Podcast by Katie and Jen
Episode 41: Wreck It Ralph
03/09/2017 Duration: 42minIn which Katie and Jen discuss Wreck It Ralph. They talk about the computer games and consoles they had as children (anyone remember when games were on cassettes?). There's chat about the Sugar Rush racer's awesome names and cars and there's a Sarah Brightman/Sarah Silverman confusion. Also if you're looking for a job with a salary of no pounds and no pence, apply within.... Join in on Twitter @KJDPod and
Episode 40a: Toy Story 2 Midway
27/08/2017 Duration: 19minIn which Katie and Jen are once again joined by Alex and Ben from MintonCard-Cast. They take some time to talk about Tim Allen, and discuss exactly how much can you fit in a Mr Potato Head? Join in the poll on Twitter @KJDPod and listen to MintonCard-Cast on itunes or soundcloud or anywhere else you get your podcasts.
Episode 40: Toy Story 2
20/08/2017 Duration: 49minIn which Katie and Jen are joined by Alex and Ben from Mint on Card-Cast to discuss Toy Story 2. Join them as they try to work out when toys come to life, do they have senses and what's going on in a parallel universe. They also discuss accents, John Ratzenberger's CV and wonder if anyone could trust Buck Bennett. Join in on Twitter @KJDPod and Listen to Mint on card-cast or follow them on Twitter @MintOnCardCast
39a Alice In Wonderland (Live Action) Midway
13/08/2017 Duration: 12minIn which Katie and Jen begrudgingly return to Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland. They spend time talking about the notorious Futterwacken but they make a new friend in costume designer Colleen Atwood. Join in with the new poll on Twitter @KJDPod and wait for an exciting announcement at the end of the podcast.
Episode 39: Alice In Wonderland (Live Action)
06/08/2017 Duration: 34minIn which Katie and Jen discuss the live action (mistitled) Alice in Wonderland by Tim Burton and starring Johnny Depp (!) There's a lot of chat about the actors, mainly so Katie can distract herself from the rest of the film. Find out who is on stilts, what connects the film to Avatar and how much does Jen like Anne Hathaway's make up! Join in on twitter @KJDPod especially if you disagree with us!
Episode 38a: Oliver And Company Midway
30/07/2017 Duration: 14minIn which Katie and Jen are basking in the recent musical successes as well as discussing amongst other things the new Dr Who, compliments and Oliver Twist. And you can guess which actor gets another mention. Find out the results of the last poll and join in the new one on Twitter @KJDPod
Episode 38: Oliver And Company
21/07/2017 Duration: 33minIn which Katie and Jen discuss the oft forgotten Oliver and Company. There's a lot of cat and kitten talk and Katie shares a musical surprise. Listen out for mentions of Bob Fosse, Frank Welker and Patrick Stewart. Join in on Twitter @KJDPod at our website on facebook, instagram and anywhere else you can think of.
Episode 37a: Pocahontas Midway
16/07/2017 Duration: 13minIn which Katie and Jen talk about the music in Pocahontas and a few other facts they missed in the main episode. They reveal the poll and set a new one. There's also another guest appearance from Tom Brown who on this occasion contributes more than a meow! Join in on Twitter @KJDPod on Facebook and Instagram.
Episode 37: Pocahontas
06/07/2017 Duration: 30minIn which Katie and Jen hope you've got your glasses on as they take a troubling look at Pocahontas and seek solace in a bad Sean Bean impression and their dear friend Patrick Stewart. Listen to the end to hear a very VERY special guest. Join in on Twitter @KJDPod and
36a: Bambi Midway
02/07/2017 Duration: 12minIn which Katie and Jen are still battling with the madness that the heat brought. Listen in for some alternative ways to keep cool, find out about the original novel and what the earth a Midquel is. Join in the poll and find out which film we will cover next time! @KJDPod
Episode 36: Bambi
25/06/2017 Duration: 36minIn which Katie and Jen suffer in the recent high temperatures. They discuss skunks, ethereal choirs and the war. Jen has some complicated thoughts from when she was younger and share a text conversation with you. It was so hot! Join in on twitter @kjdpod or
Episode 35a: The Princess And The Frog Midway
18/06/2017 Duration: 14minIn which Katie and Jen return to The Princess and the Frog. There's the reveal of how the podcast got its name. They discover Disney references and Jen gives us a lesson in Voodoo. Listen out for the alternative poll! Join in on Twitter @KJDpod and online
Episode 35 The Princess And The Frog
11/06/2017 Duration: 39minIn which Katie and Jen have an unusual beginning but eventually go 'down the Bayou' to sing and discuss Jen's favourite character in great depth, as well as chat about the music and the actors. Katie throw in a few theatre facts and we find out who Iron Henry is. Join in @KJDPod
Episode 34a: Toy Story Midway
04/06/2017 Duration: 10minIn which Katie and Jen return to Toy Story, they talk about the music why you have to say "slinky dog" with an accent and there's a fact for history fans! Join in our poll on twitter @KJDPod
Episode 34: Toy Story
28/05/2017 Duration: 30minIn which 'the birthday girl' and Jen discuss Toy Story. Find out who thought their toys were alive, who Jen would trust to hold her wallet OR her dog. There's a tense discussion about Barbie and someone is having a birthday! (hint: it's me, Katie!!) Join in on Twitter, facebook and our website
Episode 33a: Cinderella Midway
21/05/2017 Duration: 11minIn which Katie and Jen look at the history of Cinderella and have a disagreement over animals. Find out the results of the poll and which film will be Katie's birthday film? Join in on twitter @KJDPod.
Episode 33: Cinderella (2015)
14/05/2017 Duration: 34minIn which Katie and Jen descend a lavish staircase to discuss the live action version of Cinderella. One of them talks dresses... can you guess which one? And what did auto correct do to the name of the director? Listen in for enthusiasm and cynicism but also courage and kindness. Also, Katie mentions Buffy the Vampire Slayer - it was only a matter of time. Join in at
Episode 32a: 101 Dalmatians Midway
07/05/2017 Duration: 09minIn which Katie and Jen return to 101 Dalmatians with a decision over what weather app Cruella De Vil might use. Find out how did Katie got on with the sequel, and just what would a KJDPod album be called? Join in on Twitter @KJDPod and at
Epsiode 32: 101 Dalmatians
30/04/2017 Duration: 31minIn which Katie and Jen discuss the 1961 film 101 Dalmatians. They discuss the difference between pretending your cat is a scarf and making a hat out of your dog. There's a double Julie Android AND Katie gives us her rendition of a cockney song that was missing from the original film. Join in on twitter @KJDPod or on our website
Episode 31a: Mulan Midway
23/04/2017 Duration: 13minIn which Katie and Jen return to Mulan to discuss Jackie Chan, Awesome Sauce and a brand new poll. Catch up on some podmin and a few songs too! Join in on Twitter @kjdpod and at