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Stereo Voodoo — Программа А. Троицкого #11 (03.06.13) (11)
02/06/2013 Duration: 58min1. nits (holland) - "five fingers" CD "malpensa" (global) 2. fay hallam & the bongolian (uk) - "freefall" CD "lost in sound" (blow up) 3. wymond miles (usa) - "run like the hunted" CD "under the pale moon" (sacred bones) 4. sampo lassila narinkka (finland) - "kirje - letter of love" CD "suomiklezmer" (narinkka) 5. andre williams (usa) - "ive got money on my mind" CD "hoods and shades" (bloodshot) 6. anne-james chaton & andy moor (france/holland) - "princess in a mercedes class s 280" CD "transfer/2: princess in a car" (unsounds) 7. moreno & lorch first moja-one (congo/kenya) - "sister pili" CD "sister pili + 2" (sterns africa) 8. ela orleans (usa/poland) - "myriads" CD "lost" (la station radar) 9. ном/лаэртский/михалок/шнуров (рф) - "звёздный ворс - гимн" CD "звёздный ворс - музыка из фильма" (зенит) 10. gemma ray (uk) - "bring ring ring yeah" CD "island fire" (bronze rat) 11. banda srebinsky (spain/russia) - "disco babushki" CD "jet lag" (fol musica) 12. archive (uk) - "silent" CD "with us until youre dead"
Stereo Voodoo — Программа А. Троицкого #10 (27.05.13) (10)
26/05/2013 Duration: 57min1. crocodiles (usa) - "bubblegum trash" CD "endless flowers" (french kiss) 2. manekinekod (greece/germany) - "toy factory" CD "data" (brigade music) 3. buchty a loutky (czech rep.) - "strasidelni dum" CD "popelari jedou" (poli 5) 4. black moth (uk) - "plague of our age" CD "the killing jar" (new heavy sounds) 5. rodrigo romani (spain) - "terra de melide" CD "as arpas de breogan" (fol musica) 6. big sir (usa/france) - "old blood" CD "before gardens after gardens" (sargent house) 7. бранимир (рф) - "прощальный танец ерша" CD "песни утопающих" (ogni) 8. phew (japan/germany) - "signal" CD "phew" (les disques du soleil et de lacier) 9. ben folds five (usa) - "do it anyway" CD "the sound of the life of the mind" (vee pee) 10. mojo juju (australia) - "i put a spell on you" CD "mojo juju" (abc music) 11. pop.1280 (usa) - "burn the worm" CD "the horror" (sacred bones) 12. joy as a toy (belgium) - "deep in your ass" CD "valparaiso" (cheap satanism) 13. x-ray eyeballs (usa) - "drums of dead" CD "not nothing" (kanine) 14
Stereo Voodoo — Программа А. Троицкого #9 (20.05.13) (9)
19/05/2013 Duration: 51min1. the jim jones revue (uk) - "never let you go" CD "the savage heart" (punk rock blues) 2. tirudel zenebe (ethiopia) - "gue" CD "new ethiopian dance music" (terp) 3. xex (usa) - "svetlana" CD "group:xex" (tssr) 4. funk come le gusta (brazil) - "balacobaco" CD "a cura pelo som" (agencia produtora) 5. sylvie krobova (czech rep.) - "mrtvy pes" CD "chvilka co se chyti" (black point) 6. fuck me usa (uk) - "southside johnny" CD "fuck me usa" (georgia marauder) 7. robin guthrie (uk) - "circus circus" CD "fortune" (darla) 8. lana loveland (germany) - "black glove" CD "order to love" (groovie) 9. ashimba (tanzania/finland) - "tumbo lamsokota" CD "wakukaya" (grandpop) 10. akron (spain) - "rabbits in orbit" CD "voyage of exploration" (vampi soul) 11. rebekka karijord (norway/sweden) - "use my body while its still young" CD "we become ourselves" (control freak kitten) 12. willie loco alexander (usa) - "skeets" CD "the world famous non stop seagull opera meets the fishtones at the strand" (fisheye) 13. willie loco alexan
Stereo Voodoo — Программа А. Троицкого #8 (13.05.13) (8)
12/05/2013 Duration: 56min1. rayon beach (usa) - "airplane with tits" CD "this looks serious" (hozac) 2. natasa mirkovic & nenad vasilic (serbia/austria) - "lijepe zene prolaze kroz grad" CD "soulmotion" (bayla) 3. k-branding (belgium) - "driller" CD "alliance" (humpty dumpty) 4. lojo (france) - "magnetik" CD "cinema el mundo" (harmonia mundi) 5. the humms (usa) - "little freaky girl like you" CD "lemonland" (bachelor) 6. alvarius b & cerberus shoal (usa) - "blood baby" CD "the vim and vigour of..." (north east indie) 7. mojo juju & the snake oil merchants (australia) - "lullaby" CD "mojo juju & the snake oil merchants" (hoodoo emporium) 8. mojo juju & the snake oil merchants (australia) - "my home" CD "sellin you salvation" (hoodoo emporium) 9. dan sartain (usa) - "p.c.b. 98" CD "dan sartain vs the serpientes" (swami/one little indian) 10. richter & syn (czech rep.) - "jan haselovic" CD "draty & hrnce" (richtig) 11. richter & syn (czech rep.) - "jan haselovic" CD "draty & hrnce" (richtig) 12. jonjo feather (uk) - "papier mache stars"
