The off the wall, completely improvised musical variety show bringing you acoustic exclusive performances and interviews from homegrown unsigned bands! Links to shows, album reviews, special announcements and much more included as well! To learn more visit!
Radio-Esque Vol. 3 (Season 1 Catch-Up)
27/09/2018 Duration: 01h09minSurprise! We are bringing you some updates on some bands we've had on in the past and sharing a little from our BANDCAMP collection! Chaznik attempts to DJ and you get more music than chatter in this very special bonus episode before the official season 3 kick off at UTOPIAFEST! MUSIC INCLUDES: 1. In Love With A Ghost -"interdimensional portal leading to a cute place ft. snail's house" 2. Amber Lamps - "Wanderlust" from the album "On the Lamb" 3. Clutterculture - "Wildlife" from the EP "The Sun Was the Same" 4. Phantom Chatter - "3:17 A.M." 5. Planet What - "Le Garcon Rat" from the "Maggie Fingers" Ep 6. Chief and the Doomsdaydevice - "Azure (A High)" from the album "A Memoir Called Noir" https://chiefandthedoomsdaydevice.bandcamp.
15/06/2018 Duration: 51minIts about time we brought back the digital side of music, and we do so with our new friend Dylan of DAILON, from San Fransisco,CA. Dylan just released his new album honoring his father entitled "Memoir" and we really wanted to share it, so here you have it! To hear the full album stream it on Spotify, or wherever you stream your jams, cause its er'where y'all! FOLLOW DAILON: We are on all podcast platforms like iTunes, STITCHER, Youtube, Soundcloud, Tunein, Iheart Radio ect. Thanks for listening!
"Utopiafest X" Line-Up Showcase
23/05/2018 Duration: 02h32minWhat a tasty treat we have in store for you fine folks in his jam packed showcase of the 10th Annual Utopiafest! We break down the lineup, one by one, and you hear how it all came together straight from the mouth of the festival's creator himself, Travis Sutherland! On a warm day in May, Chaznik and Travis sat down at the Cosmic Cafe in Austin,TX to hash out the ins and outs of this year's incredible lineup! There are tons of Utopiafest classics in this episode as well as some new to the lineup seasoned musical mavericks such as Patty Griffin, STS9, and Grandmaster Flash! We weren't able to play the entire lineup, and every band on this bill is am just see to really get the spirit type band so GET YOUR TICKETS to the fest TODAY before they sell out! Go to to find out which package is right for you, and no matter where you wind up, you will find family and make some of the most cherished memories of your life with a soundtrack that will keep you coming back for more again and again!
13/05/2018 Duration: 02minHello friends! With over 45 episodes behind us, having showcased over 60 bands from all over the world, and now looking to expand our reach, we are to the point where we must beg for your hard earned dollars to make our lives better (and not suck your wallet dry in the process)! It is with great sincerity that we ask you to visit our Patreon page today! See what level of support could possibly fit into your monthly spending habits, if supporting an independent podcast is your sort of thing, and show us some love! There are 4 levels of support to choose from ranging from $1 to $50 and every dollar counts folks! When we, not if we, reach our goal of 100 supporters, we will throw another epic TBE live event in honor of your great support! This event will be FREE, and there is even a tier to experience TBE as a VIP for LIFE! Not only that, you will have access to video interviews, merch, social media give aways and more! Thanks for your ears, and your talents, now cough up that bacon, boi!
Professor Julius (Hometown Homage Vol. 4)
02/05/2018 Duration: 01h12sWe welcome back our old pal Julius Henry Arlt III aka Professor Julius for Vol 4 in our Hometown Homage series dedicated to discovering the music made right here in our tiny Texas town of Bandera. Julius is one of our favorite guests, and we discuss many of the local goings ons to give you a taste of the small town life, and he has offered us music that is previously unreleased to play here in this episode, so you get a little bit of everything. Lucky you. Thanks for tuning in! Enjoy the show! Find out more by visiting our Follow Julius on Social Media @JuliusHenryArltIII and buy his music on iTunes!
Lee Winright (Hometown Homage Vol. 3)
29/04/2018 Duration: 50minWe are talking to our old pal Lee Winright for Vol. 3 in our mini-series dedicated to the pokes n' folks of Bandera,TX! It's here we dish out some tasty country licks from the skillet seared source of it all, the Cowboy Capitol of the World! Our guest is a world traveler, songwriter, performer, and will drink you under the table on a bad night if challenged! We talk about haunted houses, country legends, and get out our true feelings about the place we call home. Lee has a new album out and its down-home goodness is worth spreading like jelly on biscuits, so we play you a few tracks off it! Get to know a little more about where we come from, and let the music set you free:) Enjoy the show!
