A podcast about all the weird crap from history that sometimes can't be explained. From mysteries in ancient times to people missing in present day. From doomsday cults throughout history to Unicorn cults. From Bigfoot to Dropbears. If it's weird, we want to talk about it.
Episode 153: Jacked Purple Lynx Fursona
24/04/2020 Duration: 01h27minThis week we discuss the BatSquatch in all its glory! Is it a man? Does it have a 15 foot wing span? Is it truly owls yet again? Also to all our listeners times are hard. Be safe out there and know were hoping for the best for you.Thanks for listening and remember to like, rate, review, and email us at: or tweet us at @C3Podcast. Also check out our Patreon: Thank you to T.J. Shirley for our theme.
Episode 152: Trait Positive Goth
17/04/2020 Duration: 01h26minLets learn about one of the original Web series on YouTube. LonelyGirl15 had a huge following at its time and had many worried that a cult group was at play. But there is a twist so listen in during these tough times. Thanks for listening and remember to like, rate, review, and email us at: or tweet us at @C3Podcast. Also check out our Patreon: Thank you to T.J. Shirley for our theme.
Episode 151: Fed-Ex Drivers With Swords
10/04/2020 Duration: 01h27minLet's go way back to one of the oldest religious groups that occupied Europe. Were they a holy order bent on discovering the holy grail or just bankers? Have some facts about the Knights Templar. Also practice social distancing.Thanks for listening and remember to like, rate, review, and email us at: or tweet us at @C3Podcast. Also check out our Patreon: Thank you to T.J. Shirley for our theme.
Episode 150: Planetary Doomsday
03/04/2020 Duration: 01h41minThis week lets get some science knowledge. Chelsea learns about how the shifting of the planets can mean the San Andreas fault could rupture. There is a whole lot of physics involved to calculate our doom.Thanks for listening and remember to like, rate, review, and email us at: or tweet us at @C3Podcast. Also check out our Patreon: Thank you to T.J. Shirley for our theme
Episode 149: Florida Man From Self Isolation
27/03/2020 Duration: 01h32minFinally we discuss the most feared and influential american cryptid known to humans. Listen to the tale of how this creature was born and its influence. Also never use a gator as a weapon. Thanks for listening and remember to like, rate, review, and email us at: or tweet us at @C3Podcast. Also check out our Patreon: Thank you to T.J. Shirley for our theme
Episode 148: Dummy Thick Bros
20/03/2020 Duration: 01h40minThis week we discuss a totally real historical figure that helped to shape Britannia and was involved with King Arthur and the holy grail. Just don't mess with ladies in lakes OK?Thanks for listening and remember to like, rate, review, and email us at: or tweet us at @C3Podcast. Also check out our Patreon: Thank you to T.J. Shirley for our theme
Episode 147: Wash Your Damn Hands
13/03/2020 Duration: 02h11minWanna know how the virus spread in South Korea? But also wanna learn about another terrible cult that involves screaming and recruiting from other churches? Then do we have the episode for you!Thanks for listening and remember to like, rate, review, and email us at: or tweet us at @C3Podcast. Also check out our Patreon: Thank you to T.J. Shirley for our theme
Parlor Of The Paranormal: Dark Lover
10/03/2020 Duration: 01h23minJoin us for another tale of love with deep bite marks. Does the thought of love make the heart run cold or heat a vampires blood. We hope you enjoy this essential parlor episode.Thanks for listening and remember to like, rate, review, and email us at: or tweet us at @C3Podcast. Also check out our Patreon: Thank you to TJ Shirley for out intro music!
