Informative, jargon-free stories about law reform, legal education, test cases, miscarriages of justice and legal culture. The Law Report makes the law accessible.
How to de-radicalise juvenile terror offenders. And speech pathologists unpacking legal jargon.
08/10/2019 Duration: 28minA rare insight into how to de-program young offenders with extremist views. And meet a speech pathologist who helps translate legal gobbledy-gook, especially for youth in the criminal justice system.
Climate change litigation targets super fund
01/10/2019 Duration: 28minIn a world first, a 24 year-old Brisbane man is taking legal action against his superannuation fund for not factoring climate change into its investment decision. This month the case against REST, the Retail Employees Superannuation Trust, will be back before the Federal Court, where the Judge is expected to set a hearing date.
Neutral legal observers at protests. And digital estates after death.
24/09/2019 Duration: 28minAt both the recent Climate Change marches around Australia and the continuing Hong Kong pro-democracy protests, neutral legal observers document security and protest behaviours in the name of maintaining the rule of law. And, the mysterious case of the Canadian crypto currency trader and the missing millions. It raises the question: when someone dies what happens to their digital assets?
Profiling an arsonist, and an unusual inheritance battle
17/09/2019 Duration: 28minA number of people have been arrested and charged in connection with lighting fires in Queensland. Why do people light bushfires? Can we prevent someone going down that path? And, an elderly couple are tragically found dead in their English cottage. Two stepsisters battle in court over which parent died first in order to get the inheritance.
Drug testing welfare recipients; US Opioid litigation and over-prescribing painkillers in Australia
10/09/2019 Duration: 28minLitigation around the opioid crisis in the US, medical negligence cases involving over prescription in Australia and VAADA's response to the Federal government's desire to trial mandatory drug testing for some welfare recipients.
Sandwich boards and skywriting: what's legal and what's not?
03/09/2019 Duration: 28minDanny Lim is well known for wearing sandwich boards emblazoned with provocative word plays. A Sydney Magistrate has overturned a $500 fine imposed on the 75-year-old pensioner for offensive behaviour. Also, what are the regulations around political messages in the sky? And Vale: Justice Jane Matthews.
Is Pell off to the High Court of Australia?
27/08/2019 Duration: 28minCardinal George Pell's legal team have confirmed that they will seek leave to appeal to the High Court of Australia. This follows the majority two to one decision of the Victorian Court of Appeal which upheld Pell's conviction on child sex offences. So what exactly did the three judges of the Victorian Court of Appeal decide and what are the prospects of any High Court appeal?
Bullying and sexual harassment in the legal profession
20/08/2019 Duration: 28minA global study across 135 countries by the International Bar Association has found that bullying and sexual harassment is widespread in the legal profession. The report makes a number of recommendations to change the culture and work environment in the law office.
Is the High Court gagging Australia's public servants?
13/08/2019 Duration: 28minA former public servant has lost her free speech argument in the High Court over tweets that were critical of her department's policies. Will this change the way you use social media? Plus, a new study has found that Indigenous people in the Northern Territory found guilty of driving offences are more likely to go to jail than non-Indigenous offenders.
As the Laws of War turn 70, what's to celebrate? And a case of unpaid rent
06/08/2019 Duration: 28minThe Laws of War are designed to protect civilians and to place some limits on what combatants can do to each other. 70 years on, how relevant are the Geneva Conventions? And the case of the landlord who was owed $7000 in unpaid rent on a small factory. In retaliation, he kept his tenant's property and equipment.
Who judges the judges?
30/07/2019 Duration: 28minThe behaviour of three controversial judges raises questions about addressing incompetence and incapacity in the judiciary.
Youth justice, Maori style
23/07/2019 Duration: 28minSit in on a Rangatahi, one of the Maori Youth Courts of New Zealand. Find out how they compare to Indigenous courts in Australia.
No handcuffs, no uniform: a different approach to youth justice
16/07/2019 Duration: 28minCome on a tour of Korowai Manaaki Youth Residence in Auckland. Meet the troubled young offenders and the people who care for them. What can we learn from NZ and what can they learn from us?
Can the law help reduce the risk of suicide for international students?
09/07/2019 Duration: 28minA Victorian coroner is calling for universities and the federal government to work together to help international students at risk of suicide.
A selfie, credit card and CCTV: a burglar's digital trail
02/07/2019 Duration: 28minIt was a case of 'guilty by social media' when a burglar's twelve day, $58,000 crime spree was brought undone by his glaring digital fingerprints.
The dog helping survivors give harrowing evidence
25/06/2019 Duration: 28minIn an Australian first, highly trained Labradors are supporting vulnerable witnesses in Victorian criminal trials.
Controversial repayment scheme found to be legal in remote SA and a draft bill to curb tertiary cheating
18/06/2019 Duration: 28minA remote store owner who ran a Book-up credit scheme for Indigenous customers has had his conviction for unconscionable conduct thrown out by the High Court. And the Federal Government is proposing new laws that would make it an offence to provide or advertise academic cheating services in tertiary education.
Reforming family law in Australia
11/06/2019 Duration: 28minThe Australian family law system is to be overhauled, so what reforms are required to meet the needs of Australian families?
Killings and coverups: Can a killer inherit a victim's estate?
04/06/2019 Duration: 28minA convicted murderer can never inherit their victim's estate, but what about someone who helps cover up the killing?
Oliver Yates claims 2019 electoral signage misleading, Victorian Law Reform Commission reviews contempt of court laws
28/05/2019 Duration: 29minOliver Yates, the unsuccessful independent candidate for the seat of Kooyong plans to take the Liberal Party to the Court of Disputed Returns over Chinese language how to vote signage. And the Victorian Law Reform Commission has just released a consultation paper exploring the many complex issues around contempt of court, seeking input on its review of contempt of court laws.