Hollin Mckay (Hometown Homage Vol. 2)
23/04/2018 Duration: 01h05minFor Vol. 2 in our series paying homage to the sleepy little central Texas town of Bandera, we are chatting with an incredible singer and songwriter, Hollin Mckay! We talk about the hold of the town on the artist soul, the origins of TBE, the pros and cons of the consequences of getting pulled and going to prison, and we listen to music from the new album "Misfit Town". Thanks for listening! Oh yeah, plant something, its EARTH DAY! Follow Hollin on Facebook and Instagram! To see who made the guitar Hollin Mckay plays visit: To learn more, visit our website!
Fifty Dollar Dynasty (Hometown Homage Vol. 1)
05/04/2018 Duration: 01h28minIn this episode we show you around town...Bandera,TX to be exact. On top of getting to listen to music from one of our favorite bands in existence FIFTY DOLLAR DYNASTY in today's episode, this whole month of April we introduce you to some esteemed music elites homegrown right here in our little cowboy centered hometown! Nestled in the heart of the Texas Hill Country, Bandera has a history affiliated with Rodeo, Dancehalls, and the Old Spanish Trail! From its establishment in the mid 1800's to the building of the new Silver Spur Skate park in 2017, this month will walk us through a lose history of the man bites dog town, with a Spanish name. Find FIFTY DOLLAR DYNASTY and BROTHERS OF THE SERPENT PODCAST on iTunes, Sotify, and Reverbnation to hear and see way more! LINKS BELOW:
Martyred (March Mad Metalness Vol. 6)
31/03/2018 Duration: 42minTo round off March Mad Metalness we visit Austin,TX for some of the best metal in the south, MARTYRED! In February '18 they released their newest EP "Dawn of Terror" from which we listen to its contents, and while we do learn how Mike DeBord assembled the project over packed schedules and lives demands. We pay tribute to a fallen Metal God and we announce our plans for next months tribute to our dusty little cow town! Join us for some badass jams and more! Find more great music at!
Arkancide (March Mad Metalness Vol. 5)
25/03/2018 Duration: 41minShit gets weird in Vol 5 of the March Mad Metalness Series when we talk space cars, lizard politicians, and the myth that is net neutrality while talking to New Jersy based Metal artists ARKANCIDE! We listen to tracks from the Pizzagate Chronicles Ep available on bandcamp right now! Our buddy William Anderwald of Whiskey Ignition sits in to dabble in the co-host seat, and we get another dose of Metal history in the new segment FACTS FORGED FROM METAL! LINKS TO FOLLOW:
Thrashing Mossdog (March Mad Metalness Vol. 4)
23/03/2018 Duration: 53minFor Volume 4 in our new series March Mad Metalness, we talk to James Goldmann from the project THRASHING MOSSDOG from Long Beach,CA about his take on the metal scene, the person journey he has embarked upon to challenge himself further into the realms of musical creation, and chat about mutual friends from the podcast past guest list! It was a fantastic interview co conducted by William Anderwald of Whiskey Ignition, and theme music composed by San Antonio band The Destroyer of Worlds! You don't want to miss this one! Follow us on iTunes and leave a rating to let other folks know how good or bad we are doing! Check out the review on the Podcast Rodeo Podcast, and shout out to our pals from Brothers of the Serpent Podcast for the mention in Episode 38 of your podcast! Much love! Links to Follow:
Squidhead (March Mad Metalness Vol. 3)
14/03/2018 Duration: 43minFor Volume 3 of our first ever MARCH MAD METALNESS series we are talking to SQUIDHEAD from Belgium! The band is a three piece, taking the stage as a masked "cult" and blowing away traditional stage presentation with stuff like sacrificial alters and what not! In the episode, we break down the origins of the band, the journey from beginning to now for Squidhead, and we listen to a few hard hitters from the new album "Cult[ist]" which is available to stream of download everywhere! We have guest host Justin Knight of Whiskey Ignition, and a brand new "Fact Forged From Metal" presented by the fantastic Mr. Garret Day! Theme song and FFFM music presented by The Destroyer of Worlds and ART (Another Restless Thought) from San Antonio, TX. Thanks for listening! Follow the links below to learn more! SHOUT OUT TO THE FELLAS FROM BROTHERS OF THE SERPENT PODCAST! Find them on iTunes and check out their off brand format that brings you up close
