Covering High Yield and Leveraged Finance
The Muni Lowdown September 29
29/09/2017 Duration: 23minThe Muni Lowdown September 29 by Debtwire Radio
The Muni Lowdown September 21
21/09/2017 Duration: 24minThe Muni Lowdown September 21 by Debtwire Radio
DWEU Brexit and Beyond With SouthSquare and Alchemy
20/09/2017 Duration: 21minSouth Square barristers Tom Smith QC and Riz Mokal along with Ian Cash and Alex Leicester from Alchemy Special Opportunities sat down with Debtwire Europe Legal Analyst Dawn Grocock this week to discuss the future of restructuring in the UK and beyond in light of Brexit; looking at the prevailing macro-economic and market conditions as well as the legal landscape, in particular the use of schemes of arrangement. During their conversation, the panellists addressed the factors likely to influence the restructuring market over the coming months; the future for the UK scheme of arrangement, including the continuing importance of the common law Gibbs principle; what the UK should push for in Brexit negotiations and more.
Toys R Us rushes into bankruptcy without a plan
20/09/2017 Duration: 32minAccompanying slide presentation: .
The Muni Lowdown September 15
15/09/2017 Duration: 15minThe Muni Lowdown September 15 by Debtwire Radio
The Muni Lowdown September 8
08/09/2017 Duration: 31minThe Muni Lowdown September 8 by Debtwire Radio
Debtwire LatAm Offshore Drilling Holding Webinar
07/09/2017 Duration: 31minDebtwire LatAm Offshore Drilling Holding Webinar by Debtwire Radio
The Muni Lowdown September 1
01/09/2017 Duration: 16minThe Muni Lowdown September 1 by Debtwire Radio
APAC Explorer: Hong Kong Insolvency
31/08/2017 Duration: 30minTanner De Wit partner Robin Darton joins Debtwire Asia senior editor Chaim Estulin to discuss the state of Hong Kong’s insolvency regime, including work arounds used to implement compromises in a city lacking a holistic bankruptcy code and steps that should be taken to modernize the restructuring process. Darton has been practicing as a lawyer in Hong Kong for more than 20 years, with a strong focus on insolvency and restructuring, including cross border matters. He has acted in many of the high profile insolvency and restructuring case involving Hong Kong over the past several years -- including Lehman Brothers, MF Global, OW Bunker and Kaisa -- on both the creditor and debtor side as well as for office-holders or directors. Darton was re-elected earlier this year as chairman of the Hong Kong Chapter of TMA, which will hold its annual APAC conference in the city on 16-17 November. For Darton's full bio click here: 2:05 provisional liquidator, a key mechanism fo
Debtwire Investigations tackles Idle Iron Progam
15/08/2017 Duration: 23minDebtwire Investigations tackles Idle Iron Progam by Debtwire Radio
Latham & Watkins catches up on controlled group liability
10/08/2017 Duration: 32minLatham & Watkins catches up on controlled group liability by Debtwire Radio
Xtract Research Reviews Insidious Portable Cap Plus Features
04/08/2017 Duration: 14minXtract Research Reviews Insidious Portable Cap Plus Features by Debtwire Radio
APAC Explorer: 1H17 Loan Market and Private Equity Review
27/07/2017 Duration: 24minDebtwire Asia Loans editor Stephen Aldred joins senior editor Chaim Estulin to disscuss loan and private equity trends in the region following the publication of Debtwire's 1H17 syndicated loans league table report. Intro: 0 – 0:20 Loan Market Review: 0:20 – 15:48 Private Equity Discussion: 15:49 – 24:10
The Muni Lowdown: Chicago rally, Purple Line progress, Government Development Bank roadblocks
21/07/2017 Duration: 22minThe Muni Lowdown: Chicago rally, Purple Line progress, Government Development Bank roadblocks by Debtwire Radio