished big time. Recognize what you do and what you don’t do. Practice makes Progress: Plan out your calendar week
WHR 3.23 : Samit Patel
12/07/2021 Duration: 33minSHOW NOTES Good Note: After graduating college Samit tried his hand at various businesses from travel to hair and beauty. Failing at all of them and being down on his luck for years, it took just one more try to help raise 1.6 million for a campaign. Afterwards the work came flooding in even before starting his agency. Bad Note: Tons and tons of mistakes. From the amount of work from different businesses and industries became the foundation for learning. After doing a deep dive he found that Lack of research for said company ( Young and naive ) Pre-launch your campaign ( Validate and prove ) Build a comunity Practice makes Progress: Consistently learning from experience is right, but with what we have now reverse engineering anything out there. You can learn lots from your competitors and understanding your competitor landscape. Getting Fans: Local networking events and making relationships within the industry. Getting reviews and testimonials will help getting traffic. Use your personal brand when
WHR 3.22 : Howie Zales
05/07/2021 Duration: 28minGood Note: Starting off as a camera operator for a local news station, Howies dream was to do sports TV. Calling ESPN with camera experience he was told that he didn’t have enough experience. 5 years later to the day, he called back for the job and got it. Bad Note: There is no 1 path to take. Self funding and invest in the proper equipment needed. Practice make Progress: Consistently reading and learning with intention of what other people are doing. There is always room for improvement and knowing you’ll will make the mistakes. Bandmates: Picking people that are like minded and smart at their craft. Being on time is a must. Learning from others: Having a mentor to show you the ropes. A Linkedin Coach that helped with getting leads and building a profile. Every time he has spent money on coaches they helped with guidance and getting questions answered to implement. THE STORY Howie Zales is an Emmy Award winning Camera Operator who turned his passion for television broadcasting into several entrepreneur
WHR 3.21 : Jessica Totillo Coster
28/06/2021 Duration: 27minSHOW NOTES Good Note: After a life event, she went all in on her business and replaced her day job income. Bad Note: Over extending herself before getting the people needed to help get to the next step and become more efficient. Understand who you hire for the task at hand. Start by getting someone specific for 1 specific job in your business.Take baby steps for building your ideal team. Attract Fans: You have to love being in the entrepreneur mindset when talking with anyone in your industry. Having your business based on referrals makes it that much easier. Show up to serve and create relationships. Cash Flow: Continue to do all your book keeping. You will know where all your money is at, don’t check out if you outsource it to someone else. Realize how much your bare minimum is and adjust from there. Break down the numbers as best as you can. Leave 6 months of operating expenses. THE STORY Jessica Totillo Coster is an eCommerce strategy expert and support for female entrepreneurs. 20+ years
WHR 3.20 : Shelby Fowler
21/06/2021 Duration: 30minSHOW NOTES Good Note: After taking the leap to being a full time entrepreneur, she was able to bring in a 6 figure income in the first year Bad Note: Every other day there will be a bad note. With more success and work you put in, the more bad notes will happen. Normalize failure to learn from the experience. All your setbacks will set you up for the next level. Learning from the best: Find the people you want to be and pay them to be taught their ways. Learn what not to do and be the most efficient you can. Jam Room: She turned her office into a place you want to be in. Natural light mixed with your favourite colours can do just that. Posted notes all over your room with messages to keep you on track, it can subconsciously achieve your goals. Practice Makes Progress: Within her team they have schedule skill developing time to dive into the areas needed. Learn & implement. THE STORY Shelby is a Facebook and Instagram ads expert, creator of Fempire Ads Academy, lover of reality tv, and the
WHR 3.19 : Walt Institute
14/06/2021 Duration: 38minSHOW NOTES Good Note: Finding the niche of the business, laser focusing on what you’re doing and who you’re targeting. Developing with mentors. Bad Note: Expecting too much too soon. By stepping back and looking at the bigger picture, you must change yourself to have the best response. Call it as is, and be real. Practice Makes Progress: Take action consistently. Watch for your blind spot, your belief system & the excuses you make, they are all part of the growing process. Forming your band: To be successful and get momentum you need to have the right people fit the job at hand. Band meetings are a must to get the most out of the vision for the project. Learning from the best: What you pay for is what you pay attention to. Mindset development coach, business mentors, STEMM coaches are all part on the personal and businesses growth. THE STORY Dr. Elizabeth Pritchard From never fitting in, bullied at school, sexually abused as a child to becoming anoccupational therapist and past president of
WHR 3.18 : Alan Lazaros
07/06/2021 Duration: 42minSHOW NOTES Good Note: During the beginning of the pandemic there was massive uncertainty. Working with the new normal there was much to talk about in the podcasting world and trying to rebrand. With a pen, paper and a group of friends they wrote down who they inspired to be, what are the pivots they will make in their businesses and how will they come out of this even better. They ended up doubling the master of their craft. Bad Note: Failing forward is everything. Everyone is bad at first try for the most part. With offers to be the VP of sales for a tech company, quitting his corporate job, having a master in business, a degree in electronic and computer engineering decided using a labour intensive job to carry on with the dream of being an entrepreneur. Practice makes progress: Prep, Rep, Reflect & Perfect. Learning from the best: Seeing someone succeed is the most irrelevant part. It’s the years of progress before that with guidance of a mentor or coach. No-one is self-made in an Interdepende
WHR 3.17 : Coach Dean Brown
