Lets Ask The Angels!

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 304:24:56
  • More information



A one hour show ( or a 15 minute podcast) where I share a weekly angel messages, healing meditations and take listener calls for questions and readings. I am a Angel Intuitive tm, and Life Coach. Certified Advanced Angel Oracle and Tarot Card Reader from Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine and Certified Assertiveness Coach by Doreen Virtue. I also a Speaker and Author. The podcasts are also on iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/lets-ask-angels!-blog-talk/id673579317?mt=2 www.bcalvanocoaching.com


  • Being Present to Love!

    28/06/2013 Duration: 53min

    Being Present to Love...BLOOMING with LOVE! For the month of June  I will be  speaking about blossoming, flourishing, growing with love! Life, relationships, health, creativity and more!  One definition of  to bloom is "to shine with health and vigor, to grow".  How to connect with your angels, ascended masters and  earth angels to be empowered clearly and energetically.  Call in for a reading at 424-675-6837. I will also do a guided healing meditation &  a weekly oracle card reading. Blessings & Namaste! www.bcalvanocoaching.com FB bcalvanocoaching  

  • Being Present to Love!

    21/06/2013 Duration: 01h25s

    Being Present to Love...BLOOMING with LOVE! For the month of June  I will be  speaking about blossoming, flourishing, growing with love! Life, relationships, health, creativity and more!  One definition of  to bloom is "to shine with health and vigor, to grow".  How to connect with your angels, ascended masters and  earth angels to be empowered clearly and energetically.  Call in for a reading at 424-675-6837. I will also do a guided healing meditation &  a weekly oracle card reading. Blessings & Namaste! www.bcalvanocoaching.com FB bcalvanocoaching  

  • Blooming with Love!

    14/06/2013 Duration: 59min

    BLOOMING with LOVE! For the month of June  I will be  speaking about blossoming, flourishing, growing with love! Life, relationships, health, creativity and more!  One definition of  to bloom is "to shine with health and vigor, to grow".  How to connect with your angels, ascended masters and  earth angels to be empowered clearly and energetically.  Call in for a reading at 424-675-6837. I will also do a guided healing meditation &  a weekly oracle card reading from the Angel dreams Oracle Cards. Blessings & Namaste! www.bcalvanocoaching.com FB bcalvanocoaching  

  • Connecting to Your Spirit

    31/05/2013 Duration: 59min

    Connecting to you Spirit! Our final show in May will be about connecting to your spirit! What does that actually mean, what does that look like and how does it show up in your life! I will do a  weekly angel card reading, a guided meditation for healing and prayer and take listener calls for readings. This week's reading will be from the Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards. Join me for my one hour live show on BlogTalk radio Fridays at 4pm EST.   To find out more about me, angel card readings and life coaching see www.bcalvanocoaching.com Follow me on FB at bcalvanocoaching.com Have a wonderful day! Angel Blessings! Barbara

  • Connecting to Your Spirit

    24/05/2013 Duration: 01h47s

    Connecting to you Spirit! May's shows will be about connecting to your spirit! What does that actually mean, what does that look like and how does it show up in your life! This week I will do a  weekly angel card reading for the Ascended Masters Oracle Cards Deck by Doreen Virtue, a guided meditation for healing and prayer and take listener calls for readings. Join me for my one hour live show on BlogTalk radio Fridays at 4pm EST.   To find out more about me, angel card readings and life coaching see www.bcalvanocoaching.com Follow me on FB at bcalvanocoaching.com Have a wonderful day! Angel Blessings! Barbara

  • Connecting to Your Spirit

    17/05/2013 Duration: 01h44s

    Today's show will be a re -broadcast of  April 5, 2013. I will do the weekly reading from this page 5/17/13 this weekend!  Thank you! Stay connected on FB at Bcalvanocoaching. May's shows will be about connecting to your spirit! What does that actually mean, what does that look like and how does it show up in your life! I will do a  weekly angel card reading from the Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards deck by Doreen Virtue, a guided meditation for healing and prayer and take listener calls for readings. Join me for my one hour live show on BlogTalk radio Fridays at 4pm EST. To find out more about me, angel card readings and life coaching see www.bcalvanocoaching.com Follow me on FB at bcalvanocoaching.com Have a wonderful day! Angel Blessings! Barbara

  • Connecting to Your Spirit

    10/05/2013 Duration: 56min

    CONNECTING TO YOUR SPIRIT!! May's shows will be about connecting to your spirit! What does that actually mean, what does that look like and how does it show up in your life! I will do a  weekly angel card reading from the Archangel Michael Oracle Card Deck by Doreen Virtue, a guided meditation for healing and prayer and take listener calls for readings. Stay tuned for special guests also! Join me for my one hour live show on BlogTalk radio Fridays at 4pm EST.   To find out more about me, angel card readings and life coaching see www.bcalvanocoaching.com Follow me on FB at bcalvanocoaching.com Have a wonderful day! Angel Blessings! Barbara

  • Connecting to Your Spirit

    03/05/2013 Duration: 01h53s

    Connecting to you Spirit! May's shows will be about connecting to your spirit! What does that actually mean, what does that look like and how does it show up in your life! I will do a  weekly angel card reading, a guided meditation for healing and prayer and take listener calls for readings. This week's reading is from the Archangel Oracle Card Decks by Doreen Virtue. To find out more about me, angel card readings and life coaching see www.bcalvanocoaching.com Follow me on FB at bcalvanocoaching.com Have a wonderful day! Angel Blessings! Barbara

  • Let's Ask the Angels 4-12-13

    26/04/2013 Duration: 55min

    This week' s show wil be a rebroadcast of April 12, 2013.Stay tuned for next week's live show May 3rd 4pm EST! Feel free to contact me on Facebook at Bcalvanocoaching! www.bcalvanocoaching.com Angel Card Readings, Energy Balcancing and Life Coaching    

