Ten years after their paranormal investigator parents were lost in the fabric of time and space, siblings Adam and Sarah Peculiar decided to start a podcast. The goal? To peer into the supernatural, expose government secrets and gain any information possible about the whereabouts of their mom and dad. OPEN YOUR EYES!
7 Harry Potter - Scott Elam
25/05/2016 Duration: 31minAmos Flowerleaf reveals that the J.K. Rowling fictional Harry Potter series is actually fact, and points to the magic (the Orlando Magic) all around us as proof.
6 Dead or Alive? - Arnie Niekamp & Sarah Maher
18/05/2016 Duration: 28minThis week's guests Bob and Barb Garber chat with the siblings about living-ghosts, Beanie Baby Inspectors, Monster Squad and the amazing power of the human mind.
5 Doomsday Prepper - Rob White
11/05/2016 Duration: 33minThis week with the Siblings: Prepper and K.O.A. campground operator Peter Davis talks M.R.E.s , Willy Wonka, and the perfect Doomsday App.
4 Ouija Boards - Brett Lyons & MJ Price
04/05/2016 Duration: 33minThis week, we meet with Kimmy and Kenneth Johevens and learn the dark secret of Ouija boards plus a surefire remedy for full body eczema.
3 New World Order - Patrick Earls
30/04/2016 Duration: 28minJonathan Timbus joins us for a discussion on Uber, The New World Order, and living with mom.
2 Paranormal Activity - Laurel Krabacher
25/04/2016 Duration: 26minThis episode we talk with Megan Smellis, Director Pacific Paranormal Activity, about being a ghost interpreter and relieving spirits of their many earthly burdens.
1 Time Travel - Louie Saunders
18/04/2016 Duration: 33minWelcome to Siblings Peculiar! This week we speak with Professor Radley, a time traveler with a visitor's degree from Yale.