Two comedians take an unmerciful and hilarious look at athletes who have lost big games...with the law! Crime in Sports does the research, and finds the funny in the world of sports true crime. New episode every week!
#144 - The Choking Yachtsman - The Seaworthiness of Latrell Sprewell
08/01/2019 Duration: 02h40minThis week, we try to catch our breaths as we careen down an icy slope of disaster. He was The American Dream. He came from a tough background to make himself world famous, and $100 million richer, but it all came crumbling down in the end. From attacking teammates & coaches, to hurling racial slurs & thinly veiled threats against police officers, to blowing the equivalent of the gross domestic product of a small nation on yachts, houses & stupidity! Make yourself $100 million, choke your boss, and end up penniless with Latrell Sprewell!! Check us out, every Tuesday! We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!! Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie Whisman Donate at... or with using our email: Get all the CIS & STM merch at Go to for all things CIS & STM!! Contact us on...
#143 - A Hubcap In Your Gillooly - The Classiness of Tonya Harding
01/01/2019 Duration: 02h45minThis week, we explore the life of a woman who came from nothing, and ended up right at the edge of greatness... Then she fell off that edge. A troubled early life led to a troubled adult life, including drinking while doing everything, aggressiveness with both baseball bats & hubcaps, and what appears to be way too much video poker playing. Oh! And then there was that whole clubbing of an Olympic figure skating darling. But that really is just the tip of this dingy, half sunken iceberg!! Pop off a record setting triple axle, plot an international incident with your ex-husband, and attack a boyfriend with a hubcap with Tonya Harding!! Check us out, every Tuesday! We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!! Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie Whisman Donate at... or with using our email: Get all the CIS & STM merch at Go to for all things CIS & STM!! Conta
#142 - A Tornado Of Lightning In A Bottle - The Chivalrousness of Ambiorix Burgos
18/12/2018 Duration: 01h52minThis week, we peek around a blind corner, only to be engulfed by anger, violence, and just plain crazy! A man from humble beginnings that made it to the big time, but let his considerable demons get in the way. A fast, but escalating trail of violence, death, and one of the craziest kidnapping plots that we've ever heard. Not to mention, we find out about the only drink worse than a rat poison cocktail!!Make the majors, instead of the coconut fields, never admit to driving when somebody dies, and come up with your own special drink to give to your kidnapped ex-wife with Ambiorix Burgos!!Check us out, every Tuesday. We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!!Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie WhismanDonate at... or with using our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGet all the CIS & STM merch at crimeinsports.threadless.comGo to for all things CIS & STM!!Contact us
#141 - Legally Gross - The Lewdness of Mike McBain
10/12/2018 Duration: 02h14minThis week, we check out a guy who seemed completely benign to outside observer. He accomplished his dream of making it to the NHL, even if his career wasn't the most distinguished. The problem was, there was something truly evil, beneath the surface. His crimes are shocking, and his punishment isn't quite satisfactory. He ends up being a guy who is excessively easy to dislike!!Live every Canadian boy's dream, retire with dignity by learning to be a coach on your chosen team, and end up being thought of as a lewd, gross monster with Mike McBain!!Check us out, every Tuesday. We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie WhismanDonate at... or with using our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGet all the CIS & STM merch at crimeinsports.threadless.comGo to for all things CIS & STM!!Contact us
#140 - Those Are The Symptoms - The Unaccountableness of Dale Crowe
04/12/2018 Duration: 02h27minThis week, we look at a potential Rocky, who fell a bit short of the mark on a professional level, but way short on a societal one. He was someone that you could root for. A blue collar fighter, with a tough chin, and day job, but something went wrong along the way. Drugs, steroids, and eventually violence landed him in jail for murder, but that's only the tip of the iceberg. This is a one wild story!!Fight your way up the rankings ladder, participate in subpar events, in smoky bars, and pretend that you're a different person as soon as you're charged with murder with Dale "The Crow" Crowe!!Check us out, every Tuesday. We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie WhismanDonate at... or with using our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGet all the CIS & STM merch at crimeinsports.threadless.comGo to for all things CIS & STM!!Contact us
