The weekly show discussing all manner of church technology; sound, lighting, video and projection. Hosted by Mike Sessler of
ChurchTechWeekly Episode Special: Church Tech Profiles Announcement
13/07/2020 Duration: 01minVan talks about the re-launch of the Church Tech Profiles podcast. Guests: Van Metschke
ChurchTechWeekly Episode 329: The Final Cut
16/06/2020 Duration: 01h44minThis is it. The last one. The very final episode of Church Tech Weekly. We made it 10 years to the week and we decided to call it good. Guests: Van Metschke Duke Dejong Theme song: But I Play One on TV (I'm Not a Fuzoid) by Norm Stockton from his Tea in the Typhoon album.
ChurchTechWeekly Episode 328: An Update
13/05/2020 Duration: 26minWe finally get an episode out! Mike’s in the Palatial Studio to give you an update on the last few weeks as well as a look ahead. This might be the last episode for a few weeks, so enjoy! Guests: Theme song: But I Play One on TV (I'm Not a Fuzoid) by Norm Stockton from his Tea in the Typhoon album.
ChurchTechWeekly Episode 327: Starting Well
22/04/2020 Duration: 50minThis week Van and Brent are back to talk about how to start a new TD job well. A lot of people talk about leaving well, but how you start is every bit as important. Maybe more so. Guests: Van Metschke Brent Allen Theme song: But I Play One on TV (I'm Not a Fuzoid) by Norm Stockton from his Tea in the Typhoon album.
ChurchTechWeekly Episode 326: The Dave Filter
13/04/2020 Duration: 01h08minThis week, it’s Mike. And Van. And Dave Stagl. What at week! We talk about how to discern what techniques work in what context. Don’t look for the magic setting; learn to understand context. Guests: Van Metschke Dave Stagl Theme song: But I Play One on TV (I'm Not a Fuzoid) by Norm Stockton from his Tea in the Typhoon album.
ChurchTechWeekly Episode 325: The Evaluation Station
01/04/2020 Duration: 55minMike is joined by Van and Brent this week to talk about evaluation. As we are always striving to get better, one thing we all regularly do is evaluate. It can be a little painful, but it’s worth it in the end. Guests: Van Metschke Brent Allan Theme song: But I Play One on TV (I'm Not a Fuzoid) by Norm Stockton from his Tea in the Typhoon album.
ChurchTechWeekly Episode 324: The Personality of Leadership
01/04/2020 Duration: 43minVan and Brent are back this week talking about how to leverage your individual leadership style for the benefit of your team. We’re all different, and we all bring something to the table. Guests: Van Metschke Brent Allan Theme song: But I Play One on TV (I'm Not a Fuzoid) by Norm Stockton from his Tea in the Typhoon album.
ChurchTechWeekly Episode 323: Quarantine
24/03/2020 Duration: 43minIn this very special edition of ChurchTechWeekly, Mike and Van practice social distancing by remaining 2,000 miles away from each other and still produce a podcast. Tune in to hear how you can survive the pandemic. Guests: Van Metschke Theme song: But I Play One on TV (I'm Not a Fuzoid) by Norm Stockton from his Tea in the Typhoon album.
ChurchTechWeekly Episode 322: Sooner is Better
18/03/2020 Duration: 39minMike’s back in the car this week and talks about when you should get your AVL integrator involved with your new building or renovation project. Send this one to your pastor and executive pastor! Guests: Theme song: But I Play One on TV (I'm Not a Fuzoid) by Norm Stockton from his Tea in the Typhoon album.
ChurchTechWeekly Episode 321: Know Your Stuff
11/03/2020 Duration: 48minThis week Van interviews Brent Allan. They discuss the importance of knowing your systems. This is especially true for when you come into a new position. Get to know how things work in your room. Guests: Van Metschke Brent Allan Theme song: But I Play One on TV (I'm Not a Fuzoid) by Norm Stockton from his Tea in the Typhoon album.
ChurchTechWeekly Episode 320: When To Upgrade, That is the Question
29/02/2020 Duration: 32minThis week Van talks about the when, what and why of upgrading your AVL systems. This is a topic that is near and dear to our hearts and will give you great info about system upgrades. Guests: Van Metschke Theme song: But I Play One on TV (I'm Not a Fuzoid) by Norm Stockton from his Tea in the Typhoon album.
ChurchTechWeekly Episode 319: It’s Not Your Money
25/02/2020 Duration: 27minThis week Mike talks about stewardship. Not the kind where you get the cheapest thing possible, but the kind where you get the best value for the money spent. Guests: Theme song: But I Play One on TV (I'm Not a Fuzoid) by Norm Stockton from his Tea in the Typhoon album.
ChurchTechWeekly Episode 318: Mo Comp
18/02/2020 Duration: 22minTonight Mike talks about his #1 audio pet peeve—too much compression in the mix. Not only does it sound bad, it’s exhausting. And worship is tough when you’re being exhausted by the mix. Guests: Theme song: But I Play One on TV (I'm Not a Fuzoid) by Norm Stockton from his Tea in the Typhoon album.
ChurchTechWeekly Episode 317: The Volunteer Express
11/02/2020 Duration: 30minThis week Van talks about his thoughts on how to recruit and train volunteers. There are few better than Van at building volunteer teams. You’ll do well to learn from his wisdom. Guests: Van Metschke Theme song: But I Play One on TV (I'm Not a Fuzoid) by Norm Stockton from his Tea in the Typhoon album.
ChurchTechWeekly Episode 316: Tech Booths—By Techs—For Techs
02/02/2020 Duration: 40minThis week Mike talks tech booths. He goes through best practices on size, design elements, how to lay them out and how to keep coffee cups from accumulating on the front wall. Guests: Theme song: But I Play One on TV (I'm Not a Fuzoid) by Norm Stockton from his Tea in the Typhoon album.
ChurchTechWeekly Episode 315: Ten Things for 2020
30/01/2020 Duration: 27minThis week Van is here to give you ten suggestions to take care of yourself to stay healthy for this year. It’s good advice for every year, come to think of it. Guests: Van Metschke Theme song: But I Play One on TV (I'm Not a Fuzoid) by Norm Stockton from his Tea in the Typhoon album.
ChurchTechWeekly Episode 314: Getting Three Bids Sucks
21/01/2020 Duration: 58minThis week, Mike offends everyone with a diatribe on why the ancient practice of getting three bids for an AVL project is a dumb idea. More than that, he’ll tell you the better way to do it. Guests: Theme song: But I Play One on TV (I'm Not a Fuzoid) by Norm Stockton from his Tea in the Typhoon album.
ChurchTechWeekly Episode 313: We All Wear the Same Shirt
13/01/2020 Duration: 01h14minVan interviews Brent Allen. Brent started working for Van some years ago and has gone on to a great career as a TD and educator. Guests: Van Metschke Theme song: But I Play One on TV (I'm Not a Fuzoid) by Norm Stockton from his Tea in the Typhoon album.
ChurchTechWeekly Episode 312: Precision Redefined
05/01/2020 Duration: 33minThis week, Mike talks about his experience designing and installing the Wavefront Precision Mini from Martin Audio. It’s a small speaker system that sounds much bigger than it has a right to. Theme song: But I Play One on TV (I'm Not a Fuzoid) by Norm Stockton from his Tea in the Typhoon album.
ChurchTechWeekly Episode 311: The Bro Deal
20/08/2019 Duration: 40minThis week, Mike is in the car talking about the bro deal. Sometimes, the bro deal is a good thing. Other times, it goes very, very badly. Guests: Theme song: But I Play One on TV (I'm Not a Fuzoid) by Norm Stockton from his Tea in the Typhoon album.