One Idiot! One Mic! One Opinion!
GPP #193 - Teflon Jane
30/08/2016 Duration: 01h56minMuch like her husband Bill, Hillary has a new nickname - Teflon Jane. Let’s see if it sticks.
GPP #192 - Get It While You Can
26/08/2016 Duration: 02h05minWhether it's Clinton or Trump, they treat the world with a “get it while you can" attitude. Let the chips fall were they may.
GPP #191 - Misguided Animus
23/08/2016 Duration: 02h11minOur lives are filled with multiple sunrises and sunsets. When we misdirect animus toward others because of our belief system, our lives are wasted. This week I talk about hatred, social justice warriors, stupidity, and misguided actions.
GPP #190 - Reverse Robin Hood
19/08/2016 Duration: 01h59minWhen you steal from the poor to benefit the rich, you become a Robin Hood in reverse. This week I talk about Donald’s continued fight with the media, the Clinton Foundation’s corruption, Hillary’s bad health, and Germany’s hatred for Muslims. #Hillary #2016election #Trump #corruption #BLM #Muslims #Germany #CharlesOrtel
GPP #189 - Captain Obvious
16/08/2016 Duration: 01h51min“Although the United States considers itself societally progressive, societal norms are reversing. As I see it, the U.S. is reverting to deliberate segregation, unbridled racism, and an unchecked hatred for all living things.” - Captain Obvious
GPP #188 - A Small World
13/08/2016 Duration: 01h51minIn this big world of ours, an individual can often feel insignificant. But remember, the bigger you become: the smaller the world gets. Today I talk about the Rio Olympics, hateful behavior, BLM, 2016 Election, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, terrorism, bad behavior, Obama, depression food, and the gullibility of the public
GPP #187 - Born To Be Mild
09/08/2016 Duration: 01h36minOur Presidential candidates are wild things, however their running mates were born to be mild. Today I discuss the Iran ransom, ISIS’s newest recruits, the Rio Olympics, Zika funding, Hillary, Donald, and Obama’s incessant need to be loved as he leaves office.
GPP #186 - Grumpfest
05/08/2016 Duration: 02h14minWelcome to my world where every day and every night is a grumpfest. #Iran #ransome #2016election #HillaryClinton #DonaldTrump #corruption #liar
GPP #185 - Once Upon A Time
02/08/2016 Duration: 01h48minOnce upon a time, in 2016 there was an election held between two ill-qualified Presidential candidates. Did either destroy the world? Stay tuned. #DNC #Hillary #corruption #statusquo #firstwomanpresident #2016election
GPP #184 - Donkey Punch
29/07/2016 Duration: 02h05minJust before Trump’s euphoria was complete, the Democrats came up from behind and donkey punched him.
GPP #183 - Kaine and Unable
26/07/2016 Duration: 02h02minThe RNC’s shallow attempt at glitz and glamour has subsided, we move toward the DNC's ticket of Kaine and Unable.
GPP #182 - Trump Card
22/07/2016 Duration: 01h43minBy bluffing his way through the primaries, Donald has now delivered the ultimate trump card. #RNC #Trump #Republicans
GPP #181 - Professional Wrestling
19/07/2016 Duration: 01h39minWhether it is the U.S. versus Russia or Clinton versus Trump, you wonder why professional wrestling seems more realistic than our current reality.Today I talk about the new Cold War, Black Lives Matter, Turkey’s coup, the terror attck on Nice, and much more.
15/07/2016 Duration: 02h23minYou don't realize it yet, but straight, white, Christian males are responsible for perpetuating 400+ years of a system of whiteness.
12/07/2016 Duration: 02h18minThe alarms and buzzers go off. Danger is imminent. You hit the snooze button. In 9 minutes it won’t matter anyway.
08/07/2016 Duration: 01h39minWhether it is rich versus poor, men versus women, or white versus black, the mindset of us versus them is unreasonable.
GPP #177 - Not Your Average Joe
05/07/2016 Duration: 01h25min"You see a mousetrap; I see cheese and a challenge." - Scroobius Pip
GPP #176 - Strategy of Tension
01/07/2016 Duration: 01h47minWorld War 3 will be more a war of ideology and psychology. Therefore, the U.S. and ISIS stress a strategy of tension.
GPP #175 - Smothered By Pillow
28/06/2016 Duration: 01h52minDo not use the U.S. Constitution against its citizen while using the same Constitution to protect those who are determined to kill us.
GPP #174 - Infinite Loop
25/06/2016 Duration: 01h54minAs the world crumbles around us, it feels as if we are in an infinite loop of chaos.