A weekly show about news and politics that is making a safe space for your questionable takes. hosted by Vicky Mochama and Ishmael Daro. A Metro podcast.
Justin Trudeau and the Terrible Twos
27/10/2017 Duration: 39minTwo years after the 2015 election, Haudenosaunee comedian/policy wonk Courtney Skye and This magazine editor Erica Lenti join the panel to judge the Liberals from head to socks.
Bill's Blind Trust and Jagmeet's Bare Feet
20/10/2017 Duration: 31miniPolitics reporter Janice Dickson and morning show maven Supriya Dwivedi join the panel to talk about Bill Morneau's very bad week and Quebec's very bad legislation this week.
Corny White People and Yeezys for Dads
13/10/2017 Duration: 29minHosts and producers of The Nod, Eric Eddings and Britanny Luse (formerly of For Coloured Nerds) are on the panel this week along with a special guest host, Sajae Elder, for an all-black power hour. They chat about Harvery Weinstein, Eminem's cypher and how much cheese is too much cheese.
The Dreadful Whiteness of the NHL and Black America's Quarterback
06/10/2017 Duration: 29minSports writer and activist Shireen Ahmed joins Toronto Star sports and business reporter Morgan Campbell are on the panel this week to talk about sticking to sports, Cam Newton and the greatness of arrogance.
Mike Pence's Canada and the End of Anthems
29/09/2017 Duration: 27minOntario NDP MPP Cheri DiNovo and Macleans associate editor Murad Hemmadi join Vicky and Ishamel to talk about the future of Uber and what lies ahead in the federal NDP leadership race.
Barbie Politics and the Wright Brothers of Pooping
22/09/2017 Duration: 30minWriters Sarah Hagi and Ashley Csanady join Safe Space to talk about Barbie politics, the tax changes debate and the ongoing saga of Senator Lynn Beyak. Welcome back for season two!
Our Worst Takes, In Front Of A Live Audience
15/09/2017 Duration: 11minVicky and Ishmael were joined by comedian Monica Heisey (@monicaheisey) and sports writer Alex Wong (@steven_lebron) for a special edition of Takeaways, live on stage. Safe Space was one of five podcasts to take part in a live taping of CBC's Podcast Playlist at the Hot Docs Theatre in Toronto on June 15. Follow the show on Twitter @itsasafespace.
Checking In For Season 2
13/09/2017 Duration: 01minSafe Space is coming back for another season, so Vicky and Ishmael are checking in and saying hello. New full episodes start September 22nd. Follow the show on Twitter @itsasafespace.
The Third Hemsworth Brother and The Next British Prime Minister
09/06/2017 Duration: 45minOn the season finale of Safe Space, policy analyst Lauren Dobson Hughes (@ldobsonhughes) and HuffPo blogs editor Michael Scholars (@scholarsenic) join the panel to talk about changes to the Criminal Code. Canada's new foreign policy swagger and what's been happening in the British election campaign. Follow the show on Twitter @itsasafespace.
Stephen Harper's Heir And The Looming NDP Family Feud
02/06/2017 Duration: 40minPolicy wonk Brittany Andrew-Amofah and comedian Ryan McMahon are on Safe Space to talk about the changing of the political guard in Ottawa and in British Columbia, as well as the ongoing failure of the federal government to properly fund social welfare for First Nations children. Vicky and Ishmael also talk about why Celine Dion should have a central role in Canada 150 celebrations. Find Brittany on Twitter @BrittanyAmofah. Connect with Ryan on Twitter @RMComedy and check out Indian & Cowboy. Follow our show on Twitter @itsasafespace.
Libertarians and Murderous Babysitters
26/05/2017 Duration: 42minOn this week's show, Toronto Star national politics reporter Alex Boutilier and comedy writer Nick Zarzycki join Vicky and Ishmael to talk about the Conservative leadership convention and whether there was ~FOREIGN INFLUENCE~ in our last federal election in 2015. The panel also dives into why Canada's liquor laws are so restrictive and terrible, and what John A. Macdonald's babysitter has to do with it.
Late Night Tweets and Brand Management
19/05/2017 Duration: 46minToronto Star columnist Shree Paradkar and human rights activist Amira Elghawaby are on Safe Space to talk about the "Appropriation Prize" controversy, and whether Jagmeet Singh can save the NDP with his sharp suits and killer Instagram pics. The panel also talk about what a tough year it's been for Canadian Muslims, even though we now have full Sharia law thanks to Justin Trudeau's government. Vicky is away this week, so Ishmael is joined by guest co-host Elamin Abdelmahmoud.
Cardboard Cut-Outs and Angry Beavers
12/05/2017 Duration: 36minThis week, restaurateur Jen Agg and comedian Rebecca Kohler are on the podcast to play a special game of Would You Rather, using stories plucked from the week's news. Plus, Vicky and Ishmael discuss why editorial cartoons in Canada's newspapers are terrible and only likely to get worse.
Wise Owls And Columnist Fouls
05/05/2017 Duration: 32minParliamentary reporter Kady O'Malley joins Ishmael and Vicky to talk about the Senate's children's book and the Harjit Sajjan debacle. The panel debates an omnibus bill that may just improve Canadian democracy.
Ever Heard of NAFTA?
28/04/2017 Duration: 41min"I'm going to tweet at JK Rowling, "That bitch ass Harry Potter made Dobby die for him and you had the gall to have this house-elves-are-slaves subplot."
Pot Puns and Police Tweets
21/04/2017 Duration: 47min"It's always the judgiest people and the most morally superior people who are felled by their own morals." Annamaria Enenajor and Michael Spratt are on Safe Space this week to talk about pot legislation, the landmark Jordan ruling and whether it's the end of Bill O'Reilly.
Jorts Are A Crime Against Humanity
14/04/2017 Duration: 39minIs the Rob Ford-Donald Trump comparison unfair to Rob Ford? Exactly how much money does United Airlines owe David Dao? And could we be focussing on Russia more? Comedian and writer Celeste Yim, and the Toronto Star's Washington bureau chief Daniel Dale are on Safe Space this week.
Keeping Up With Kendall's Kauses and Canada
07/04/2017 Duration: 47minCavern of Secrets' Lauren Mitchell and Media Indigena's Rick Harp find a safe space this week to talk about telling the Story of Us, failing Canadian history and the cancelling of Pepsi's protest ad with Kendall Jenner. The word 'circlejerk' comes up more often than you'd think but also exactly as often as needed.
The Whole Gay Thing
31/03/2017 Duration: 36minVice News Features Editor Justin Ling and freelance writer Shireen Ahmed join Ishmael and Vicky to talk about the week's news. There's big news from the American women's hockey team on pay equity and big news from the federal government on marijuana legislation. The Conservative leadership race is in the homestretch with two months to go until the convention: the lows have been low indeed and the highs have been policy debates about supply management.
Bill's Budget and Babying Quebec
24/03/2017 Duration: 48minChatelaine associate editor Sadiya Ansari and National Post reporter Tristin Hopper join Vicky and Ishmael on the show this week. They talk about the big budget news: is it really new or is it the same budget, different year? But there are big changes in Alberta where Jason Kenney has won the Progressive Conservative leadership by promising to 'unite the right'. Tristin give us an expert overview of what that means for Alberta politics. And a Maclean's piece seems to have lost the writer his side-gig in academia. Is this a question of academic freedom or simply a case of cause meeting effect? In Takeaways this week, Sadiya makes a case for sweetness, Tristin argues against homework, Vicky demands tax breaks for the childfree and Ishmael goes in on dark chocolate.