We want to talk about video games, movies, TV, comics, Warhammer, music, Sci-Fi, food, weapons, Ancient cultures, made up cultures, talking about things, history, fiction, historical fiction, Star Wars, and a few other things I didn't list. Lets just say, anything.
PS2J 187 News - Hyper Hammer
07/04/2018 Duration: 46minOverwatch and HotS are getting new content. A cool remaster is coming to console in the fall. Josh recommends a story about the english language, Alan has a tip that may speed up your internet. We are a proud member of the Alberta Podcast Network powered by ATB For links visit and for more notes, they are all available to our Patreon supporters. A huge thanks to Dalton, our favourite fan. And thanks to all our Official Fans that support us on Patreon. If you use use coupon code PS2JSHOW for 10% off! And we sell our own shirts at PS2J has a Patreon And talk to us in the comments! Or... Twitter and Instagram @ps2jshow Facebook
PS2J 186 News - Download Your Past
31/03/2018 Duration: 44minThere are ways for you to download the data companies have stored on you. Fenix has returned and is facing Heroes in the Storm. Josh recommends a research group with a website and podcast. And Alan is listening to a podcast about something he can’t tell you about or it’ll already be gone. We are a proud member of the Alberta Podcast Network powered by ATB For links visit and for more notes, they are all available to our Patreon supporters. A huge thanks to Dalton, our favourite fan. And thanks to all our Official Fans that support us on Patreon. If you use use coupon code PS2JSHOW for 10% off! And we sell our own shirts at PS2J has a Patreon And talk to us in the comments! Or... Twitter and Instagram @ps2jshow Facebook
PS2J 185 History - Virtua Fighter
28/03/2018 Duration: 32minPublished by SEGA, and released in 1993, this series has four main sequels and a handful of spin offs. This franchise is recognized as being the first in 3D fighting games, this is Virtua Fighter. We are a proud member of the Alberta Podcast Network powered by ATB For links visit and for more notes, they are all available to our Patreon supporters. A huge thanks to Dalton, our favourite fan. And thanks to all our Official Fans that support us on Patreon. If you use use coupon code PS2JSHOW for 10% off! And we sell our own shirts at PS2J has a Patreon And talk to us in the comments! Or... Twitter and Instagram @ps2jshow Facebook
PS2J 184 News - Little Gremlins
24/03/2018 Duration: 52minBattlefront 2 is updated with a reasonable progression system. The results of the cactus naming contest are announced! Josh recommends an unconventional RPG, and Alan is getting a brain exercise, and thinks you should check it out! We are a proud member of the Alberta Podcast Network powered by ATB For links visit and for more notes, they are all available to our Patreon supporters. A huge thanks to Dalton, our favourite fan. And thanks to all our Official Fans that support us on Patreon. If you use use coupon code PS2JSHOW for 10% off! And we sell our own shirts at PS2J has a Patreon And talk to us in the comments! Or... Twitter and Instagram @ps2jshow Facebook
PS2J 183 News - No Rights! Oops NVM
17/03/2018 Duration: 43minA new RTS is in the same universe as Scythe. Twitch is in the business of giving away games. Josh makes a poor case for his favourite show and Alan read an awesome book, that’s not too long. We are a proud member of the Alberta Podcast Network powered by ATB For links visit and for more notes, they are all available to our Patreon supporters. A huge thanks to Dalton, our favourite fan. And thanks to all our Official Fans that support us on Patreon. If you use use coupon code PS2JSHOW for 10% off! PS2J has a Patreon And talk to us in the comments! Or... Twitter and Instagram @ps2jshow Facebook
Sibling Rivalry Review 02 - The Last Starfighter
14/03/2018 Duration: 54minHannah sat through The Last Starfighter. Its a film made at the height of the arcade craze, and it is a prime example of the male fantasy. Josh loved this movie in his youth, and has the nostalgia worn off? Hannah Instagram @hannah93lee Josh Twitter @fushigiyami Press Start To Join is a proud member of the Alberta Podcast Network powered by ATB If you use use coupon code PS2JSHOW for 10% off! PS2J has a Patreon And talk to us in the comments! Or... Twitter and Instagram @ps2jshow Facebook
PS2J 182 News - Things To Come
10/03/2018 Duration: 46minRobotech kickstarter crashes and burns. Nintendo drops big news with a direct. Josh recommends a boardgames for up to 5 people and Alan read a 5 book series to check out. We are a proud member of the Alberta Podcast Network powered by ATB For links visit and for more notes, they are all available to our Patreon supporters. A huge thanks to Dalton, our favourite fan. And thanks to all our Official Fans that support us on Patreon. If you use use coupon code PS2JSHOW for 10% off! PS2J has a Patreon And talk to us in the comments! Or... Twitter and Instagram @ps2jshow Facebook
PS2J 181 News - Redacted Farm
03/03/2018 Duration: 52minHeroes of the Storm has a fun skin pack and some character updates. China is getting specific with blocking content online with the upcoming election. Josh talks about his favourite board game and Alan recommends a book trilogy. We are a proud member of the Alberta Podcast Network powered by ATB For links visit and for more notes, they are all available to our Patreon supporters. A huge thanks to Dalton, our favourite fan. And thanks to all our Official Fans that support us on Patreon. If you use use coupon code PS2JSHOW for 10% off! PS2J has a Patreon And talk to us in the comments! Or... Twitter and Instagram @ps2jshow Facebook
PS2J 180 News - Yes They Are Muppets
24/02/2018 Duration: 39minA game developer thinks malware make good anti-piracy. Redbull is turning downtown Edmonton into an extreme sport. Alan and Josh recommend the same thing. Wakanda forever. We are a proud member of the Alberta Podcast Network powered by ATB For links visit and for more notes, they are all available to our Patreon supporters. A huge thanks to Dalton, our favourite fan. And thanks to all our Official Fans that support us on Patreon. If you use use coupon code PS2JSHOW for 10% off! PS2J has a Patreon And talk to us in the comments! Or... Twitter and Instagram @ps2jshow Facebook
PS2J 179 News - But Are They Muppets?
17/02/2018 Duration: 50minJosh is back from being sick. Heroes of the Storm is celebrating the Lunar New Year. Facebook wants your data in new exciting ways. Josh and Alan both recommend shows, but one on Amazon Prime and the other on Netflix. We are a proud member of the Alberta Podcast Network powered by ATB For links visit and for more notes, they are all available to our Patreon supporters. A huge thanks to Dalton, our favourite fan. And thanks to all our Official Fans that support us on Patreon. If you use use coupon code PS2JSHOW for 10% off! PS2J has a Patreon And talk to us in the comments! Or... Twitter and Instagram @ps2jshow Facebook
Sibling Rivalry Review 01 - Burlesque
14/02/2018 Duration: 51minThe first episode of The Sibling Rivalry Review. This is a test drive for a new podcast by Josh and his sister Hannah. They are making each other watch movies they like and making the sibling review it. We start off with Burlesque, a 2010 film starring Christina Aguilera and Cher. Josh is not a fan of musicals. But he gave it his full attention. Hannah Instagram @hannah93lee Josh Twitter @fushigiyami Press Start To Join is a proud member of the Alberta Podcast Network powered by ATB If you use use coupon code PS2JSHOW for 10% off! PS2J has a Patreon And talk to us in the comments! Or... Twitter and Instagram @ps2jshow Facebook
PS2J 178 News - Faster and Less Secure
10/02/2018 Duration: 16minJosh is out sick so Alan stepped up. He brings you updates on past news items, new interesting ones, and even has his own recommendation. We are a proud member of the Alberta Podcast Network powered by ATB For links visit and for more notes, they are all available to our Patreon supporters. A huge thanks to Dalton, our favourite fan. And thanks to all our Official Fans that support us on Patreon. If you use use coupon code PS2JSHOW for 10% off! PS2J has a Patreon And talk to us in the comments! Or... Twitter and Instagram @ps2jshow Facebook
PS2J 177 News - Boring Flamethrower
03/02/2018 Duration: 41minAn old internet scam is getting fixed by Microsoft. San Francisco is planning of clearing out convictions on old charges for now legal substances. Josh and Alan recommend something with a DnD flair, of a phone game and a podcast. We are a proud member of the Alberta Podcast Network powered by ATB For links visit and for more notes, they are all available to our Patreon supporters. A huge thanks to Dalton, our favourite fan. And thanks to all our Official Fans that support us on Patreon. If you use use coupon code PS2JSHOW for 10% off! PS2J has a Patreon And talk to us in the comments! Or... Twitter and Instagram @ps2jshow Facebook
PS2J 176 History - Super Mario
31/01/2018 Duration: 01h08minWith the largest franchise in all of gaming, beating out the second place contender by over 200 million. This icon has saved, built up and revolutionized gaming in nearly every conceivable way. With a combined 528 million sales, we look at the portion of 310 million, that make the Super Mario franchise. We are a proud member of the Alberta Podcast Network powered by ATB For links visit and for more notes, they are all available to our Patreon supporters. A huge thanks to Dalton, our favourite fan. And thanks to all our Official Fans that support us on Patreon. If you use use coupon code PS2JSHOW for 10% off! PS2J has a Patreon And talk to us in the comments! Or... Twitter and Instagram @ps2jshow Facebook
PS2J 175 News - Restoring Whopper Freedom
27/01/2018 Duration: 42minWhy should you invest in a bad game for Atari? Alan talks about companies and products that are being shut down soon. Josh is watching eSports, and Alan has a Edmonton band to recommend. We are a proud member of the Alberta Podcast Network powered by ATB For links visit and for more notes, they are all available to our Patreon supporters. A huge thanks to Dalton, our favourite fan. And thanks to all our Official Fans that support us on Patreon. If you use use coupon code PS2JSHOW for 10% off! PS2J has a Patreon And talk to us in the comments! Or... Twitter and Instagram @ps2jshow Facebook
PS2J 174 News - La Vida Labo
20/01/2018 Duration: 44minNintendo has redefined what a game console is. Street Fighter gets a full game. Josh wants you to check out something that Alans recommendation warns you about. We are a proud member of the Alberta Podcast Network powered by ATB For links visit and for more notes, they are all available to our Patreon supporters. A huge thanks to Dalton, our favourite fan. And thanks to all our Official Fans that support us on Patreon. If you use use coupon code PS2JSHOW for 10% off! PS2J has a Patreon And talk to us in the comments! Or... Twitter and Instagram @ps2jshow Facebook
PS2J 173 News - Frames Or Freedom
13/01/2018 Duration: 55minBlade wants gaming more on the Cloud. Nintendo makes a mini Direct. Alan has a great book for you to read and Josh loves a Netflix talk and drive show. We are a proud member of the Alberta Podcast Network powered by ATB For links visit and for more notes, they are all available to our Patreon supporters. A huge thanks to Dalton, our favourite fan. And thanks to all our Official Fans that support us on Patreon. If you use use coupon code PS2JSHOW for 10% off! PS2J has a Patreon And talk to us in the comments! Or... Twitter and Instagram @ps2jshow Facebook
PS2J 172 News - password
06/01/2018 Duration: 46minFirebat enters the Storm. iPhone batteries have been the centre of an Apple controversy. Josh recommends a game for your phone, and Alan is reading a really cool book. We are a proud member of the Alberta Podcast Network powered by ATB For links visit and for more notes, they are all available to our Patreon supporters. A huge thanks to Dalton, our favourite fan. And thanks to all our Official Fans that support us on Patreon. If you use use coupon code PS2JSHOW for 10% off! PS2J has a Patreon And talk to us in the comments! Or... Twitter and Instagram @ps2jshow Facebook
PS2J 171 News - Premium Package Internet Content
16/12/2017 Duration: 50minNet Neutrality has taken a harsh blow, and there is a disingenuous video to follow it up. Star Citizen is struggling with lawsuits. Josh is playing a fun phone game you should check out and Alan has a show you should get back into, if you’ve fallen off the bandwagon. We are a proud member of the Alberta Podcast Network powered by ATB For links visit and for more notes, they are all available to our Patreon supporters. A huge thanks to Dalton, our favourite fan. And thanks to all our Official Fans that support us on Patreon. If you use use coupon code PS2JSHOW for 10% off! PS2J has a Patreon And talk to us in the comments! Or... Twitter and Instagram @ps2jshow Facebook
PS2J 170 News - Top Buzz Threat or Menace?
09/12/2017 Duration: 53minPatreon is making some changes to payments, which don’t look good to supporters. Heroes of the Storm is seeing some changes. Josh recommends a TV show with a cartoon twist, Alan suggests a show that shows the untold story of super hero stories. We are a proud member of the Alberta Podcast Network powered by ATB For links visit and for more notes, they are all available to our Patreon supporters. A huge thanks to Dalton, our favourite fan. And thanks to all our Official Fans that support us on Patreon. If you use use coupon code PS2JSHOW for 10% off! PS2J has a Patreon And talk to us in the comments! Or... Twitter and Instagram @ps2jshow Facebook