A one hour show ( or a 15 minute podcast) where I share a weekly angel messages, healing meditations and take listener calls for questions and readings. I am a Angel Intuitive tm, and Life Coach. Certified Advanced Angel Oracle and Tarot Card Reader from Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine and Certified Assertiveness Coach by Doreen Virtue. I also a Speaker and Author. The podcasts are also on iTunes!-blog-talk/id673579317?mt=2
Weekly Angel Message for July 13 through 19 from Archangel Michael
15/07/2015 Duration: 15minHello! This week I am guided to create a 15 minute podcast of the week's angel messages! This week I am using the Archangel Michael Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. We have the message, "Your Inner Guidance is Real and Trustworthy". What guidance and messags have you been receiving recently? It's definitely time to begin taking actions on them. Even if it's a tiny step! In addition to the weekly message I will be sharing some examples of how I did this in the past and it created whole new exciting openings in my life! Have a truly blessed week! Angel light and live, Barbara For more information about my Angel Card Readings and Life Coaching Services. Bcalvanocoaching on Facebook Bcalvanocoach on Twitter
Daily Guidance and Protection with Archangel Michael
29/06/2015 Duration: 01h03minHello! Please note the show has been rescheduled for Monday June 29 at 1pm EST. I apologize for any inconvenience. Listen live or on demand. Welcome to 'Let' Ask the Angels'! This show on June 29th is dedicated to learning about Archangel Michael, how to connect with him and create a life of grace and ease. I will be taking your calls at the half hour for mini readings, also. I will be sharing the upcoming weekly angel card reading from the Archangel Michael Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. Follow me here at Blogtalk Radio for the latest updates. Also, at Bcalvanocoaching on Facebook You can message me your questions for a mini angel card reading at my Facebook page Bcalvanocoaching! Be sure to like my page and mark it for the BlogTalk Radio Show June 27th! Angel light and love, Barbara
Special Guest Anu Shi Asta - Atlantean Spiritual Lifestyle Coach
23/05/2015 Duration: 01h01minJoin me with Anu Shi Asta my special guest. Anu Shi Asta (Anu Wyskiel) is an author, motivational speaker, 12Listen advisor, 12radio show host, creator of Angel Light Hypnosis™, Past Life Regressionist and a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. Anu is deeply committed to helping others awaken to their own innate gifts and ancient inner wisdom, and inspiring others to rediscover their connection to the magic of life. Her show Heaven on Earth airs weekly on covering various topics including manifesting dreams into reality, angels, healing and reaching a heaven on earth state of mind. Her books Matka Enkelten Maailmaan 2007 (Journey to the World of Angels) and Näin luot taivaan maan päälle 2013 (Creating Heaven on Earth) are published in Finland. Anu will be a delightful guest on your show with a wealth of wisdom to share. She is always eager to entertain your listeners by taking calls for intuitive and psychic readings. · Anu Shi Asta is a Published Author, 12Listen Advisor at www.12listen
Healing with the Angels for All Areas of Your Life
09/05/2015 Duration: 58minHello all, Welcome to my show, 'Let's Ask the Angels' here on BlogTalk Radio on Saturday May 9th at 4pm EST. I will share the upcoming weekly angel card messages and take your listener calls at the half hour. Call in at 424-675-6837 for a reading! This week I was guided to use the Healing with the Angels Oracle cards by Doreen Virtue. This show I will share how healing can occur with the support of the angels in all areas of your life. Angel light and love, Barbara Follow me here at this show. Facebook Bcalvanocoaching Subscribe by email and receive my weekly angel messages!