Episode 146: Sneeple On This Flat Earth
06/03/2020 Duration: 01h10minThis weeks got it all! An interesting topic about Sherry Shriner; a woman who has all the insider knowledge on how the Reptile aliens are infiltrating our world. Buy the Orgone! A crystal wrapped in wire with a penny to protect yourself. Totally works.Thanks for listening and remember to like, rate, review, and email us at: or tweet us at @C3Podcast. Also check out our Patreon: Thank you to T.J. Shirley for our theme
Episode 145: House Painters Wanted
28/02/2020 Duration: 01h47minSo what really happened to a man with ties to both organized crime and human rights? Is he sleeping with the fishes or is he underneath the giants stadium? Listen in and you'll learn the truth. Thanks for listening and remember to like, rate, review, and email us at: or tweet us at @C3Podcast. Also check out our Patreon: Thank you to T.J. Shirley for our theme
Episode 144: You Don't Have This Disease
21/02/2020 Duration: 01h38minThis week we discuss the killer plague that left Athens weak during am important war. But what plague was it? We have the answer or at least some great ideas about it. Also you don't have this. We promise.Thanks for listening and remember to like, rate, review, and email us at: or tweet us at @C3Podcast. Also check out our Patreon: Thank you to T.J. Shirley for our theme
Episode 143: Snow Man Bear
14/02/2020 Duration: 01h20minLets get down to the root of yet another famous and elusive creature? Is it a goat? Maybe a bear? Or is there really a yeti in the Himalayas? Tune in for some hardcore Cryptid facts!Thanks for listening and remember to like, rate, review, and email us at: or tweet us at @C3Podcast. Also check out our Patreon: Thank you to T.J. Shirley for our theme
Episode 142: The GhostBusters Ruling
07/02/2020 Duration: 01h13minLets get into the legalities of home ownership and ghosts. Does the paranormal increase property value? is more ghosts better for your home or worse? And what does the law have to say about selling homes with ghosts?Thanks for listening and remember to like, rate, review, and email us at: or tweet us at @C3Podcast. Also check out our Patreon: Thank you to T.J. Shirley for our theme song.
Parlor Of The Paranormal: The Killing Dance
01/02/2020 Duration: 01h41minJoin us in this recommended book written by Laurell Hamilton. The sixth book in a series about a love triangle. What happens when an ancient vampire and a powerful pack leading werewolf love the same girl? Thanks for listening and remember to like, rate, review, and email us at: or tweet us at @C3Podcast. Also check out our Patreon: Thank you to TJ Shirley for out intro music!
Episode 141: A Man Chooses (Poorly)
31/01/2020 Duration: 01h44minFor liberty how far would you separate yourself from the government? Lets hear some stories about how building a libertarian paradise actually goes and the lessons we learn along the way. All in all freedom has its own costs. Thanks for listening and remember to like, rate, review, and email us at: or tweet us at @C3Podcast. Also check out our Patreon: Thank you to T.J. Shirley for our theme song.
Episode 140: Lets Hunt Ghosts
24/01/2020 Duration: 57minThis week we have a special guest Kristyn who is here to fill us in on some theater drama from the east coast. We're all very sick this week so we may sound sleepy but hey we didn't wanna leave you hanging. Speaking of hanging, was it cancer that killed this theater master? Also everyone should in fact break a leg.Thanks for listening and remember to like, rate, review, and email us at: or tweet us at @C3Podcast. Also check out our Patreon: Thank you to T.J. Shirley for our theme song.
Episode 139: And Here We Have Bog
17/01/2020 Duration: 01h47minThis week listen to the ladies discuss the most lethal creature to stalk the countryside of France, called the Beast of Gévaudan. This wolf like Cryptid slaughtered simple peasants for years and still to this day it is a mystery what the creature was.Thanks for listening and remember to like, rate, review, and email us at: or tweet us at @C3Podcast. Also check out our Patreon: Thank you to T.J. Shirley for our theme song.
Episode 138: A Whole Can Of De-Rattled Snakes
10/01/2020 Duration: 01h50minIn today's episode we have possibly the most aggression cult in existence. If you even need help with substance abuse then please seek help and love, But not from these people. This episode includes people shaving their heads and screaming for days at each other.Thanks for listening and remember to like, rate, review, and email us at: or tweet us at @C3Podcast. Also check out our Patreon:
Parlor Of The Paranormal: Butt Tingle With Chuck Tingle
04/01/2020 Duration: 01h05minYou asked and here it is the one year anniversary episode! Thank you for all the support because this was the worst read yet. Truly just out there.Thanks for listening and remember to like, rate, review, and email us at: or tweet us at @C3Podcast. Also check out our Patreon: Thank you to TJ Shirley for our theme song!
Episode 137: Harvest 500 Pounds of Herb
03/01/2020 Duration: 46minThis week we have a special guest while Cristina is out of town. Ever wonder about where that hot water leaf comes from? Today we spill the tea on a major organization.Thanks for listening and remember to like, rate, review, and email us at: or tweet us at @C3Podcast. Also check out our Patreon: