Critica1 Fail

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 32:38:32
  • More information



We are taking 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons by storm with our friends. Please pull up a chair!


  • Episode 32 - "Meet Shakey"

    17/02/2015 Duration: 37min

    The party get's a little help from another dwarf with a different way of looking at things. What does "living" mean anyway? And Liam cintinues to have a way with people. Then cover your ears, kids, we meet Shakey.

  • Episode 31 - "Easy Sailing"

    14/02/2015 Duration: 55min

    A little bit of rambling. Charity. And then we start to explore the abandoned mining operation they find themselves deep within. They seem to think it's all downhill from here! ... mwahahahaha etc.

  • Episode 30 - "Two Heads, Two Boobs"

    09/02/2015 Duration: 47min

    Math is an interesting mystery... sometimes 2X2=4... and sometimes 2x2 is better off just answering 2. Also, I get all 2nd edition on the party with one of the monsters.

  • Episode 29 - "The Tower Top"

    07/02/2015 Duration: 59min

    The party finishes the climb. Finally! What did the last levels hold? Are they getting a bit paranoid? Is Thordin going to set up a new home? And most importantly... how does Oorith look dressed up as a heavy set half-elf woman?

  • Episode 28 - "The Tower Part 6"

    02/02/2015 Duration: 36min

    The party gets a great workout as they play around on the conveyor belt trap! They either get out up the stairs, or down the 200 foot fall...

  • Episode 27 - "The Tower Part 5"

    30/01/2015 Duration: 36min

    Traps, Finger tips, scrying spells, beholder goop, doll desecration, just the tip, brewer's supplys, recipes. Basically anything the DM can use to kill the party without relying on those infernal dice!

  • Episode 26 - "The Tower Part 4"

    27/01/2015 Duration: 35min

    Liam is sick, and getting sicker, but we are just getting started in the tower! Will jeff murder the team without rolling any dice? He is sure going to try! ... just the tip

  • Episode 25 - "The Tower Part 3"

    23/01/2015 Duration: 28min

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... so are arrows and axes and spells and gloop.

  • Episode 24 - "The Tower Part 2"

    18/01/2015 Duration: 36min

    The first room held... treasure! What kind of tower is this? As they press on, things become more dangerous than the simple worry of "how do I carry all this loot?"

  • Episode 23 - "The Tower Part 1"

    16/01/2015 Duration: 33min

    This is the beginning session 4! We discuss the "Plot Points" system from DMG, talk a LOT about Thordin's Dwarf brain, and we just barely begin our epic climb up the tower...

  • Episode 22 - "Ooze Isn't Just for Turtles"

    11/01/2015 Duration: 31min

    I think being down in an underground tunnel full of decay and detritus is a perfect place to encounter ooze! We wrap up session 3 and get ready for session 4 as the party continues to look for a way out of this mountain!

  • Episode 21 - "Magic Items, Level 4 and Don't Touch That"

    09/01/2015 Duration: 26min

    It is a special moment when one receives their first magical item as a DnD player. A moment you are likely to remember for quite some time until you become an entitled little punk who demands magic items all the time! jk.

  • Episode 20 - "Flumph"

    08/01/2015 Duration: 33min

    Who am I? What is the meaning of life? What is a Flumph? At least one of these questions will be answered.

  • Episode 19 - "Saturday Morning Vengeance"

    02/01/2015 Duration: 30min

    Watching cartoons will never be the same.

  • Episode 18 - "Trippin'"

    29/12/2014 Duration: 32min

    Things get even more corpsey for our party as they start to work their way through the cavern they fell into. Thordin finds silver, Oorith an audience, and Liam... a sandwich. Stay off spores. kids!

  • Episode 17 - "Free Falling"

    25/12/2014 Duration: 27min

    The DM continues to try to use gravity to smite the party as they travel even deeper into chasm under the mountain. Things get rather corpsey.

  • Episode 16 - "Down In a Hole"

    21/12/2014 Duration: 33min

    After easily avoiding any and every attack the Hag could throw at the party, the DM... er, the Hag decided to detonate a trap in the room and send the party far below the mountain. We pick up as Thordin, Oorith and Liam come to...

  • Episode 15 - "Level 3"

    19/12/2014 Duration: 23min

    This is the start of our third game session! We are moving the party to level 3 and covering what that means. Next episode we start back in to our adventure and find out what happened to them after the inept witch blew up the cave...

  • Episode 14 - "Oorith's Balls"

    15/12/2014 Duration: 43min

    In the conclusion of our adventure in the cave beneath Mayor Thomas Brethelton's Hunting Cabin many things are addressed: The rip in Oorith's sack. His balls lying all over the place. The DM's awful rolls. And one vindictive witch.

  • Episode 13 - "I'm Not A Witch, I'm Your Wife!"

    11/12/2014 Duration: 31min

    Still beneath Mayor Thomas Brethelton's Cabin, Liam's love life continues to be a Critica1 Fail. It doesn't seem to bother him so much as it does Thordin. Meanwhile, Oorith's balls roll a 1. Music - & Fernando Ufret on YouTube.

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