Stereo Voodoo — Программа А. Троицкого #7 (06.05.13) (7)
05/05/2013 Duration: 01h01min1. clinic (uk) - "sun and the moon" CD "free reign" (domino) 2. juravca (spain/russia) - "cac za donam" CD "lipovenian sound in the basque country" (nuba) 3. the dsm 1v (uk) - "rest in pieces(get stuffed)" CD "advertising" (asc) 4. the casino royal (portugal) - "tres letras apenas" CD "from portugal with love" (daredo/mole) 5. los straitjackets (usa) - "new siberia" CD "jet set" (pacifica/yep roc) 6. david cronenbergs wife (uk) - "lonelyman" CD "dont wait to be hunted to hide" (blang) 7. ceumar (brazil) - "boi de haxixe" CD "dindinha" (arc music) 8. mount analog (usa) - "gospel melodica" CD "new skin" (film guerrero) 9. the sisters of mercy (uk) - "temple of love" CD "some girls wander by mistake" (merciful release) 10. maia vidal (usa/france/spain) - "le tango de la femme abandonnee" CD "god is my bike" (crammed) 11. les boukakes (france/algeria) - "seknet babor" CD "punky halal" (jules sonic) 12. opossom (new zealand) - "cola elixir" CD "electric hawaii" (fire) 13. eva auad (holland) - "if you love me" CD "
Stereo Voodoo — Программа А. Троицкого #6 (29.04.13) (6)
28/04/2013 Duration: 58min1. iamamiwhoami (sweden) - "in due order" CD "kin" (to whom it may concern) 2. guizado feat. ceu (brazil) - "skate phaser" CD "calavera" (trama) 3. yoko ono / kim gordon / thurston moore (usa) - "i missed you listening" CD "yokokimthurston" (chimera music) 4. the real tuesday weld (uk) - "i vampiri" CD "moon setting" (crammed) 5. urna (mongolia) - "haram gui" CD "tenggeriin shivu" (network) 6. tsigoti (italy/usa) - "the sickofwar traine" CD "private poverty speak to the people of the party" (esp-disk) 7. kvety (czech rep.) - "kapitan lzicko" CD "v cajove konvici" (indies scope) 8. rebekah delgado (uk) - "lamentine" CD "dont sleep" (4 in the morning) 9. rebekah delgado (uk) - "menage a moi" CD "dont sleep" (4 in the morning) 10. tulipomania (usa) - "built without a plan" CD "the whispering campaign" (sursumcorda) 11. bersarin quartet (germany) - "perlen, honig oder untergang" CD "II" (denovali) 12. clock dva (uk) - "the secret life of the big black suit" CD "advantage" (reserved anterior) 13. robert soko vs wa
Stereo Voodoo — Программа А. Троицкого #5 (22.04.13) (5)
21/04/2013 Duration: 01h05min1. iggy pop (usa) - "what is this thing called love" CD "apres" (le rat des villes) 2. vandana vishwas (india/canada) - "aaye zubaan pe" CD "monologues" (vandana vishwas) 3. dz deathrays (australia) - "play dead till youre dead" CD "bloodstreams" (hassle) 4. afenginn (denmark) - "obscare" CD "lux" (tutl/westpark) 5. василий к. и интеллигенты (рф) - "оркестр должен играть" CD "слава богу" (2-ой этаж) 6. gabby young & other animals (uk) - "open" CD "the band called out for more" (gift of the gab) 7. fuzzy lights (uk) - "obscura" CD "twin feathers" (little red rabbit) 8. vitas guerulaitis (belgium) - "cellule invisible" CD "vitas guerulaitis" (tandori/cheap satanism) 9. gallon drunk (uk) - "hanging on" CD "the road gets darker from here" (clouds hill/rough trade) 10. cafe aman istanbul (turkey/greece) - "apo to vradi os to proi" CD "fasl-i rembetiko" (kalan) 11. tin huey (usa) - "little red riding hood hit the road" CD "disinformation" (future fossil) 12. m & vanessa paradis (france) - "un ptite baiser" CD "un m
Stereo Voodoo — Программа А. Троицкого #4 (15.04.13) (4)
14/04/2013 Duration: 01h03min1. marina & the diamonds (uk) - "living dead" CD "electra heart" (679/atlantic) 2. j.c.satan (france) - "crystal snake" CD "hell death samba" (slovenly) 3. nico-teen (israel) - "hungry for love" CD "in the eye of the storm" (ak duck / uganda) 4. vusa mkhaya (zimbabwe) - "diaspora" CD "vocalism" (arc music) 5. holly golightly & the brokeoffs (uk) - "indeed you do" CD "nobody will be there" (damaged goods) 6. former ghosts (usa) - "hold on" CD "fleurs" (upset!the rhythm) 7. anelis assumpcao (brazil) - "mulher segundo meu pai" CD "sou suspeita estou sujeita nao sou santa" (scubidu) 8. the bonniwell music machine (usa) - "the eagle never hunts the fly" CD "beyond the garage" (sundazed) 9. the real tuesday weld (uk) - "the decline and fall of the clerkenwell kid" CD "the london book of the dead" (antique beat) 10. susanne sundfor (norway) - "diamonds" CD "silicone veil" (emi norway) 11. monster movie (usa/uk) - "silver knife" CD "everyone is a ghost" (graveface) 12. aino venna (finland) - "war song" CD "waltz to p
Stereo Voodoo — Программа А. Троицкого #3 (08.04.13) (3)
07/04/2013 Duration: 01h01min1. amanda palmer & the grand theft orchestra (usa) - "grown man cry" CD "theatre is evil" (eight foot) 2. herb diamante & diatric puds (uk) - "in new moons lull" CD "herb diamante & friends" (no-fi) 3. charque (brazil) - "money" CD "tecno brega" (man recordings) 4. madeline (usa) - "dirty south (tie one on)" CD "white flag" (orange twin) 5. parenthetical girls (usa) - "the pornographer" CD "privilege" (splendour) 6. rotumbe (italy) - "lu tiempo e ghiuto" CD "abballa appriesso a nui" (iwm) 7. tomat (italy) - "1984(06.06.1948)" CD "01-06 june" (monotreme) 8. ghost bunny (usa) - "siren" CD "ghost bunny" (family fun) 9. htrk (australia/uk/germany) - "slo glo" CD "work (work, work)" (ghostly international) 10. polkadot cadaver (usa) - "slaughterhouse striptease" CD "sex offender" (rotten) 11. diablo swing orchestra (sweden) - "voodoo mon amour" CD "pandoras pinata" (candlelight) 12. marc almond & michael cashmore (uk) - "gabriel" CD "gabriel & the lunatic lover" (durtro) 13. getachew mekuria & the ex (ethiopia/hol
Stereo Voodoo — Программа А. Троицкого #2 (01.04.13) (2)
31/03/2013 Duration: 59min1. grimes (canada) - "be a body" CD "visions" (4ad) 2. los miticos del ritmo (colombia) - "otro muerde el polvo" CD "los miticos del ritmo" (soundway) 3. ufo goes ufa (belgium/uk) - "hong kong slasher" CD "pop garage" (freaksville) 4. darren hayman & the long parliament (uk) - "outsiders" CD "violence" (fortuna pop!) 5. the astroglides (israel) - "cruisin down menahem begin blvd" CD "channel surfing with the astroglides" (fast music) 6. andrew bird (usa) - "near death experience experience" CD "break it yourself" (bella union) 7. краснознаменная дивизия имени моей бабушки (рф) - "нора" CD "к.д.и.м.б." (кдимб) 8. terror danjah (uk) - "mirrors edge" CD "the dark crawler" (hyperdub) 9. ariel pinks haunted graffiti (usa) - "symphony of the nymph" CD "mature themes" (4ad) 10. dona rosa (portugal) - "lago de ontem" CD "sou luz" (jaro) 11. x-tg feat.blixa bargeld (uk/germany) - "mutterlein" CD "desertshore/the final report" (industrial) 12. x-tg (uk) - "um dum dom" CD "desertshore/the final report" (industrial) 13.
Stereo Voodoo — Программа А. Троицкого #1 (25.03.2013) (1)
24/03/2013 Duration: 57min1. dr.john (usa) - "ice age" CD "locked down" (nonesuch) 2. the crayonettes (uk) - "robots in the rain" CD "songs for robots and children" (caw/one little indian) 3. sierra leones refugee all stars (sierra leone) - "big fat dog" CD "radio satone" (cumbancha) 4. blood command (norway) - "wolves at the door" CD "funeral beach" (fysisk format) 5. вася обломов (рф) - "намедни" CD "стабильность" (вася обломов) 6. marissa nadler (usa) - "christine" CD "the sister" (box of cedar) 7. public image ltd (uk) - "out of the woods" CD "this is pil" (pil official) 8. ruta (poland) - "sadoma" CD "na vschod" (karrot kommando) 9. sonic youth (usa) - "kill yr idols" CD "smart bar chicago 1985" (sonic youth) 10. lonely drifter karen (austria/spain/belgium) - "comet" CD "poles" (crammed) 11. giant giant sand (usa) - "slag heap" CD "tucson" (fire) 12. disco doom (switzerland) - "them!" CD "trux reverb" (static cult) 13. bob chance (usa) - "the van man" CD "its broken!" (trunk) 14. shotgun club (finland) - "discotantssija" CD "rott