Iliad (March Mad Metalness Vol.2)
11/03/2018 Duration: 48minFor Volume 2 of our month long series "March Mad Metalness" we discover the inner workings and dissect to sounds of Ottawa,Ontario Metal band Iliad! We listen to some heavy hitters off the new Ep "Hollow" which is available now across the web on all platforms! Stream them on Spotify, iMusic, Pandora, and Youtube! Also, we have co-host David "Carnage" Fitzgerald from the metal band The Destroyer of Worlds, and info on next weeks episode. As always, feel free to give us feedback on any of our social media pages. Recommend bands to us from your neck of the woods and we will throw you a shout out! Thanks for listening...ENJOY THE SHOW! Links:
March Mad Metalness VOL I "Cloudyspace"
04/03/2018 Duration: 46minTo kick off our month long tribute to the most tough skinned music on the planet, METAL, in what we are calling "MARCH MAD METALNESS", we are talking to CLOUDYSPACE from Switzerland. We discuss of course the production of the music but dive into the many ways to promote and distribute music, the outcome of mixing your talents to fulfill your most elaborate creative visions, and we listen to songs from the new EP "Limits of the Mind". The Co-host for this episode is David (Carnage) Fitzgerald from the San Antonio Death Metal band THE DESTROYER OF WORLDS and FROM THE COCOON. They also composed the theme music for the entire month so thanks to them! We also introduce a new segment so don't miss this one! LINKS: Also find us on Stitcher, Soundcloud, Youtube, and iHeartRadio! Please, visit our website to learn of our origins
Low Hum
01/03/2018 Duration: 01h02minWe are very pleased to introduce you to LOW HUM from Los Angeles, CA in this very awesome episode! We explore the long road from Hawaii to LA, the evolution of what is now LOW HUM, and what it took to bring such a sound to life as we listen to tracks from the self titled debut EP! Enjoy! FOLLOW:
Acid Carousel
01/03/2018 Duration: 46minIn this super terrific and extremely groovy episode we talk to a very great Psych Rock band from Dallas,TX calling themselves ACID CAROUSEL. We talk about the make up of the band, the influence of energy in Brian Jonestown Massacre, bucket list bills, and much more! We listen to music from the new EP "Street Cowboys" and some older stuff too! Stick around after the show for a special announcement and get ready to rock! FOLLOW THEM ON SOCIAL MEDIA:
Planet What
26/02/2018 Duration: 42minIn this tubular episode we chat with the adorable troublemakers from PLANET WHAT about their recent tour with Viet Rahm, the production on the new EP "Agnus Yarn" and taking pictures of people on nude beaches...ok, well one picture. On one nude beach. We listen to songs from the new EP and there are some very special guest hosts this week as you will hear. Thanks to Willow and Aria Raab for your help in putting this together! Find more PLANET WHAT:
25/02/2018 Duration: 41minIn this fresh episode we talk to the San José based band AWAKEBUTSTILLINBED about the emotional depths and concepts from the new album "What People Call Low Self-Esteem Is Really Just Seeing Yourself The Way That Other People See You". The album touches on so much, we can't wait to share this with you! BANDCAMP LINK: To hear the album in its entirety find it on and while you're there, check out our huge collection of fine new music!
Banana High
25/02/2018 Duration: 37minin Episode 31 we talk to Banana High from Yeovil, UK about the evolution of mankind, what religion is best for you, and which one of us will run for president. Wait, no we don't, but we do listen to songs from the new EP "Rhythm of Your Soul" and discuss the past, present, and future of Banana High! Guest host Laramie Crow (Slut Prom, Shaky Harlots, Local News, Consider the Following, Group Hug?, and From the Cocoon) leads us into the interview and takes us back out into the world! Much love to Laramie and Nathan of Banana High! FIND more BANANA HIGH:
Forgetting Yesterday
17/02/2018 Duration: 40minIn this hard hitter we talk to Swedish Punk Poppers FORGETTING YESTERDAY about the development of their punk pop sound, we discuss the making of the video for "Engram", also the writing and future of the music on the new EP "Engram" which is available on bandcamp, spotify, deeper, iTunes, and more! If you like what you hear, throw us some love on iTunes in the form of a rating. Find us on Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and iTunes as well! Links: