Your source for inspiration and insight from the world's foremost movement leaders and modality founders. Get tools and tips to bring more body intelligence into your life today and hear the stories about their formative years that these luminaries rarely tell during their trainings. Your host is Mark Metzeditor of Conscious Dancer Magazine and founder of the Dance First Association. Please share this podcast with your friends and thanks for joining the movement for a better world!
#17 - Kellita, creator of Showgirl Awakening
22/05/2014 Duration: 45minToday you are meeting Kellita, an award-winning showgirl and burlesque dancer, and creator of the transformative mentorship program designed to unleash your inner showgirl and lead you to the streets of San Francisco for Carnaval. In this bright and lively interview, you'll be inspired by the levels of consciousness that are connected through her innovative work and be delighted by her infectious positive energy. Enjoy!
#16 - Maureen 'Momo' Freehill: Founder of Butopia and creator of The Present Movement
06/05/2014 Duration: 46minWith a background in multiple disciplines including Japanese Butoh and radical environmentalism, 'Momo' is a mover and shaker on the rise that you should know about. She's an articulate advocate for the body's role in our lives and the environment, and with an eco-movement retreat off the grid in the wilds of British Columbia she's really walking the talk. (and chopping the wood ;-)
#15 - Dr. James Gordon: Founder of the Center for Mind-Body Medicine in Washington DC.
17/04/2014 Duration: 50minThis man's work is in total alignmenet with our work here at Dance First. In this interview you'll learn how policy as changing and how holistic methods are being recognized as beneficial to a wide variety of populations in need. Jim works on the front lines in conflicts and war zones around the world, bringing the methods of mind-body awareness to people dealing with PTSD and a variety of other conditions. Please enjoy this interview and learn more about Jims work at
#14 - Adelle Brewer: Founder of the Synergy Studio in San Antonio and leading Nia trainer
10/04/2014 Duration: 33minAdelle has a vibrant spirit and inspiring attitude. Learn how her childhood vision gave her a thread to her current work. This leader is a powerhouse in her local community, and has put San Antonio on the map as a mecca for movement.
#13 - Sridhar Silberfein: Founder of Bhakti Fest
09/04/2014 Duration: 34minSridhar has an amazing story that rarely gets told, we're treated to a tour of turning points along the journey from humble health food pioneer to leading festival phenomenon. Learn about his work with Ram Dass and his vision for spreading the Bhakti and Shakti vibes.
#12 - Mary Pinizzotto: Creator of the Freebox Everyday Dance Video Project
22/03/2014 Duration: 46minShooting a different dance video every day for a year might seem daunting for some, but not for Mary Pinizzotto. Armed with only a laptop and a handheld video camera, she succeeded in creating a 365 video body of work. Ranging from tango at Target to waltzing in Walmart and even dancing with bikers on the interstate in Utah. As a current Soul Motion protégé with roots in professional ballroom dance, she has a lot to teach us about presence, perseverance, and persuading the public to move.
#11 - Katie Hendricks: Body Intelligence expert and transformational co-founder of the Hendricks Institute.
20/03/2014 Duration: 53minFilled with tips and practical advice for facilitators who are eager to cultivate transformation into their practices, this interview with Katie Hendricks will inspire you to bring your gifts to the world. Drawing on her diverse background as a dancer, dance therapist, and relationship expert, she connects the dots between some of the most important points made during the Body Intelligence Summit. I’m grateful to introduce this leader to my listeners, I guarantee that you are in for a treat!
#10 - Gay Hendricks: Reknowned relationship and noir fiction writer, and key force behind the Body Intelligence Summit.
14/03/2014 Duration: 57minIn one of our most inspiring interviews to date, Gay Hendricks shares his early fall into embodiment, and names some very interesting figures along the way, including Ram Dass fresh from his first trip to India, and Jack Downing a Rolfing pioneer. Plus he said I asked one of the best questions he's had in over 2,500 interviews, so I hope you'll agree, this is a special chat.
#9 - Sondra Fraleigh: Founder of EastWest Somatics
11/03/2014 Duration: 55minSondra Fraleigh is a living legend who has an incredible depth of knowledge about the roots and origins of somatics and movement therapy. She's one of very few people fortunate enough to have studied under Mary Wigman, widely regarded as one of the formative figures in the development of what's known today as dance therapy.
#8 - Debbie Rosas: Visionary leader of The Nia Technique
11/03/2014 Duration: 47minYou'll learn some fascinating things about Nia and the inspirational leader at the helm. Debbie shares some key insights into the evolution of one of the worlds top modalities, and reveals her secret to staying sharp on human anatomy. She's truly a dynamic leader and a huge contributor to the movement. I'm thrilled to share her with you!
#7 - Fred Sugerman: Founder of Medicine Dance
27/02/2014 Duration: 53minWide ranging interview with Medicine Dance's Fred Sugerman. We discussed many juicy topics including the edge between performance and witnessing, cultural shifts toward embodiment, and the value of immersions and retreats. LA-based Sugarman is a real visionary with a great approach to movement and life.
#6 - Lamara Heartwell: Co-founder of the Body Intelligence Summit and Co-host of the Conscious Dancer podcast
16/02/2014 Duration: 57minThis is a lively recap of the Body Intelligence Summit. We're both excited about the themes and throughlines that appeared and devoted most of this call to connecting the dots between the wide range of participants in the summit. Lamara and I produced the Body Intelligence Summit together with Gay & Katie Hendricks and the Shift Network and she'll be working with me on some episodes of this podcast.
#5 - Wren LaFeet: Creator of Cocréa™
07/02/2014 Duration: 50minPartner dancing improvisational maestro Wren LaFeet tells us how it all got started and where it's going.
#4 - Samantha Sweetwater: Founder of DancingFreedom
07/02/2014 Duration: 49minIn which Samantha relates the surpising stories of her early years and more.
#3 - Cynthia Winton-Henry: Co-founder of InterPlay
07/02/2014 Duration: 51minA delightful conversation with Cynthia Winton-Henry about leadershipo, play and improvisation, the pillars of InterPlay.
#2 - Toni Bergins: Creator of JourneyDance
07/02/2014 Duration: 52minA one-on-one conversation with the energetic founder of JourneyDance, Toni Bergins.
#1 - Daria Halprin: Co-founder of the Tamalpa Institute and creator of the Life/Art Process
07/02/2014 Duration: 55minInspiring interview conducted by Mark Metz and Jade Blackadar with Daria Halprin at the historic Mountain Home Studios in Marin where she and her mother Anna Halprin have developed the Life/Art Process.