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How the Pickens Plan Recruited 1.5 Million Volunteers in Nine Months
28/05/2009 Duration: 56minPdF Network talks with Todd Zeigler, The Bivings Group and Heather Lauer, Tribe Effect LLC. We'll be archiving PdF Network calls as podcasts, for future reference. But to join in the discussion and ask questions you have to first join the PdF Network.
Return on Investment from Adopting Social Media
14/05/2009 Duration: 01h25sPdF Network talks with Allison Fine, Author and Activist. We'll be archiving PdF Network calls as podcasts, for future reference. But to join in the discussion and ask questions you have to first join the PdF Network.
How to Pitch (and Not Pitch) a Political Blogger
30/04/2009 Duration: 59minPdF Network talks with Ben Smith of Politico and Ana Marie Cox of The Daily Beast. We'll be archiving PdF Network calls as podcasts, for future reference. But to join in the discussion and ask questions you have to first join the PdF Network.
Longtail Nanotargeting with Google Ads: How to Find Your Activists and Voters
16/04/2009 Duration: 57minJosh Koster is the Managing Partner at Chong Designs LLC, a Washington based new-media advising firm specializing in digital marketing and brand management for progressive candidates and select corporations. Josh has consulted for a presidential campaign, three senate campaigns, six house races, nonprofits, a ballot initiative, a 527 as well as numerous local and municipal races, as well for companies and non-profits. He is credited with co-pioneering the self-micro-targeting campaign website and pioneering long tail political media. His work has been covered by Politics Magazine, ArsTechnica, ClickZ and TechPresident, to name just a few.
Politics at the Speed of Light: Campaign Tactics in the Digital Age
02/04/2009 Duration: 53minGuest: Phil de Vellis, a senior associate and Vice President of New Media for Murphy Putnam Media. Philip has a wide range of professional experience in commercial post-production, politics, and Internet communications. He is best known as the creator of the "Vote Different" ad, which combined Apple's iconic "1984" spot with footage from Sen. Hillary Clinton's campaign website.
Using Ning to Build Your Own Social Network
19/03/2009 Duration: 30minIf you missed the PdF Network call with Gina Bianchini, co-Founder of, you can listen to it here. We'll be archiving PdF Network calls as podcasts, for future reference. But to join in the discussion and ask questions you have to first join the PdF Network.