  • Being Present to Love

    19/04/2013 Duration: 01h05min

    Being Present to Love Returning to February's theme, contining to inquire what it is to live a life being present to love no matter what's going on! Discussing how to work with your angels for guidance, peace and empowerment!   Weekly angel oracle card readng fromthe Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards, a guided meditation and I will be taking listener calls  for readings! 424-675-6837 Follow me here and on FB at Bcalvanocoaching www.bcalvanocoaching.com Namaste! Barbara  

  • Being Present to Love

    12/04/2013 Duration: 54min

    Being Present to Love Returning to February's theme, contining to inquire what it is to live a life being present to love no matter what's going on! Discussing how to work with your angels for guidance, peace and empowerment! This week's weekly angel card reading is from the Magical Unicorns Oracle Cards Deck, a guided meditation and I will be taking listener calls  for readings! Follow me here and on FB at Bcalvanocoaching www.bcalvanocoaching.com Namaste! Barbara  

  • Being Present to Love

    05/04/2013 Duration: 01h20s

    Being Present to Love Returning to February's theme, continuing to inquire what it is to live a life being present to love no matter what's going on! Discussing how to work with your angels for guidance, peace and empowerment! The weekly reading is from Messages from the Angels Oracle Cards Deck by Doreen Virtue.   Weekly angel oracle card readng, a guided meditation and I will be taking listener calls  for readings! Follow me here and on FB at Bcalvanocoaching www.bcalvanocoaching.com Namaste! Barbara  

  • Awakening to Your Spirit

    29/03/2013 Duration: 57min

    Awakening to Your Spirit Our final show of March I wil be doing a  weekly angel card reading from the Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, a guided meditation and take listener calls for readings!   Follow me on FB at Bcalvanocoaching For more information  www.bcalvanocoaching.com Look forward to you calling in and listening! Namaste! Barbara

  • Awakening to Your Spirit

    22/03/2013 Duration: 01h06min

    Awakening to Your Spirit  For the month of March our continued discussion on what it is to be awake or conscious  to your spirit, the Divine your intuition.   Your weekly Angel Card Reading from the Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, a guided mediatation and listener call ins for  angel card readings.   www.bcalvanocoaching.com Follow me on FB at bcalvanocoaching Have a wonderful week! Namaste! Barbara  

  • Awakening to Your Spirit

    08/03/2013 Duration: 01h04min

    AWAKENING TO YOUR SPIRIT March series How is spirit showing up for you in your life? Here it is March 2013, Spring is upon us! The light is brighter and flowers and trees are blooming. Are you blooming? Do you feel and experience  lightness? Whether you call spirit God, Higher Power, Source, Nature, Buddha, Allah, Krishna, it doesn't matter. Here I will discuss how to connect and to continue being present to love and or loving your life no matter what  circumstances are happening.  When you are awake to your divine connection to your true power, you have aliveness, excitement, curiosity, playfulness, peace  and joy.  I will do a 3 card reading from the Magical Mermaids & Dolphins Oracle Card Deck by Doreen Virtue for the week and  also take your listener calls with your questions for a reading at the  the end of the show. There will also be a guided meditation. Follow me on FB at bcalvanocoaching      www.bcalvanocoaching.com Angel Oracle Card Readings and  Life Coaching YOU CAN LISTEN TO PAST SHOWS HERE

  • Being Present to Love

    28/02/2013 Duration: 01h38s

    February rounds out with this show on how to be present to the love in your life. All aspects of love.  Love exists yet often we don't see it or experience it. How are we when we are  constantly looking for it, not receiving it, wanting it...love as approval, acknowledgement, intimacy, self care, attention.   What is it to create a life where we are present to love ongoingly no matter what is going on in our lives?  What is it like to call upon Divine guidance to be present to love? We celebrated Valentine's Day and I celebrated a birthday.  Wecreated intentions in January and now look at being present to fulfill them!  I will do a 3 card reading on Being Present to Love using the Mary Queen of Angels Oracle Card Deck from Doreen Virtue. Lead listeners to a guided meditation. Answer callers for a reading at the end of the show. Follow me on Facebook here or www.bcalvanocoaching.com Namaste! Barbara

  • Being Present to Love

    07/02/2013 Duration: 01h50s

    Being Present to Love in ALL areas of your life will be the focus for February! Today I'll talk about what it looks like to be present to love. I will do  an angel card reading for the week from the  "Angel Therapy Oracle Cards" by Doreen Virtue.    Calling upon the angels for divine guidance to support us in maintaining peace, aliveness, creativity and focus. In our relationships, work and  health, being present is an access to all the creativity, passion,  abundance and joy.  Call in for a reading with your questions. I will do also be doing a  3 card reading for the week for the listening audience and a guided meditation. Do you have a question you'd like guidance from the angels for? Call in or email me your questions for a  complimentary one card reading at bcalvano-coaching.net   Barbara Calvano is a Certfied Angel Card Reader tm from Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine. She is also a Life C

  • Creating the New Year with the Angels!

    31/01/2013 Duration: 01h55s

    With the final show for January...we'll talk about how it's going.....did you create a plan  for the new year 2013?   What will be different this year?  What RISKS  will you take that you never had taken before?    I look forward to celebrating the hour with a guided meditation, an  angel card reading for the week from the Angel Dreams Oracle Cards by Doreen Viture & Melissa Virtue,powerful tips on staying on track with your resolutions and  goals for the year and take listener calls.  The show is about how to create happiness in your life with the divine guidance of angels. I will be doing a Throat Chakra reading and also a  guided meditation for release. 

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