A one hour show ( or a 15 minute podcast) where I share a weekly angel messages, healing meditations and take listener calls for questions and readings. I am a Angel Intuitive tm, and Life Coach. Certified Advanced Angel Oracle and Tarot Card Reader from Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine and Certified Assertiveness Coach by Doreen Virtue. I also a Speaker and Author. The podcasts are also on iTunes!-blog-talk/id673579317?mt=2
Angel Messages & Guidance for September
06/09/2022 Duration: 50minWelcome to my show Let's Ask the Angels on Blogtalk Radio! Next one is September 6th Tuesday at 4pm ET Angel Messages & Guidance for September. I was guided to share from the Sacred Rebels Oracle by Alana Fairchild I am your host, Barbara Calvano, Angel Intuitive and Life Coach of Call in to the show for messages, guidance, life coaching and energy clearing at 424-675-6837. I will be sharing the upcoming messages for the upcoming month and taking your listener calls for on air readings. To book a personal session with me go to SERVICES on WWW.BCALVANOCOACHING.COM SERVICES Purchase your session and I will contact you to set up a convenient time and date. By phone, Skype, Facetime, Zoom and in person Subscribe to my email on to stay updated on online and in person events. Next ANGEL HEALING CIRCLE SEPTEMBER. 21st : FREE You are invited to a Zoom meeting. - FREE Angel Healing Circle Wh
Angel Messages & Guidance August 22nd to 28th: Creating Abundance
22/08/2022 Duration: 01h04sWelcome to my show Let's Ask the Angels on Blogtalk Radio! Next one is August 22nd at 4pm ET Monday Angel Messages & Guidance August 22nd to 28th: Creating Abundance I am your host, Barbara Calvano, Angel Intuitive and Life Coach of I will be sharing Angel messages from The Rose Oracle by Rebecca Campbell. Call in to the show for messages, guidance, life coaching and energy clearing at 424-675-6837. I will be sharing the upcoming messages for the upcoming week and taking your listener calls for on air readings. To book a personal session with me go to SERVICES on WWW.BCALVANOCOACHING.COM SERVICES Purchase your session and I will contact you to set up a convenient time and date. By phone, Skype, Facetime, Zoom and in person Subscribe to my email on to stay updated on online and in person events. Next ANGEL HEALING CIRCLE SEPTEMBER. 21st : FREE You are invited to a Zoom meeting. - FREE
Angel Messages & Guidance for August: The Lionsgate 8/8
08/08/2022 Duration: 58minWelcome to my show Let's Ask the Angels on Blogtalk Radio! Next one is August 8th at 4pm ET. Monday I am your host, Barbara Calvano, Angel Intuitive and Life Coach of I will be sharing Angel messages for the month of August: The Lionsgate 8/8 I also will be sharing from the Divine Feminine Oracle by Meggan Watterson. Call in to the show for messages, guidance, life coaching and energy clearing at 424-675-6837. I will be sharing the upcoming messages for the upcoming week and taking your listener calls for on air readings. To book a personal session with me go to SERVICES on WWW.BCALVANOCOACHING.COM SERVICES Purchase your session and I will contact you to set up a convenient time and date. By phone, Skype, Facetime, Zoom and in person Subscribe to my email on to stay updated on online and in person events. Next ANGEL CIRCLE SEPTEMBER. You are invited to a Zoom meeting. When: Sep 21, 2022
Angel Messages & Guidance for July: Your Prayers Have Been Heard
05/07/2022 Duration: 59minWelcome to my show Let's Ask the Angels on Blogtalk Radio! I am your host, Barbara Calvano, Angel Intuitive and Life Coach of I will be sharing Angel messages for the month of July- Your Prayers Have Been Heard. Call in to the show for messages, guidance, life coaching and energy clearing at 424-675-6837. I will be sharing the upcoming messages for the upcoming week and taking your listener calls for on air readings. To book a personal session with me go to SERVICES on WWW.BCALVANOCOACHING.COM SERVICES Purchase your session and I will contact you to set up a convenient time and date. By phone, Skype, Facetime, Zoom and in person Subscribe to my email on to stay updated on online and in person events. Follow me here on Blogtalk radio Let's Ask the Angels and on IG at bkiddcalvano Barbara Kidd Calvano FREE FULL MOON ANGEL CIRCLE ON JULY 13TH 7PM ET YOU MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE FOR
Angel Messages & Guidance for June 26th to July 2nd: Potential & Promise
27/06/2022 Duration: 44minWelcome to my show Let's Ask the Angels on Blogtalk Radio! I am your host, Barbara Calvano, Angel Intuitive and Life Coach of I will be sharing Angel messages for June 26th to July 2nd: Potential & Promise. The card deck I will be using is the Rose Oracle by Rebecca Campbell. Call in to the show for messages, guidance, life coaching and energy clearing at 424-675-6837. I will be sharing the upcoming messages for the upcoming week and taking your listener calls for on air readings. To book a personal session with me go to SERVICES on WWW.BCALVANOCOACHING.COM SERVICES Purchase your session and I will contact you to set up a convenient time and date. By phone, Skype, Facetime, Zoom and in person Subscribe to my email on to stay updated on online and in person events. Follow me here on Blogtalk radio Let's Ask the Angels and on IG at bkiddcalvano Barbara Kidd Calvano FREE FULL MOON
Angel Messages & Guidance for June 19th to 26th: Enlightenment
20/06/2022 Duration: 57minWelcome to my show Let's Ask the Angels on Blogtalk Radio! I am your host, Barbara Calvano, Angel Intuitive and Life Coach of I will be sharing Angel messages for June 19th to 26th: Enligtenment on Monday JUne 20th 5pm ET from the Whispers of Lord Ganesha oracle by Angela Hartfield. Call in for angel messages, guidance, life coaching and energy clearing at 424-675-6837. I will be sharing the upcoming messages for the month nd be taking your listener calls for on air readings. To book a personal session with me go to SERVICES on WWW.BCALVANOCOACHING.COM SERVICES Purchase your session and I will contact you to set up a convenient time and date. By phone, Skype, Facetime, Zoom and in person Subscribe to my email on to stay updated on online and in person events. Follow me here on Blogtalk radio Let's Ask the Angels and on IG at bkiddcalvano Barbara Kidd Calvano Learn how I keep healthy
Angel Messages & Guidance for June
31/05/2022 Duration: 52minWelcome to my show Let's Ask the Angels on Blogtalk Radio! I am your host, Barbara Calvano, Angel Intuitive and Life Coach of I will be sharing Angel messages for June on Tuesday May 31 at 4pm ET, 1pm PT from the Divine Feminine Oracle by Meggan Watterson. Call in for angel messages, guidance, life coaching and energy clearing at 424-675-6837. I will be sharing the upcoming messages for the month nd be taking your listener calls for on air readings. To book a personal session with me go to SERVICES on SPECIAL $24 READINGS EMAIL OR AUDIO RECORDING 3 CARDS.LIMITED TIME SPECIAL. WWW.BCALVANOCOACHING.COM SERVICES Purchase your session and I will contact you to set up a convenient time and date. By phone, Skype, Facetime, Zoom and in person Subscribe to my email on to stay updated on online and in person events. Follow me here on Blogtalk radio Let's Ask the Angels and on IG at bkiddcalvano
Angel Messages for May 2nd to May 8th from Mother Mary : Radiant Grace
02/05/2022 Duration: 01h04minWelcome to my show Let's Ask the Angels on Blogtalk Radio! I am your host, Barbara Calvano, Angel Intuitive and Life Coach of I will be sharing Angel messages for May 2nd to 8th at 4pm ET, 1pm PT from the Mother Mary oracle deck by Alana Fairchild. Call in for angel messages, guidance, life coaching and energy clearing at 424-675-6837. I will be sharing the upcoming messages for the week and be taking your listener calls for on air readings. To book a personal session with me go to SERVICES on Purchase your session and I will contact you to set up a convenient time and date. By phone, Skype, Facetime, Zoom and in person Subscribe to my email on to stay updated on online and in person events. Follow me here on Blogtalk radio Let's Ask the Angels and on IG at bkiddcalvano Barbara Kidd Calvano For a free health wellness consultation and gift samples of Doterra Eseential OIls message
Finding Quiet
11/04/2022 Duration: 56minWelcome to my show Let's Ask the Angels on Blogtalk Radio! Today's tirle is FINDING QUIET. Finding peace during these turbulant times with divine guidance. I am your host, Barbara Calvano, Angel Intuitive and Life Coach of I will be sharing messages for April 11th to 17th using the Angel Wisdom Tarot by Radleigh Valentine. Call in for angel messages, guidance, life coaching and energy clearing at 424-675-6837. I will be sharing the upcoming messages for the week and be taking your listener calls for on air readings. I HAVE A FREE ANGEL CIRCLE APRIL 12TH AT 7PM ON ZOOM You must register in advance. When: Apr 12, 2022 19:00 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. To book a personal session with me go to SERVICES on Purchase your
Angel Messages for March 28th to April 3rd : The Divine Feminine Oracle
28/03/2022 Duration: 59minWelcome to my show Let's Ask the Angels on Blogtalk Radio! I am your host, Barbara Calvano, Angel Intuitive and Life Coach of I will be sharing messages for March 28th to April 3rd with the Divine Feminine Oracle by Meggan Watterson. Call in for angel messages, guidance, life coaching and energy clearing at 424-675-6837. I will be sharing the upcoming messages for the week and be taking your listener calls for on air readings. FREE ANGEL CIRCLE APRIL 12TH AT 7PM ON ZOOM When: Apr 12, 2022 19:00 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. To book a personal session with me go to SERVICES on Purchase your session and I will contact you to set up a convenient time and date. By phone, Skype, Facetime, Zoom and in person bcalvano-coachi
Angel Messages and Guidance for March 21st to 27th with Kuan Yin
21/03/2022 Duration: 57minWelcome to my show Let's Ask the Angels on Blogtalk Radio! I am your host, Barbara Calvano, Angel Intuitive and Life Coach of I will be sharing messages for March 21st to 27th with the Kuan Yin Oracle by Alana Fairchild.. Call in for angel messages, guidance, life coaching and energy clearing at 424-675-6837. I will be sharing the upcoming messages for the week and be taking your listener calls for on air readings. To book a personal session with me go to SERVICES on Purchase your session and I will contact you to set up a convenient time and date. By phone, Skype, Facetime, Zoom and in person Subscribe to my email on to stay updated on online and in person events. Follow me here on Blogtalk radio Let's Ask the Angels and on IG at bkiddcalvano Barbara Kidd Calvano For a free health consultation and gift samples of Doterra Eseential OIls message me at I am settin
Angel Messages & Guidance for March 7th to 13th : The Rose Oracle
07/03/2022 Duration: 57minWelcome to my show Let's Ask the Angels on Blogtalk Radio! I am your host, Barbara Calvano, Angel Intuitive and Life Coach of I will be sharing messages for March 7th to 13th from the Rose Oracle deck by Rebecca Campbell. Call in for angel messages, guidance, life coaching and energy clearing at 424-675-6837. I will be sharing the upcoming messages for the week and be taking your listener calls for on air readings. To book a personal session with me go to SERVICES on Purchase your session and I will contact you to set up a convenient time and date. By phone, Skype, Facetime, Zoom and in person Subscribe to my email on to stay updated on online and in person events. Follow me here on Blogtalk radio Let's Ask the Angels and on IG at bkiddcalvano Barbara Kidd Calvano For a free health consultation and gift samples of Doterra Eseential OIls message me at SPECIAL
Messages and Guidance for February 28th to March 6th: Divine Circus Oracle
28/02/2022 Duration: 58minRESCHEDULED FOR Monday February 28th at 5pm ET I needed to take the whole week off to rest! see you Monday! Barbara Welcome to my show Let's Ask the Angels on Blogtalk Radio! I am your host, Barbara Calvano, Angel Intuitive and Life Coach of I was guided to use the Divine Circus Oracle by Alana Fairchild. Call in for angel messages,gidance, life coaching and energy clearing at 424-675-6837. I will be sharing the upcoming messages for the week and be taking your listener calls for readings. To book a personal session with me go to SERVICES on Purchase your session and I will contact you to set up a convenient time and date. By phone, Skype, Facetime, Zoom and in person Subscribe to my email on to stay updated on online and in person events. Follow me here on Blogtalk radio Let's Ask the Angels and on IG at bkiddcalvano Barbara Kidd Calvano For a free health consultation and gift s
Angel Messages & Guidance on Valentine's Day!
