GM Intrusions is the podcast devoted to Numenera, The Strange and other games using the Cypher System. This podcast provides insights to players and GMs as well as product reviews for Numenera, The Strange and other Cypher System games.
GM Intrusions E37 - Kicking Numenera in the Shins
09/07/2014 Duration: 01h41minI’ll dig into the Cypher System some more and answer some listener questions. I’ll talk about the money system in Numenera and offer what is perhaps my first real criticism of the game. I’m also going to finally review the Numenera Character Options supplement.
GM Intrusions E36 - Digging Deep into the Cypher System & the Ninth World
02/07/2014 Duration: 01h47minI’ve got an announcement to make in the Opening Segment as well as my first listener voice mail! I’ll also talk about group size, making the most of bad luck, the sun of the Ninth World and Language and Literacy. In Under the Lens I’ll have some rules clarifications for you, including touch attacks and ability costs, calculating edge cost, using abilities tied to a depleted stat pool, swarm rules, and I hope, once and for all, to put to rest the confusion of might vs. speed defense. Finally, I’ll show you how to break down rules text for yourself and answer many of your own questions. Tom Dullemond and I time travel from the past to talk a bit about The Nightmare Switch, and in Antagonists and Protagonists I’ll talk about the Hontri.
GM Intrusions E35 - Interview with Jon Wright
25/06/2014 Duration: 55minJon Wright joins me on the show today to discuss his experiences running and playing Numenera. You might recognize Jon from the DiceStormers actual play podcast and YouTube channel where he’s run a couple Numenera adventures already.
GM Intrusions E34 - Interview with Bruce Cordell
18/06/2014 Duration: 55minBruce Cordell joins the show to discuss The Strange and its imminent release.
GM Intrusions E33 - Interview with Bryon Kershaw
17/06/2014 Duration: 01h18minBryon Kershaw joins me to discuss his experiences as a player and gamemaster of Numenera.
GM Intrusions E32 - Cypher System Combat Online
11/06/2014 Duration: 01h03minIn this episode I talk a bit about house rules in the Cypher System and how to make combat more interesting and smooth. Then I’ll tell you how I run and play Numenera online and give you some tips. Finally, this week’s Antagonists and Protagonists features the Flesh Pup!
GM Intrusions E31 - Navel Gazing in the Ninth World
04/06/2014 Duration: 01h20minNikki Starwalker takes the captain's chair in this episode of GM Intrusions. She interviews Lex on a variety of topics including Numenera; the Cypher System; roleplaying and gamemastering in general; and the past, present and future of the GM Intrusions podcast.
GM Intrusions E30 - GM Intrusions Strikes Back!
27/05/2014 Duration: 01h50minMichael Diamond joins the show to discuss running Numenera. I discuss how to explain the setting and system to new players. I also answer the question, what supplements do you need as a new player or GM to play or run Numenera?
GM Intrusions E29 - Mastering the GM Intrusion
07/05/2014 Duration: 01h16minIn this episode I dig into the GM Intrusion mechanic. I’ll go over some guidelines from the Numenera Corebook, and I’ll review the new Glimmer on GM Intrusions by Monte Cook. This week’s Antagonists and Protagonists features the Dread Destroyer!
GM Intrusions E28 - A Numenera Hunter's Best Friend
30/04/2014 Duration: 01h10minToday’s theme is companions! First, though, I’ll talk a bit about my own Ninth World setting and my personal take on Numenera. How do I find the right balance of sci-fi and fantasy? I’ll also share a blog post by Monte Cook with some different ways you can handle companions in your game. I’ll talk about an excellent potential companion for your character, the Shanu, in Antagonists and Protagonists. And finally, I have a couple more actual play podcasts to recommend in Inspirations.
GM Intrusions E27 - The Decanted Want You for Your Body AND Your Mind
23/04/2014 Duration: 47minI’ve got a great show for you today! I’ll be unpacking some great GM advice from Monte Cook himself courtesy of the MCG blog. Dr. Scott Robinson gives us a review of the Ninth World Assassins 3rd party supplement for Numenera. This week’s Antagonists & Protagonists features the Decanted. Finally, I have a great television series to recommend in Inspirations.
GM Intrusions E26 - Interview with Tom Dullemond
19/04/2014 Duration: 01h07minTom Dullemond joins the show to discuss running and creating adventures for Numenera. Stay tuned for the Wrap Up at the end of the show, for I’ll be announcing the winners of the GM Intrusions Listener Appreciation Contest.
GM Intrusions E25 - Interview with Monte Cook
10/04/2014 Duration: 01h05sMonte Cook joins me on the show to talk about the past present and future of Numenera.
GM Intrusions E24 - Interview with Ryan Chaddock
03/04/2014 Duration: 01h22minRyan Chaddock joins me on the show to talk about his supplements for Numenera, including his newest--Angels and Ashes.
GM Intrusions E23 - Getting Your Weird On
29/03/2014 Duration: 56minI’m gonna whip out some weird on the show today! I’ll start by sharing my thoughts on the new Numenera Glimmer—Injecting the Weird by Monte Cook. In Under the Lens I’m going to talk about Cooperative Actions, and I’ll give some highlights from a great post by Ryan Chaddock on getting more weird into your game. Finally, in Antagonists and Protagonists I’ll be talking about the Dark Fathom!
GM Intrusions E22 - Guardians of Forever
24/03/2014 Duration: 01h03minIn Under the lens I’ll share some thoughts on the Cypher system based on my own game. Then I’ll dig into some Numenera corebook goodness and talk about how to give an NPC or creature a boost, tips for higher tier games, and some ideas for dealing with character death. I’ll also share a creative way to deal with absent players courtesy of Monte Cook himself! Finally, in Antagonists & Protagonists I’ll talk about the Latos.
GM Intrusions E21 - Interview with Andreas Walters
21/03/2014 Duration: 55minAndreas Walters joins the show to give us a sneak-peek of Ninth World Assassins, his upcoming supplement for Numenera.
GM Intrusions E20 - Interview with Jim Ryan
14/03/2014 Duration: 01h11minJim Ryan joins the show to talk about his adventure Towers of Glass, running Numenera at conventions, and the fiction of Gene Wolfe. Please note that from 22:30 to 28:30 we get into some New Sun spoilers.
GM Intrusions E19 - Interview with Jim Walls
08/03/2014 Duration: 01h11minJim Walls joins me on the show today to share his experiences running Numenera for children, adults and mixed groups.
GM Intrusions E18 - Love and Sex in the Ninth World
01/03/2014 Duration: 01h16minI'll unpack the latest blog post on the Cypher System by Monte Cook, and I'll review the Love and Sex in the Ninth World glimmer for Numenera. I'll also explore The Hex and some real-world inspirations to use to enhance the cultural diversity of your Ninth World setting. Finally I'm announcing the first GM Intrusions Listener Appreciation Contest!