Weekly Spiritual Messages and Life Coaching for April 27th through May 3rd
27/04/2015 Duration: 14minHello! Here are my weekly spiritual messages and life coaching for April 27th through May 3rd! Join me on my live radio shows where I have special guests and take listener calls for your readings and queastions! Follow me here on BlogTalk Radio on Let's Ask te Angels and also at my website for the latest news and updates! Enjoy your week! May you live a life of grace and ease! Namaste! Barbara Facebook Bcalvanocoaching
Special Guest Brigitte Parvin Angel Therapist Practitioner & Hay House Author
13/04/2015 Duration: 01h04minJoin me on this show with my special guest, Brigitte Parvin is an Internationally known Angel Therapist Practitioner (R) .Medium Past Life Reader and Hypnotherapist Certified by Doreen Virtue, Akashic Record Reader and Reiki. Brigitte is currently also co-authoring a book with Doreen Virtue called How to Get Your Life Back. How to heal through addictions with the help of God and your angels published by Hayhouse to be released in 2016 .Brigitte's the owner for 20 years of Brigitte's Serenity Studio a chemical free hair salon and Metaphysical Store in Northern California and Yoga of Recovery Counselor TM she is the owner of a Studio Be Yoga with her husband Doug her daughter Noelle. We will be taking calls at the half hour giving readings and answering questions! Call 424-675-6837 Angel light and love, Barbara Join me at WWW.BCALVANOCOACHING.COM and Facebook Bcalvanocoaching
Special Guest Carmen Carignan of Angelic Essence Healing
04/04/2015 Duration: 01h34sJoin me and my special guest,Carmen Carignan on Satuday April 4th at 4pm EST. Call in at 424-675-6837 for a reading! Carmen, intuitive as a young child, grew up in a family of healers. Her connection with spirit and the angels especially Archangels Michael and Raphael became evident at a young age. Her gifts of claircognizance, clairvoyance and telepathy often contributed to her being called “an old soul”. She is an Angeltherapy Practitioner(R) with advanced training, certified medium, a certified hypnotherapist, past life reader, certified Angel Card Reader, as well as a Usui Master/Teacher. She also facilitates past life regression. She has spoken at numerous expos and conferences across the US including Lily Dale Assembly in NY and the keynote speaker at Keene, NH's Women's Expo this past May. She is a writer for the angel corner of The MIrror Magazine and was a contributing writer for Archangels 101, The Miracles of Archangel Gabriel, and Archangel Raphael by Doreen Virtue and
Special Guest Mary Spicer-Intuitive Coach, Energy & Sound Healing Practitioner
23/03/2015 Duration: 01h04minHello and welcome, Call in number is 424-675-6837! I'm very happy to have Mary Spicer as my special guest March 23rd at 1pm EST here on 'Let's Ask the Angels' on BlogTalk Radio. About Mary I have been empowering both women and men on how to trust who they are, connect deeply into their sensual soul, believe in their creative expression and embrace their BIG self as a Professional Intuitive Coach and Energy & Sound Healing Practitioner. I offer private sessions, teach classes and meditations using the creative imagination, energy, sound, somatic and shamanic techniques to help clients connect into the root and soul of any change they want to create in their life. The Mary Spicer Show a live radio broadcast on allows listeners to delve deeper through a sense of adventure into self love, trust, and honoring, opening, awakening the sensual and highly creative forces that live within. I received a Master Certification, a three-year program in Intuit
Special Guest Anna Taylor, Angel Therapist tm, Singer-SongWriter
09/03/2015 Duration: 01h20sJoin me with my special guest Anna Taylor as she share her guidance and wisdom on my show, "Let's as the Angels", Call in at 424-675-6837 for a reading or question. Known as 'The Angels' Voice', Anna Taylor is an international recording artist, singer-songwriter, ANGEL THERAPIST® certified by Doreen Virtue, Theta Healing Practitioner® , speaker and radio host. Anna connects with Divine love and guidance to support people with all aspects of life and often acts as a catalyst for transformation. She is a loving and compassionate woman with a remarkable ability to empathise and communicate and shares daily inspiration with almost 200,000 on her Facebook page. Born eleven weeks premature and with Cerebral Palsy, learning to walk was a major challenge, and Anna took her first independent steps at the age of six. Although her formal education was interrupted first by surgery and physiotherapy, then by long-term illness , she completed her exams through home-tutoring and sheer deter
Special Guest Tina Marie Bertoli, Angel Therapist, Medium, Spiritual Counselor
23/02/2015 Duration: 01h01minTina Marie Bertoli is an Angel Therapist®, Medium, and Licensed Spiritual Counselor, communicates with your Angels and Spirit Guides to receive Divine guidance for all aspects of your life. She channels messages of love from the Angelic and Ascended Master realms, deceased loved ones and pets. A Reiki and IET® Master Teacher, Certified Past Life and Crystal Healer, she is also a IKYTA Kundalini Yoga Instructor and host of The Tina Marie show on Blog Talk Radio and the Magic Hour on Tina can help to remove blocks in your energy field, cleanse and balance your chakras, uncover limiting patterns and beliefs, and receive specific information to help you move forward on your spiritual path. She believes that we all have the innate ability to communicate with the angels and she helps to open that door for all others by developing their own Divine Intuition. Tina’s mission is to bridge the gap between this world and the next by offering guidance, direction, comfort, and love to those in nee
Special Guest Rita Gigante, Intuitive Healer & Hayhouse Author
09/02/2015 Duration: 01h03minJoin me on Monday February 9th at 1pm EST on Let's ask the Angels with my very special guest, Rita Gigante, Intuitive Healer and Hayhouse author. Rita Gigante has dedicated her adult life to healing people spiritually, emotionally, and physically. She has a degree in exercise physiology and is a licensed massage therapist and Reiki master. In 2010 she formed the Collective Healing Network, which conducts monthly sessions in New York and New Jersey. Rita also has a private practice outside of New York City, where she serves clients using energy therapy, intuitive healing, spiritual counseling, sound therapy, and angel readings . We will be speaking about her healing work, angels and her Hayhouse published book, 'The Godfather's Daughter' -an unlikely story of love, healing and redemption. You'll have a chance to call in speak with her and receive a intuitive reading. Co-authored by Natasha Stoynoff. Call in at 424-675-6837 For more information about Barbara Calvano and my services of intuitive read
Special Guest Melissa Virtue of Angel Dreams
31/01/2015 Duration: 01h01minJoin me with my special guest. Melissa Virtue on January 31st at 4pm EST Saturday. Melissa began studying dreams and communicating with the angels at a young age. She is an Angel Therapy Practitioner, medium, and a Light Resonace Healing Practitioner. Melissa teaches workshops on dream interpretation and angels. A retired professional dancer, Melissa currently teaches SpiralDance®- Manifestation with Movement. created and teaches SpiralDance tm, a spiritually based dance technique. She is the author of Dreamtime, the Children’s series Magical Dream Journeys, and co-author with Doreen Virtue of Angel Dreams Oracle Cards, and Angel Dreams: Healing and Guidance from Your Dreams. She has a radio show too on BlogTalk Awakening with Melissa and Grant Call in at 424-675-6837 for a reading on my show! Angel light and love, Barbara Calvano Follow me there or at Facebook Bcalvanocoaching
Special Guest Stewart Pearce, Master of Voice, Sound Healer and Angel Medium
30/01/2015 Duration: 01h03minHERE IS THE RESCHEDULED LIVE show with Stewart Pearce! Join us for this specially scheduled show on FRIDAY at 1PM EST January 30th. Listen live or on rebroadcast. Call in at 424-675-6837 with your questions and to speak with Stewart! This year I am very excited to share with you a line up of truly inspirational and talented professionals of angelic knowledge, healing and more. It is my commitment that you are empowered in your life as you receive messages and guidance to live your life fully with grace and ease. My first guest of 2015 we have the pleasure of having Stewart Pearce, Master of Voice, Sound Healer and Angel Medium share his expertise and wisdom. He has created angelic sound healing processes using the transformative energy of the voice for soul, inspiration and personal development. He is also the author of the books 'The Alchemy of Voice', 'The Heart's Note', and 'The Angels of Atlantis'. He also has publishe
Rebroadcast of Januray 10th - Creating 2015 with the Angels: The Year of Action
17/01/2015 Duration: 01h05minToday's show is a rebroadcast of January 10th show 'Creating 2015 with the Angels: The Year of Action. Join me next week at my special time of 1pm EST January 24th with my guest, the legendary sound healer Stewart Pearce. Angel light and love, Barbara Bcalvanocoaching on Facebook
Creating 2015 with the Angels: The Year of Action
10/01/2015 Duration: 01h06minWelcome to 'Let's Ask the Angels' on BlogTalk Radio Saturdays at 4PM EST. . I am your Host Barbara Calvano. I invite you to listen, share this show with others and call in for a reading at 424-675-6837. Each week I will share an upcoming weekly angel card reading, a short meditation and take your listener calls for readings. This week I will be sharing the upcoming weekly angel messgaes from the Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.