14/02/2022 Duration: 54minWelcome to my show Let's Ask the Angels on Blogtalk Radio! I am your host, Barbara Calvano, Angel Intuitive and Life Coach of Join me for my next LIVE show on Valentine's Day Monday February 14th at 5pm ET. I was guided to use the Crystal Mandala Oracle by Alana Fairchild. Call in for angel messages,gidance, life coaching and energy clearing at 424-675-6837. I will be sharing the upcoming messages for the week and be taking your listener calls for readings. To book a personal session with me go to SERVICES on Purchase your session and I will contact you to set up a convenient time and date. By phone, Skype, Facetime, Zoom and in person Subscribe to my email on to stay updated on online and in person events. Follow me here on Blogtalk radio Let's Ask the Angels and on IG at bkiddcalvano Barbara Kidd Calvano For a free health consultation and gift samples of Doterra Eseential OIls m
Angel Messages and Guidance for January 24th to 30th: Clear Your Vibes
26/01/2022 Duration: 01h01minWelcome to my show Let's Ask the Angels on Blogtalk Radio! I am your host, Barbara Calvano, Angel Intuitive and Life Coach of Join me for my next LIVE show January 26th th 5pm ET 2pm PT I was guided to use the Angel Prayers Oracle by Kyle Gray. For first time lsieners free readings! Call in for angel messages, life coaching and energy clearing at 424-675-6837. I will be sharing the upcoming messages for the week and be taking your listener calls for readings. To book a personal session with me go to SERVICES on Purchase your session and I will contact you to set up a convenient time and date. By phone, Skype, Facetime, Zoom and in person Subscribe to my email on to stay updated on online and in person events. Follow me here on Blogtalk radio Let's Ask the Angels and on IG at bkiddcalvano Barbara Kidd Calvano For a free health consultation and gift samples of Doterra Eseential OI
Angel Messages for January 10th to 16th: Clear Your Soul Pathway
12/01/2022 Duration: 59minWelcome to my show Let's Ask the Angels on Blogtalk Radio! I am your host, Barbara Calvano, Angel Intuitive and Life Coach of Join me for my next LIVE show January 12th 5pm ET 2pm PT I was guided to use the Dragon Oracle cards by Diana Cooper. Call in for a FREE reading, life coaching and energy clearing at 424-675-6837. I will be sharing the upcoming messages for the month and be taking your listener calls for readings. To book a personal session with me go to SERVICES on Purchase your session and I will contact you to set up a convenient time and date. By phone, Skype, Facetime, Zoom and in person Subscribe to my email on to stay updated on online and in person events. Follow me here on Blogtalk radio Let's Ask the Angels and on IG at bkiddcalvano Barbara Kidd Calvano For free gift samples of Doterra Eseential OIls message me at Subscribe to www.bcalvanocoach
Angel Message for January 2022
03/01/2022 Duration: 26minWelcome to my show Let's Ask the Angels on Blogtalk Radio! I am your host, Barbara Calvano, Angel Intuitive and Life Coach of I will be sharing the messages and guidance from the Angels. Here is your message for January 2022. I was guided to use the Divine Feminine Oracle by Meggan Watterson. My free angel readings will be on social media at this time. Instagram bkiddcalvano and FB Bcalvanocoaching. Join me there to stay updated. To book a personal session with me go to SERVICES on Purchase your session and I will contact you to set up a convenient time and date. By phone, Skype, Facetime, Zoom and in person Subscribe to my email on to stay updated on online and in person events. For free gift samples of Doterra Eseential OIls message me at
Angel Messages and Guidance for December : Archangel Michael
11/12/2021 Duration: 24minWelcome to my show Let's Ask the Angels on Blogtalk Radio! I am your host, Barbara Calvano, Angel Intuitive and Life Coach of I will be sharing the messages and guidance from the Angels. My free angel readings will be on social media at this time. Instagram bkiddcalvano and FB Bcalvanocoaching. Join me there to stay updated. To book a personal session with me go to SERVICES on Purchase your session and I will contact you to set up a convenient time and date. By phone, Skype, Facetime, Zoom and in person Subscribe to my email on to stay updated on online and in person events. For free gift samples of Doterra Eseential OIls message me at
Angel Messages and Guidance for November 8th to 14th: The Divine Feminine
08/11/2021 Duration: 49minWelcome to my show Let's Ask the Angels on Blogtalk Radio! I am your host, Barbara Calvano, Angel Intuitive and Life Coach of Join me for my next LIVE show November 8th Monday at 1pm ET, 10am PT Call in for a FREE reading, life coaching and energy clearing at 424-675-6837. I will be sharing the upcoming messages for the month and be taking your listener calls for readings. To book a personal session with me go to SERVICES on Purchase your session and I will contact you to set up a convenient time and date. By phone, Skype, Facetime, Zoom and in person Subscribe to my email on to stay updated on online and in person events. Follow me here on Blogtalk radio Let's Ask the Angels and on IG at bkiddcalvano Barbara Kidd Calvano For free gift samples of Doterra Eseential OIls message me at Subscribe to for Free Angel Circle update!
Angel Messages and Guidance for November: Unleash the Wild Within
01/11/2021 Duration: 59minWelcome to my show Let's Ask the Angels on Blogtalk Radio! I am your host, Barbara Calvano, Angel Intuitive and Life Coach of Join me for my next LIVE show November 1st Monday at 1pm ET, 10am PT Call in for a FREE reading, life coaching and energy clearing at 424-675-6837. I will be sharing the upcoming messages for the month and be taking your listener calls for readings. These messages are from the Angels and Ancestors oracle by Kyle Gray. To book a personal session with me go to SERVICES on Purchase your session and I will contact you to set up a convenient time and date. By phone, Skype, Facetime, Zoom and in person Subscribe to my email on to stay updated on online and in person events. Follow me here on Blogtalk radio Let's Ask the Angels and on IG at bkiddcalvano Barbara Kidd Calvano For free gift samples of Doterra Eseential OIls message me at JOIN ME N