Just your regular ol' podcast where each episode we review a film in 3 segments: What we expected, Spoiler free review, and then full on spoiler talk (that bit has a tendency to go on).
#31, Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2
07/05/2017 Duration: 01h07minIt's the first Marvel Studios release of 2017 - have they started the year with a bang? Check out our thoughts on Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 in this week's episode of Beer Pizza & a Movie.
#30, Kubo And The 2 Strings & Top 5 Stop Motion Films
23/04/2017 Duration: 57minIt's long overdue, but we finally got to Kubo and the 2 Strings. We know none of you saw it, so listen to our recommendation. It's definitely on our top 5 stop motion films list, but does it beat Wallace and Gromit? 00:00 - Expectations 11:00 - Top 5 Stop Motion Animation Movies 17:20 - Spoiler [...]
#29, Memento & Top 5 Chris(topher) Nolan Films
11/04/2017 Duration: 49minCould this film be Harry's new favourite Chris Nolan film? He's not seen it before so possibly. Put it this way; It does not disappoint. 00:00 - Expectations 12:09 - Top 5 Most Interesting Superhero Villains 16:14 - Spoiler Free Review 32:26 - Spoiler Talk Anywho, If you loved this review, we'd appreciate a review [...]
#28, Iron Fist & Top 5 Most Interesting Superhero Villains
02/04/2017 Duration: 01h14minThe final Defender is here! And he's wreaking havoc... wait, that's X-Men. He's a Marvel of a super hero. Ok let's face it, there have been better puns made on this podcast, but what do you want of me? I've just watched 13 hours of TV and it's late... give me a break! 00:00 - [...]
#27, Logan Review
18/03/2017 Duration: 54minOur review for what may well be the highest earning X-Men film to date. Is it as good as the hype? Harry isn't convinced. Ross has no problems with it. My how the tables have turned. What the hell are we talking about? There's only one way to find out... Like our reviews? Follow us [...]
#26, Lego Batman Review
19/02/2017 Duration: 48minWe saw #LEGOBatmanMovie and - spoiler alert - we loved it. In fact, we'd say it's possibly the best Batman movie since The Dark Knight, and definitely the best Lego movie since The Lego Movie. Which voice actor where we most pleased to hear? Which fanboy-friendly in-joke make us laugh the hardest? Did Ross really [...]
#25, La La Land (With John Lucas)
15/01/2017 Duration: 38minThis week at BP&M, we're reviewing the critically acclaimed movie musical #LaLaLand! The trick? Our co-host Ross has never seen a musical at the cinema before, and much prefers ninja attacks to song and dance numbers... Did the Oscar-tipped romance convert him to the joy of Jazz hands and tap routines? Find out in another [...]
#24, Robo Cop Review
14/12/2016 Duration: 22minMOVIES RUINED BY THEIR SEQUELS Part 5 - Robo Cop (1987) Our mini-series on great movies with terrible sequels lands on cyberpunk classic RoboCop, directed by Paul Verhoeven and starring Peter Weller and Nancy Allen. Are original ideas more important than loyalty to the source material? Does the 2014 remake even qualify as a Robocop [...]
#23, Terminator 2 Review
13/12/2016 Duration: 28minMOVIES RUINED BY THEIR SEQUELS Part 4 - Terminator 2 For the next instalment in our series on classic movies with crap sequels, we're looking at a follow-up that actually worked. It's Terminator 2: Judgement Day, directed by James Cameron and starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. Is this film essentially a children's movie with swears and violence? [...]
#22, Terminator Review
12/12/2016 Duration: 23minMOVIES RUINED BY THEIR SEQUELS Part 3 - The Terminator Our next pick for classic movies with terrible sequels is The Terminator, directed by James Cameron and starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton. Which scene in this movie has given Harry nightmares for years? Why does Arnold Schwarzenegger's 80s body look like 00s CGI? Why [...]
#21, Matrix Review
10/12/2016 Duration: 24minMOVIES RUINED BY THEIR SEQUELS Part 2 - The Matrix Our series on great movies ruined by terrible sequels lands on the iconic 1999 sci-fi thriller 'The Matrix', directed by Lana & Lily Wachowski and starring Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne and Carrie-Anne Moss. Is retconning the ultimate crime against cinema? Can we give the sequels [...]
#20, Starship Troopers Review
09/12/2016 Duration: 25minMOVIES RUINED BY THEIR SEQUELS Part 1 - Starship Troopers We're back! After a brief hiatus, Beer, Pizza & A Movie returns with a miniseries looking at classic films with really terrible sequels. First up, it's the classic 1997 sci-fi B-Movie Starship Troopers, directed by Paul Verhoeven and starring Casper Van Dien, Dina Meyer and [...]
#19, Luke Cage Review
10/10/2016 Duration: 01h58minour review of Luke Cage; Netflix and Marvel's latest and perhaps not so greatest.
#18, Magnificent Seven (2016) (With John Lucas)
08/10/2016 Duration: 59minOur review (finally) for the 2016 Magnificent Seven, directed by Antoine Fuqua and starring Denzel Washington, Chris Pratt and Ethan Hawke. Did this film justify the second remake? How Magnificent are the Magnificent Seven really? Is Rose Creek actually Hobbiton? The answers to all these questions and more may or may not be contained in [...]
#17, Magnificent Seven (1960) Review
15/09/2016 Duration: 01h10minMainly an episode about Harry persuading Ross that not all sequels are crap and that he should go and see the new Magnificent Seven movie with him. Check out our review of the 2016 movie starring Denzel Washington & Chris Pratt here: Like our reviews? Follow us on Twitter: Find us on Facebook: [...]
#16, Suicide Squad Review
05/09/2016 Duration: 02h02minBloody finally... sorry it's late. So yeh... what did you think? Sorry I have no energy for this anymore, I can't think of a good description, surely this will do? Look, if it earns our first negative comment, then at least it did something right? Here's hoping for millions of views, we're gonna make it [...]
#15, Jason Bourne Review
11/08/2016 Duration: 01h45minOur Review for Jason Bourne 2016. The best Bourne film yet? Probably not.
#14, Star Trek Beyond Review
31/07/2016 Duration: 01h39minAfter fifty years, thirteen movies and five TV series of wildly varying quality, could it be that it's finally time to put the Star Trek franchise to bed? We went into this one with mixed opinions. Has the reboot run its course? Why can't Hollywood just make new Sci Fi films? How would this movie [...]
#12, Batman & Robin (With John Lucas)
17/07/2016 Duration: 01h03minIn celebration of Harry's birthday, we held a very hungover viewing of Joel Schumacher's Batman & Robin - a movie so bad it temporarily killed a franchise. Is the movie as bad as its reputation suggests? Or is it in fact a misunderstood comedy classic? Was Uma Thurman the only actor in this movie who [...]
#11, Versus Episode!!
11/06/2016 Duration: 01h53minSo this one might take some explaining.... In the first of what we hope to turn into a regular feature, we took every protagonist from every movie we've reviewed so far and pitched them against each other in randomly selected one-on-one fights. Jean Grey from X Men vs Superman? Fight! Groot from Guardians of the [...]