The Portuguese Audio Drama New Testament (BSP) is a unique presentation of the Audio Bible with approximately 180 different characters and a digitally recorded sound track with full sound effects. For a list of other available languages go to our website at The mission of Faith Comes By Hearing is to bring His Church together and make disciples from every nation, tribe, language, and people: to give every person the opportunity to listen completely through the New Testament in their heart language.
Marcos 13 - Mark 13
31/12/2009 Duration: 04minJerusalém ea Terra destruídos - Jerusalem and later the earth will be destroyed.
Marcos 14 - Mark 14
31/12/2009 Duration: 10minA prisão judeus e tentar Jesus - The Jews arrest and try Jesus.
Marcos 15 - Mark 15
31/12/2009 Duration: 06minA prisão romanos e tentar Jesus - The Romans arrest and try Jesus.
Marcos 16 - Mark 16
31/12/2009 Duration: 02minAs mulheres descobrem um túmulo vazio - The women discover an empty tomb.
Lucas 1 - Luke 1
31/12/2009 Duration: 09minO nascimento de Jesus é anunciado - The birth of Jesus is foretold.
Lucas 2 - Luke 2
31/12/2009 Duration: 06minO nascimento de Jesus é cumprida - The birth of Jesus is fulfilled.
Lucas 3 - Luke 3
31/12/2009 Duration: 05minJohn prepara as pessoas para o reino - John prepares people for the kingdom.
Lucas 4 - Luke 4
31/12/2009 Duration: 05minSatanás tem o seu confronto com Jesus - Satan has his showdown with Jesus.
Lucas 5 - Luke 5
31/12/2009 Duration: 05minDiscípulos são chamados - The first disciples are called.
Lucas 6 - Luke 6
31/12/2009 Duration: 06mindoze discípulos nomeados - The twelve apostles are appointed.
Lucas 7 - Luke 7
31/12/2009 Duration: 07minOs discípulos de João falar com Jesus - John's disciples talk to Jesus.
Lucas 8 - Luke 8
31/12/2009 Duration: 08minUma tempestade se acalma - A storm is calmed and many are healed.
Lucas 9 - Luke 9
31/12/2009 Duration: 08min5000 são alimentados e Jesus se transfigura - Five thousand are fed and Jesus is transfigured.
Lucas 10 - Luke 10
31/12/2009 Duration: 06min72 discípulos comissionados - Seventy-two disciples are commissioned.
Lucas 11 - Luke 11
31/12/2009 Duration: 07minOração, Belzebu e hipocrisia - Disciples learn about prayer, Beelzebub, and hypocrisy.
Lucas 12 - Luke 12
31/12/2009 Duration: 07minRiqueza, preocupação e watcfulness - Disciples are warned about wealth, worry, and watchfulness.
Lucas 13 - Luke 13
31/12/2009 Duration: 05minArrependimento é chamado para - Repentance is called for.
Lucas 16 - Luke 16
31/12/2009 Duration: 04minO homem rico e Lazaraus - The rich man and Lazarus die and are rewarded.