31/05/2021 Duration: 32minSHOW NOTES Good Note: As a life coach finding the issues within a client and watching them get past it and grow! Bad Note: When he realized he was doing what the world expected from him rather than who he was, which lead to finding his purpose. Learning from the best: Having similar situations to help or be helped by others. The law of attraction is a big part of it, starting with a thought and turning it into feelings that resonate with that thought. Practice makes perfect: Don’t always build your weakness, find your strength and use it to it’s full extent. Jam Room: Maximize your tools & workspace for it to work most efficiently. Turn the struggles into the joy if the process. THE STORY Transformational Law of Attraction & Mindset Coach. Dean helps people break through their limiting beliefs and getfree from the old stories that their EGO has been ruling their liveswith, so they can learn WHY they do WHAT they do, and HOW tochange it for the better. Dean is a suicide prevention Mentor
WHR 3.16 : Benjamin Donhardt
24/05/2021 Duration: 33minSHOW NOTES Good Note: Being able to generate income starting with nothing. Putting you plan into action time and time again is you success. Bad Note: Identifying the right partnerships and realizing every client might not be the right fit. About your Band: Having the band be a true representation of yourself. By being honest and open it will translate into your buisness. Jam Room: While working with his mentor “ Where did you have the most success when you were younger. “ was the question that put things into perspective. That being outside & the kitchen table. Later to then create an at home office facing the window over looking the pool outside. Instrument of Choice: Using a CRM (Customer relationship management) you can set up tasks for yourself or assign them to one of your team members. Setting up reminders and reocurring tasks. THE STORY I’m a passionate entrepreneur who realized his ability to help people and their businesses achieve phenomenal results through staying true to myself and
WHR 3.15 : Kevin Koch
17/05/2021 Duration: 26minSHOW NOTES Good Note: His success comes from the success of his clients. Bad Note: Don’t underestimate the power the journey. Practice Makes Perfect: If you want new results then you must change how you’re programmed. Whether that be through repitation or an emotional impact. Growth is what makes life fun. Instrument of Choice: Modern tools such as the internet and your cell phone when used properly. Along with the basics of a calender to remove thought fatigue. Learning from others: Search for someone you resonate with. Through the process you find your own blind spots. THE STORY Kevin Koch is a 37-year-old, based in Cincinnati originally from Paris Kentucky. Studied mindset and transformation coaching at Proctor Gallagher Institute. An enthusiastic life coach who loves to see you achieve your wildest dreams. A couple of years ago he quit his 9-5 job to follow his passion and became an owner/coach at Proctor Gallagher/consultant at Golden ticket coaching. Since then he helps people all over th
WHR 3.14 : Michael Atma
10/05/2021 Duration: 37minSHOW NOTES Good Note: Before starting the business, it came down to writing out what he wanted and that was to work from home. To figure out “ How to create this dream, online. “ Bad Note: With 7 businesses built, dealing with the ever changing online algorithms and pivoting when necessary . Practice makes progress: Have a vision of where you’re heading & stay committed for the best results. With vision comes passion. Jam Room: Making a separate environment that keeps you in work mode. THE STORY Michael is one of the most influential speakers on Personal Growth and Achievement. He has the rare ability to be able to communicate a message that electrifies, entertains and educates people on how to be the best leader, coach, consultant or entrepreneur they can be, as well as how they can leave the greatest amount of impact in the world. Michael has recently been developing a whole new platform where he shares his transmissions of wisdom, success and deep learning through inspirational videos, boo
WHR 3.13 : John Vuong
03/05/2021 Duration: 34minSHOW NOTES Good Note: When starting this agency 8 years ago, realizing that there is a need and to fulfill just that with a SEO. Bad Note: Hiring poorly based on skillset, was not a good fit. You’ll make mistakes but it’s what you do with the outcome. Getting Fans: Don’t be stagnant. It’s an ongoing process to building your ideal avatar, finding who your target audience, the due diligence in your major competitors and finding a strategy to propel you. Cash Flow: Realizing what you are charging & understanding the gap between getting a lifetime customer. Practice Makes Perfect: Follow what has worked before and always be learning. THE STORY John Vuong is the owner and founder of Local SEO Search. He started his company in 2013 with no knowledge of SEO. He simply saw a gap in the market and knew the he could fill it. Today, he runs a boutique agency that focuses on helping small businesses dominate their local market and grow.
WHR 3.12 : Arianna Zabriskie
26/04/2021 Duration: 34minSHOW NOTES Good Note: When push came to shove, starting is the best part. Finding a way to earn money that is not exchanging her time hour by hour, to have that extra time to do what you want to do. Bad Note: Working herself into the ground for her first launch led to burn out. Realizing there is a masculine & feminine approach to running your business. Learning from the Best: You got to have a coach! Through therapy and coaching she had found it to be extremely beneficial with them going hand in hand. Jam Room: Being a therapist and a coach, setting up a peaceful environment with proper furniture makes the difference. How do you keep the Hat full: Realizing what is needed to break even. THE STORY Arianna is on a mission to use her expertise in Clinical Psychology to bring mental health training, counseling skills, and risk assessment to coaches in an effort to finally bridge the gap between therapy and coaching. Arianna is a practicing Marriage and Family Therapist working in addiction recov
WHR 3.11 : Melissa Linke
19/04/2021 Duration: 29minSHOW NOTES Good Note: Due to the Pandemic Melissa pivoted into something she was even more passionate about. To fix the short lived fitness programs with 365 Lean. Bad Note: Loosing your business within 24hrs and needing to change direction. Personal Bad Note: From obese to fitness model was not the end of the road when it came to lifestyle choices. Practice Makes Perfect: Way easier than people think! Be Cautious, start the question & slow your role. The Jam room: Create some polorization to deal with the stress of working at home and staying sane. Lead by example to stop negative influences. Learn From the Best: If you’re going to get a life coach, do your research. It won’t be forever and ultimately you need to stand on your own two feet. Guest Solo: People know what to do, but can’t manage to make it stick. With 365 Lean I try to bridge the gap between knowledge and application with tangible ways to change your mindset. THE STORY I take a multifaceted approach to health coaching that i