#139 - Guns, Glory & Federal Court - The Eventfulness of Maurice Clarett
26/11/2018 Duration: 02h43minThis week, we look at a man who had the potential to be a legendary figure in his sport, but he was prevented from doing so. First, he was prevented by the NCAA, NFL, and the federal court system, then he was prevented by his own inexplicable actions. From robbery, to a crazy night with an arsenal in his car, and a stand off with police. It's a roller coaster ride of rooting for a guy, only to have him break your heart!!Challenge a major industry in court, carry all your guns when driving around near the home of a witness, set to testify against you, and when in doubt, always "Go Goosin'" with Maurice Clarett!!Check us out, every Tuesday. We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie WhismanDonate at... or with using our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGet all the CIS & STM merch at crimeinsports.threadless.comGo to for all things CIS & STM!!Contact us
#138 - Minivans, Cocaine & Multiple Gunshot Wounds - The Mistakenness of Charles Smith
12/11/2018 Duration: 02h21minThis week, we drive to the hoop with a man who was liked by everyone he came across. Teammates loved him. Coaches adored him. He worked hard, played his role, and always helped others, making him an All-American, an Olympian, and an NBA player... Until he made a massive mistake that resulted in an unspeakable tragedy. He seems to get back on track, but eventually gun shots ring out, and cocaine is found. This is a crazy one!!Beat the odds to achieve your dream, attempt to run from the scene of your biggest mistake, and sell cocaine from behind the bar with Charles Smith!!Check us out, every Tuesday. We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!!Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie WhismanDonate at... or with using our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGet all the CIS & STM merch at crimeinsports.threadless.comGo to for all things CIS & STM!!Contact us
#137 - Great Robberies & Regular Shootings - The Briskness of Roy "The Weasel" James
05/11/2018 Duration: 02h30minThis week, we cruise down the road, at top speed, as we look at the life, career, and crimes (mostly crimes) of a man who participated in one of the largest, most well organized criminal capers in history. As if that wasn't enough, once he got out of prison, his need for action picked back up, with schemes, a bad marriage, and finally a very violent & scary episode, that landed him back in prison. Its a roller coaster of a mess of a life! Hilarious!!Have a need to push the boundaries of speed & society, take part in international gang robberies, and shoot your ex-father in law, while strangling your ex-wife with Roy "The Weasel" James!!Check us out, every Tuesday. We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie WhismanDonate at... or with using our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGet all the CIS & STM merch at crimeinsports.threadless.comGo to for all things CIS & STM!!Conta
#136 - Road House Thunderdome - The Precipitousness of Harold Howard
23/10/2018 Duration: 02h26minThis week, we explore the winding path of insanity with a man who was a champion in his sport. He was a pioneer of what is now a major sports entity. He was also a lunatic, who seemed to lose his mind, all at once, and sink into the quicksand of crimes, and irrationality. This all culminates with one crazy night, that leaves a family shattered, a hammer bloodied, and casino in dire need of some reconstruction. Buckle up for a crazy one!!Become a national champion fighter, judge make up way too harshly, and hit your sister with a hammer with Harold Howard!!Check us out, every Tuesday. We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!!Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie WhismanDonate at... or with using our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGet all the CIS & STM merch at crimeinsports.threadless.comGo to for all things CIS & STM!!Contact us
#135 - A Valium & Flatulence Cocktail - The Regrettableness of Lamarr Hoyt
16/10/2018 Duration: 02h36minThis week, we stagger down a path of wasted opportunities, and squandered goodwill, with a man who came from a very unstable background to be the best pitcher in his league at one point. He was well liked, and quiet, but that may have just been because he was a few too many pills to be any other way. You root for him, and he disappoints at every turn. It's a sad but hilarious tale of a big fall from grace, including maybe the strangest reason that an athlete has ever missed a game!!Be abandoned by your parents, reach your goals, then get busted with drugs as many times as you possibly can with Lamarr Hoyt!!Check us out, every Tuesday. We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie WhismanDonate at... or with using our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGet all the CIS & STM merch at crimeinsports.threadless.comGo to for all things CIS & STM!!Contact us
