A Podcast for all! From discussing sporting events/stories, my own footballing career to just random day to day things that annoy me or make me take note. Not to be taken too seriously, so just enjoy!
Episode 29
17/04/2018 Duration: 43minOk I know you're all expecting Episode 28, but it's all explained! Episode 29 is here and it's worth the wait! Have to discuss our current run of form, Enemy of the Week and the other usual nonsense! Oh and leave a rating! Preferably a 5 star review See for privacy and opt-out information.
Episode 27
28/03/2018 Duration: 47minEhm, Hi guys. So I talk about the international break we just had, my unfair enemy of the week, your Facebook questions and a whole lot of other shit. Enjoy! Oh and leave a rating (no please, just do it) See for privacy and opt-out information.
Episode 26
22/03/2018 Duration: 40minWell lads, here we are again. Another week, another episode churned out. Talk about my crazy game last weekend, the previous week's shenanigans and then the usual knowledge bombs for you. Enjoy! See for privacy and opt-out information.
Episode 25
15/03/2018 Duration: 47minTWENTY FIVE! The first milestone Episode! In this one we discuss the man of the hour Jamie Carragher, last week's games, and all(the good ones) of your Facebook questions. And the winner of the Jersey is announced! Enjoy See for privacy and opt-out information.
Episode 24
08/03/2018 Duration: 41minBeginning to get the hang of things now, 24 episodes later. A mixture of my own thought on various things followed by your questions......enjoy! See for privacy and opt-out information.
Episode 23
28/02/2018 Duration: 39minNo bad weather can stop us here, like the milkman we deliver in all conditions. I've figured out the setup of the show now. Half of my topics and thoughts and half answering YOUR questions and suggestions. Sit back, put your feet up, socks off and enjoy this episode. It's a good one this week......honestly See for privacy and opt-out information.
Episode 22
19/02/2018 Duration: 36minToday's episode is a bit's the people's episode! I took questions and topics from the Facebook page that you sent in. Apologies for the sound quality, dunno what went on there. Enjoy! See for privacy and opt-out information.
Episode 21
10/02/2018 Duration: 33minHead was full of thoughts I had to share with you all, I couldn't wait another week. So stay tuned, you never know when the next episode will come See for privacy and opt-out information.
Episode 20
07/02/2018 Duration: 24minDidn't I forget my bloody equipment to record this while I was in Turkey at our training camp, so hence the delay in getting it out to you. Anyway sit back and please those eardrums of yours See for privacy and opt-out information.
Episode 19
09/01/2018 Duration: 35minI'm back lads, but just about. Caught that bug that was going around, but I've come out the other side and ready to get back on the podcast horse. Today I talk about my winter break, New Year Resolution's, some funny stories from previous coaches and the beginning of my campaign to form a new word for "Vegans". Enjoy! See for privacy and opt-out information.
Episode 18
16/12/2017 Duration: 28minWell guys today we have a very special show. LIVE from a mothertrucking ferry! Crossing the North Sea and podcasting, a world first (may not be factually correct). Anyway, tune in and find out for yourself! See for privacy and opt-out information.
Episode 17
06/12/2017Just me this week I'm afraid. It's been a hectic few weeks brethren's, I'll explain all don't worry (pretty sure I didn't explain anything). Like always, sit back relax and enjoy. Unless you're driving, then keep focused on the road but still give an ear here See for privacy and opt-out information.
Episode 16
19/11/2017A Mister Sherry first Ladies & Gentlemen, a bloody guest! Not a great amount of structure to this one, but a good laugh See for privacy and opt-out information.
Episode 15
11/11/2017Brand new intro folks. You need to watch this one. Pull over in your car, go on youtube and check out the masterpiece. The usual stuff is talked about too, enjoy See for privacy and opt-out information.
Episode 14
01/11/2017This week there was lots of enemies, but only one could be the clear winner. Special mention to the Ballyragget hurlers also. Discuss some issues regarding the upcoming winter season on Instagram and an update on my Championship Manager 00/01 escapade. Sit back and enjoy my fellow brethren See for privacy and opt-out information.
Episode 13
24/10/2017Like I said I forget what I was talking about, maybe there's some tickets up for grabs, also maybe there's not. See for privacy and opt-out information.
Episode 12
12/10/2017New and improved (slightly). We have segments. We're defending the week's enemy/enemies. We have a Championship Manager 01/02 update. We got some entertainment recommendations. We have a poo challenge........ See for privacy and opt-out information.
Episode 11
19/09/2017 Duration: 26minIn tonight's episode we discuss Boxing, which is unfortunate because I'm not a big boxing head. Also an update on the Predator situation, and my daily problems this past week See for privacy and opt-out information.
Episode 10
13/09/2017 Duration: 30minAgainst popular opinion I'm defending Neymar! Also threw in a story about my trip to a museum.....riveting stuff this weeks folks See for privacy and opt-out information.