Educator Innovator is an initiative powered by the National Writing Project and provides a hub for educators and partners who are re-imagining learning in and out of school.
Thinking Across Civic Education Work
01/04/2016 Duration: 58min"Connected Learning TV" ( is a webinar series with organizations, projects, and individuals who align with the Connected Learning vision. What can civic educators and researchers in a range of settings learn from each other?
Educators' Experiences Educating For Participatory Politics
25/03/2016 Duration: 53min"Connected Learning TV" ( is a webinar series with organizations, projects, and individuals who align with the Connected Learning vision. What are ways that educators can promote equitable and impactful youth civic and political engagement?
L2P 2.0 Media Make- Finding Personal Relevance In Election Issues
23/03/2016 Duration: 55minAs part of a special series designed for the Letters to the Next President 2.0 project, this “Media Make” how-to hangout offered an invitation for youth to create short videos about election issues that matter to them personally, or impact their communities. Participants–including media makers, educators, and learners–shared practical tips for making effective videos with a smartphone and online editing tools, and strategies for supporting learners to share their stories in an often contentious political climate. This hangout was co-hosted by KQED and The Bay Area Video Coalition (BAVC). Watch the full hangout at: Learn more about L2P 2.0 at:
YPAR In Action- Lessons From The Council Of Youth Research
22/03/2016 Duration: 58min"Connected Learning TV" ( is a webinar series with organizations, projects, and individuals who align with the Connected Learning vision. How does youth participatory action research (YPAR) transform what it means to engage in inquiry by focusing on young people’s interest in public life and their developing identities as citizens?
Supporting Educators To Educate For Participatory Politics
11/03/2016 Duration: 58min"Connected Learning TV" ( is a webinar series with organizations, projects, and individuals who align with the Connected Learning vision. How can we support educators in and out of schools to find avenues to promote equitable and impactful youth civic and political engagement despite other competing demands?
L2P 2.0 Media Make- Developing And Discussing Diverse Political Views In The Classroom And Beyond
08/03/2016 Duration: 01h03minAs part of a special series designed for the Letters to the Next President 2.0 project, this kickoff “Media Make” features educators Janelle Bence and Chris Sloan leading a conversation with students and other teachers about developing and discussing diverse political views in the classroom during a particularly contentious election. Watch the full hangout at: Learn more about L2P 2.0 at:
Meet The "Deviants" - -- Networked Artists And Makers Of DeviantArt
26/02/2016 Duration: 58min"Connected Learning TV" ( is a webinar series with organizations, projects, and individuals who align with the Connected Learning vision. What’s possible when we liberate creative expression with social networks of makers?
Storytelling And Making Redefined- Get To Know The Wattpad Community
19/02/2016 Duration: 53min"Connected Learning TV" ( is a webinar series with organizations, projects, and individuals who align with the Connected Learning vision. What is possible when we connect through storytelling and making?
Connecting The Creative Sparks Of Young Makers To Supportive Communities Of Practice
12/02/2016 Duration: 01h03min"Connected Learning TV" ( is a webinar series with organizations, projects, and individuals who align with the Connected Learning vision. What’s possible when the creative sparks of young makers connect in supportive communities of practice?
Three Rs Of The Modern Era- Research Writing Rewired
09/02/2016 Duration: 58minIn this hangout, hosted by the National Writing Project's Educator Innovator,teachers and students shared their experiences of engaging in an inquiry-driven unit focusing on a collective study of culture, using a variety of texts and individual student literature books that led students to researching topics, writing, and composing with various media. Participants discussed the research process, writing a traditional research paper, purposeful use of digital tools, and media creation. Watch the full hangout at:
Letters To The Next President 2.0
02/02/2016 Duration: 55minIn this hangout, hosted by the National Writing Project's Educator Innovator, participants discussed the launch of Letters to the Next President 2.0 (L2P 2.0), an initiative co-led by NWP and KQED. Watch the full hangout at: Learn more about L2P 2.0 at:
Making - Learning In Different Settings
29/01/2016 Duration: 58min"Connected Learning TV" ( is a webinar series with organizations, projects, and individuals who align with the Connected Learning vision. What are differences, advantages of different institutional settings for maker learning?
Getting Started With Making - Learning - And Where To Go From There
22/01/2016 Duration: 01h36s"Connected Learning TV" ( is a webinar series with organizations, projects, and individuals who align with the Connected Learning vision. What do you do with making-learning? How do you get started, and where do you go from there?
Design, Making, And Learning- Why & How
15/01/2016 Duration: 58min"Connected Learning TV" ( is a webinar series with organizations, projects, and individuals who align with the Connected Learning vision. How are design, making, and learning connected?
Invent To Learn
08/01/2016 Duration: 59min"Connected Learning TV" ( is a webinar series with organizations, projects, and individuals who align with the Connected Learning vision. What is the educational value in encouraging invention and tinkering?
Building School 2.0 (Part 2)- Fostering Inquiry And Connected Practice In The Classroom
16/12/2015 Duration: 01h06min"Connected Learning TV" ( is a webinar series with organizations, projects, and individuals who align with the Connected Learning vision. How can inquiry support school-building at the local, district, and national levels?
Hours Of Code- Coding As An Issue Of #techquity
11/12/2015 Duration: 57minEducator Innovator( produces hangouts with organizations, projects, and individuals who align with the Connected Learning vision.
Building School 2.0 (Part 1)- Fostering Inquiry And Connected Practice Among Learners And Teachers
09/12/2015 Duration: 55min"Connected Learning TV" ( is a webinar series with organizations, projects, and individuals who align with the Connected Learning vision. How can inquiry support school-building at the local, district, and national levels?
CLTV - Educators Innovating With Minecraft - Nov 23, 2015
23/11/2015 Duration: 59min"Connected Learning TV" ( is a webinar series with organizations, projects, and individuals who align with the Connected Learning vision. How are educators innovating and creating learning experiences with Minecraft?
CLTV - Learning To Code In Minecraft - Nov 17, 2015
17/11/2015 Duration: 17min(Part 1 of 2) "Connected Learning TV" ( is a webinar series with organizations, projects, and individuals who align with the Connected Learning vision. How can coding be taught in the Minecraft environment?