The Dice Tower is an Internet podcast (a radio show you can download) about boardgames. Your hosts for the show are Tom Vasel, noted game reviewer, and Eric Summerer. In the show, Tom and Eric talk about boardgames, card games, wargames, miniatures, and the people who play them.New to the Dice Tower? Then listen to: Episode 0: Introduction & Top 15 Games a New Gamer Should BuyNote: The Dice Tower episodes are provided as a service to the community and although they are entirely family friendly, is not responsible for their content.
Episode #149: Cooperative Games
11/06/2009 Duration: 01h13minIn this show, Giles raves about Red November, Moritz explains a game you've likely never heard of, and Mark talks about Warhammer Quest. Tom and Sam then spend the rest of the show talking about cooperative games - listing the major ones, and explaining why they are cooperative, and what makes them bad/good. We also answer a few questions near the end.
Episode #22: Top 10 Auction Games
02/06/2009 Duration: 01h14minIn this episode, originally aired October 26, 2005, we ended one contest, and announce a new contest for Memoir '44 and all its expansions!. We review Beowulf and Formula De, and answer several user and random questions. Finally, we top the episode off with my top ten auction games, and Joe's top ten card driven war games.
Episode #148: Top 10 Multiplayer Conflict Games
22/05/2009 Duration: 01h12minIn this episode, Jim Reed talks about the usefulness of reviews, while Geoff talks about stats and train games. We review several games, including Galaxy's Edge, and talk about some game news - with Giles previewing Middle Earth Quest. Finally, we end the show talking about our top ten multiplayer conflict games.
Episode #146: Top 10 Games from 1994
06/05/2009 Duration: 01h13minIn this episode, we continue our contest for Cutthroat Caverns and expansions, and talk about Sam leaving the show. We discuss some upcoming expansions, and Geoff tells us how winning makes us lose. Moritz says goodbye to Dave Arneson, Giles talks about Australian game expos, and Mark discusses war game expansions. We discuss Tom's top ten games from 1994 - and end the show with an interview with Kimberly Maita about board game cruises.
Episode #145: Top 10 Games from Ten Years Ago
11/04/2009 Duration: 01h14minIn this episode, Geoff tells us how to manipulate negotiations in games, and Moritz gives some suprising game news. Tom and Sam talk about some game news, their current gaming trends, and ideas for drafting in games. Finally, we end the show with our top ten games from ten years ago - in 1999.
Episode #144: Top 10 Games from Five Years Ago
24/03/2009 Duration: 01h17minIn this show, Jim Reed interviews Curt from Smirk and Dagger Games, discussing Cutthroat Caverns and more. Tom and Sam talk about news and answer questions - how many games should a gamer buy in a year? Finally, we give our top ten games from five years ago - 2004, and discuss 2004's effect on gaming.
Episode #143: Top 10 Push Your Luck Games
22/03/2009 Duration: 01h14minIn this episode, Moritz wonders why not everyone enjoys cooperative games, and Giles talks about changing the components of Hive. Tom and Sam discuss Le Havre and Catan Geographies: Germany, and go over some news. Geoff, Tom, and Sam then discuss "pushing your luck" and how it's used in games - including the top ten Push Your Luck games.
Episode #142: New Contest and 19 Games in 19 Minutes
21/02/2009 Duration: 01h16minIn this show, Tom and Sam talk about the best trading games, and Geoff talks about the mechanics of trading. We start a new contest to win Age of Steam, talk about some upcoming games and news. Moritz reviews the "living card game" from Fantasy Flight, and Mark reviews Red November. Finally, we review nineteen games in nineteen minutes!
Episode #141: Top 10 Spiel des Jahres Games
15/02/2009 Duration: 01h09minIn this episode, Tom and Sam review Battlestar Galactica, while Geoff goes over evolution-themed games. Giles talks about a game expo in Australia, and Tom and Sam mention several recently played games. Finally, we talk about the Spiel des Jahres, talking about the game that SHOULD have won, and finishing with our top ten Spiel des Jahres games.