Let's Ask the Angels New Year 2015 Message and Guidance
03/01/2015 Duration: 01h04minWelcome to my first show of the year 2015 on 'Let's Ask the Angels' on BlogTalk Radio Saturdays at 4PM EST. . I am your Host Barbara Calvano. I invite you to listen, share this show with others and call in for a reading at 424-675-6837. Each week I will share an upcoming weekly angel card reading, a short meditation and take your listener calls for readings. This week I will be sharing the upcoming weekly angel messgaes from the Healing with the Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. I will also share a special message for the year 2015. For more information about me and my Angel Card Readings and Life Coaching see Subscribe to my email to receive my weekly angel card readings. Follow me on Facebook at Bcalvanocoaching. May your days be filled with peace and light! Barbara
Archangel Michael's Guidance for New Beginnings and a Fresh Start in 2015
29/12/2014 Duration: 01h03minNOTE: CHANGE OF DATE DUE TO HOLIDAYS! MONDAY DECEMBER 29 4PM EST Welcome to the last show of the year on December 29th on 'Let's Ask the Angels' on BlogTalk Radio Saturdays at 4PM EST. For the month of December I have been guided to share on the topic "Be the Change You Want to See in the World". I am your Host Barbara Calvano. I invite you to listen, share this show with others and call in for a reading at 424-675-6837. On this special show the weekly angel messages are from Archanegl Michael! We will receive his guidance for the upcoming week December 29th through January 4th 2015! Ending the year of 2014 and beginning the new year! How to end the year powerfully and create the new year with the support of the angels! Join me and set the tone for your dreams and goals for 2015! Each week I will share an upcoming weekly angel card reading, a short meditation and take your listener calls for readings. For more information about me and my Angel Card Readings and Life Coaching see www.Bcalvanocoachi
Messages from Mary Queen of Angels and Archangel Jophiel
20/12/2014 Duration: 01h02minWelcome to December's shows on 'Let's Ask the Angels' on BlogTalk Radio Saturdays at 4PM EST. For December I am guided to share on the topic "Be the Change You Want to See in the World". I am your Host Barbara Calvano. I invite you to listen, share this show with others and call in for a reading at 424-675-6837. On this show the weekly angel messages are from the Mary Queen of Angels Oracle Card deck by Doreen Virtue. We have Mother Mary delivering messgaes for us. I'll also be sharing messages from Archangel Jophiel. Each week I will share an upcoming weekly angel card reading, a short meditation and take your listener calls for readings. For more information about me and my Angel Card Readings and Life Coaching see Subscribe to my email to receive my weekly angel card readings. Follow me on Facebook at Bcalvanocoaching. May your days be filled with peace and light! Barbara
Archangel Gabriel's Support and Guidance
15/12/2014 Duration: 01h01min(This LIVE show is rescheduled from Saturday Dec 13 to Dec 15 1pm) Welcome to December's shows on 'Let's Ask the Angels' on BlogTalk Radio Saturdays at 4PM EST. I am guided to share on the topic "Be the Change You Want to See in the World". I am your Host Barbara Calvano. I invite you to listen, share this show with others and call in for a reading at 424-675-6837. On this show the weekly angel messages are from the Archangel Oracle Card deck by Doreen Virtue. We have Archangels Gabriel, Metatron and Uriel delivering messgaes for us. Each week I will share an upcoming weekly angel card reading, a short meditation and take your listener calls for readings. For more information about me and my Angel Card Readings and Life Coaching see Subscribe to my email to receive my weekly angel card readings. Follow me on Facebook at Bcalvanocoaching. May your days be filled with peace and light! Barbara
REPLAY of Dec 6- The Grace of Archangel Michael
13/12/2014 Duration: 01h01minTHIS IS A REPLAY OF DECEMBER 6. MY NEXT SHOW RESCHEDUED IS ON MONDAY DEC 15 AT 1PM EST. Welcome to December's shows on 'Let's Ask the Angels' on BlogTalk Radio Saturdays at 4PM EST. I am guided to share on the topic "Be the Change You Want to See in the World". I am your Host Barbara Calvano. I invite you to listen, share this show with others and call in for a reading at 424-675-6837. On this show the weekly angel messages are from Archangel Michael. With Michael's support we can more easily experience grace and ease in our lives. Learn the techniques of energy clearing and balancing that Archangel Michael can assist us with. Each week I will share an upcoming weekly angel card reading, a short meditation and take your listener calls for readings. For more information about me and my Angel Card Readings and Life Coaching see Subscribe to my email to receive my weekly angel card readings. Follow me on Facebook at Bcalvanocoaching. May your days be filled with peace and lig