One Idiot! One Mic! One Opinion!
Gut Punch Podcast #28 - Christmas You Crazy!
24/12/2013 Duration: 46minThe Gut Punch Podcast talks about the craziness of Christmases past to Christmases present. I cover everything from jingles to Jesus.
Gut Punch Podcast #27 - Injustice Served
17/12/2013 Duration: 01h05sThe Gut Punch Podcast discusses Ethan Couch, the sixteen year old, drunk driver that killed 4 people in Fort Worth, TX. Instead of jail, he beat the rap because of his family's huge wealth. The term "Affluenza" will be in American lexicon forever.
Gut Punch Podcast Episode #26 - No Self Esteem
10/12/2013 Duration: 58minThe Gut Punch Podcast talks about people who suffer from low self esteem.
Gut Punch Podcast #25 - Minimum Wages, Maximum Problems
03/12/2013 Duration: 01h13minThe Gut Punch Podcast discusses the issues with making minimum wages and its overall cost to everyone if the minimum wage is raised.
Gut Punch Podcast #24 - Idiots Walk Amongst Us!
26/11/2013 Duration: 59minIdiots walk amongst us, and the Gut Punch Podcast will prove it.
Gut Punch Podcast #23 - Ding Dong, Your Relationship Is Dead!
19/11/2013 Duration: 01h11minThe Gut Punch Podcast talks about relationships, and how we love to destroy them.
Gut Punch Podcast #22 - When Wrong Is Right
12/11/2013 Duration: 01h01minThe Gut Punch Podcast once again covers multiple topics. Chris discusses how parenting has changed and not for the better! Chris talks about equality, the girls of STEM, and Bill Mahr's racist undertone. The Gut Punch Podcast ends by discussing the manipulation of your brain through TV. Enjoy!
Gut Punch Podcast Episode #21 - Blackjack
05/11/2013 Duration: 01h01minChris examines several topics this week. A junior high school decides to ban the Honor Roll because of hurt feelings, how the NFL bullying scandal is an idotic joke, and Obama "misspoke" (a.k.a lying) about Obamacare. Then Chris discusses the death of the middle class in America, how big Pharma is America's #1 drain on financial resources for the middle class, how 401K's are a scam on middle class retirment as well as what your kids are learning on FOX-TV.
Gut Punch Podcast #20 - Controlled Fury
29/10/2013 Duration: 53minListen as Chris sounds like an angry gremlin on the 20th Episode of the Gut Punch Podcast. This week Chris talks about hypocrisy, honesty, and responsibility. Why are Americans failing on all three fronts?
Gut Punch Podcast #19 - Alone Again, Naturally
22/10/2013 Duration: 53minChris is on a solo path from now on. I look back on the Government's shutdown consequences, bad business practices by AT&T, and iOS 7's big f'*** you to the visually impaired.
Gut Punch Podcast Episode #18 - See Ya Steve
15/10/2013 Duration: 59minChris bids Steve a fond farewell as Steve pursues a new career in the nonprofit world. But, before Steve runs away to do good, Chris blows his mind with what he thinks of the Government and it's stupid assed shutdown.
Gut Punch Podcast Episode #17 - The Heroes Behind Guide Dogs
08/10/2013 Duration: 01h11minChris and Steve are both guide dog users. The Gut Punch Podcast discusses the true heroes behind guide dog training - the instructors and the puppy raisers. To learn more about guide dogs or how you can help go to the Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind at or Guide Dogs of Texas at
Gut Punch Podcast Episode 16 - News Gone Wrong
01/10/2013 Duration: 01h10minSteve and Chris discuss how the news media manipulates your thoughts and beliefs instead of reporting the news. The Gut Punch Podcast Team also discusses why we are drowning in the ocean of Commercialization of American holidays.
Gut Punch Podcast Episode 15 - Shrinkage and Punishment
24/09/2013 Duration: 01h09minChris and Steve highlight the grocery shrink ray zapping our pocketbooks, and discuss punishment styles of yesteryear versus today.
Gut Punch Podcast Episode 14 - Everything Is Just Nonsense
18/09/2013 Duration: 01h28minChris and Steve talked about a plethora of topics. The D.C. shooter, firecrackers at the White House, Syria, Miley Cyrus, and more.
Gut Punch Podcast Episode #13 - What Are We Thinking?
10/09/2013 Duration: 01h29minChris and Steve talk about the unlucky number 13, concussions in football, and the occasional tangential thought. Today was all about fun on the Gut Punch Podcast!
Gut Punch Podcast Episode #12 - It's A F***ed Up World
03/09/2013 Duration: 01h07minSteve and Chris discuss our countries need tp lie to its people, i.e Syria. And, they discuss why we like to build up and destroy famous personalities.
Gut Punch Podcast #11 - Idiots Guide to Edumucation
27/08/2013 Duration: 01h27minChris and Steve take a serious look at why education fails its students.
Gut Punch Podcast #10 - Hidden Havoc
20/08/2013 Duration: 01h34minSteve and Chris discuss our democracy's failure and how Veterans using service dogs are discriminated against because of hidden disabilities.
Gut Punch Podcast - Bizarro World
13/08/2013 Duration: 01h10minChris frustrates Steve with non-sensical arguments about every tpoic on today's Gut Punch Podcast. Listen to Steve try to kill Chris with his words.