Episode #140: What to Expect in 2009, Part 3
10/02/2009 Duration: 01h26minThis is the last in a three-parter in which Tom interviews several publishers about what to expect from their companies in 2009. In this segment, Tom talks with Gamewright Games, Z-Man Games, Treefrog, Valley Games, and Jolly Roger Games.
Episode #139: What to Expect in 2009, Part 2
30/01/2009 Duration: 01h15minThis is the second of a three-parter in which Tom interviews several publishers about what to expect from their companies in 2009. In this segment, Tom talks with Mayfair Games, Asmodee Editions, Days of Wonder, Slugfest, and Tablestar Games.
Episode #138: What to Expect in 2009, Part 1
26/01/2009 Duration: 01h15minThis is the first of a three-parter in which Tom interviews several publishers about what to expect from their companies in 2009. In this segment, Tom talks with FRED distribution, Gorilla Games, Rio Grande Games, Northstar Games, and Your Move Games.
Episode #21: Top 10 Party Games
16/01/2009 Duration: 01h15minIn this classic episode, first posted in October 2005, review Walk the Dogs and Mag Blast, 2nd Edition. We answer a lot of questions, moan about a lack of good space games, and talk about games that we've played recently. Finally, we top the episode off with our top ten party games.
Episode #137: End of the Year Show, Part 2
09/01/2009 Duration: 01h16minIn this episode, Tom and Sam talk about a their favorite gateway games, and have a look at 2008 as a whole. We talk about gaming events, while Eric reviews Monastary. We end the show with the top ten games of 2008. Thanks to guest contributors Moritz Eggert, Mark Haberman, Mark Zielinksi, Mary Prasad, Doug Cooley, Geoff Englestein and family, Rick Thornquist, Eric Summerer, and Eric Burgess.
Episode #136: End of the Year Show, Part 1
09/01/2009 Duration: 01h18minIn this episode, Tom and Sam talk about a few games that they've played recently. This is part one of the big "end of the year" show, and we talk about our favorite Children's Game, strangest games, war games, innovative games, best expansions, worst games, biggest disappointments, best components, best party games, and biggest surprises. With guest contributors Moritz Eggert, Mark Haberman, Mark Zielinksi, Mary Prasad, Doug Cooley, Geoff Englestein and family, Rick Thornquist, Eric Summerer, and Eric Burgess.
Episode #135: Top 10 Games Good for 2-Players
16/12/2008 Duration: 01h16minIn this episode, we review several games: War for Edadh, Comuni, B-29, and the China map for Power Grid. We read off the best entries for our Lookout contest, and start a new contest! Tom and Sam give their top ten multiplayer games that work well with two players. Finally, Mortiz ends the show with an interview with Derk and Aldie - founders of
Board Games in the Classroom Episode 2
05/12/2008 Duration: 18minThis is the second episode in a series that Tom and Giles are doing on using board games in the classroom. This show won't be posted to the feed on a regular basis, this is merely here to give you a sample of the show. Email Tom or Giles for more information (
Episode #134: Top 10 Trash-Talking Games
28/11/2008 Duration: 01h16minIn this show, we talk about games that allow 'trash talking'. Giles discusses different ways to do it, and we give our top ten games that encourage it. Geoff talks about card shuffling, and Mark reviews Band of heroes. We discuss recent plays of several games, continue our contest, and answer several questions.
Episode #133: Top 10 Auction Games
19/11/2008 Duration: 01h11minIn this show, Tom and Sam talk about some recent game releases, including Chicago Express, Snow Tails, and Dominion. Moritz talks about Star Trek and gaming, Geoff goes over rock/paper/scissors, and Charlie cautions people to wait and see. We resolve one contest, and start another, and finish off the episode with our top ten auction games.