#134 - A Matter Of Taste - The Gregariousness of Adrien "The Problem" Broner
08/10/2018 Duration: 02h29minThis week, we check into a world of pure lunacy, with a man who was an Olympic hopeful, and can't miss future prospect. No matter what he does, he does it while talking. Then when he's done, he talks about it a little more. From posting his own mugshot info on Instagram, to literally flushing money down the toilet. And that's not even the illegal things... like robbery, assault, groping, weapons, and more!! This is the story that keeps on giving!!Offer fast food workers cash to quit their jobs, rob back thousands of dollars of betting losses, and make sure to post all of it on social media with Adrien "The Problem" Broner!!Check us out, every Tuesday. We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!!Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie WhismanDonate at... or with using our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGet all the CIS & STM merch at crimeinsports.threadless.comGo to for all things CIS & STM!!Contact us on...twitter.c
#133 - That's a Lot Of Murder - The Inordinateness of Anthony Smith
01/10/2018 Duration: 02h45minThis week, we look at a man that overcame the odds of a tough upbringing, to make it all the way to the top! The problem is that he seemed to want to be a criminal, even though he didn't have to be. While looking for a little excitement, after retirement, he falls in with some gangsters, resulting in some of the most brutal behavior in CIS history. It's murder & mayhem, this week... Enjoy!!Mentor inner city youth, marry a woman who dated Rick James, and be a part of a crime syndicate that heartlessly tortures, and murders people!! It's Anthony Smith!!Check us out, every Tuesday. We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie WhismanDonate at... or with using our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGet all the CIS & STM merch at crimeinsports.threadless.comGo to for all things CIS & STM!!Contact us
#132 - Skip To My Jail - The Cantankerousness of Rafer "Skip To My Lou" Alston
17/09/2018 Duration: 02h32minThis week, we head to the playground to check out a guy that you just want to root for, until he messes up. Again, and again. He was a street ball legend that transitioned his on court game to the pros, but never transitioned his off court game. From some stupid mistakes, and questionable arrests, to some real violence, and scary actions. His fighting spirit served him much better, while playing, than at a strip club at two o'clock in the morning. It's a mess!! It's Rafer "Skip To My Lou" Alston!!Shoot dice as well as you shoot baskets, beat all the odds, and make sure to always be out in the middle of the night with Rafer "Skip To My Lou" Alston!!Check us out, every Tuesday. We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!!Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie WhismanDonate at... or with using our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGet all the CIS & STM merch at crimeinsports.threadless.comGo to for all things CIS & STM!!
#131 - Jeeps, Meatballs & Forcible Sex - The Determinedness of Billy Tibbetts
10/09/2018 Duration: 02h32minThis week, we explore the world of a guy who had the world seemingly handed to him, and just couldn't wait to give it right back. H became from a privileged background, and had every opportunity to have all the best in life, but chose to assault a young lady, threaten a police officer's family, and shooting a fellow party goer... And that's all before he even played professional sports! This one is particularly insane!!Impress scouts with your hockey talent, get off easy from a sympathetic judge, and disappoint everyone who gives you a chance with Billy Tibbetts!!Check us out, every Tuesday. We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!!Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie WhismanDonate at... or with using our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGet all the CIS & STM merch at crimeinsports.threadless.comGo to for all things CIS & STM!!Contact us
#130 - Hated By Most, Disliked By All - The Loathedness of "Bruiser" Bob Sweetan
04/09/2018 Duration: 02h39minThis week, we head down a slippery path of self destruction, and personality defects, from a man who came from a farm, in the middle of nowhere, to earn a name in his chosen profession... And that's where the good ends. He took advantage of fellow wrestlers, treated everyone terribly that crossed his path, and leveled unspeakable horrors on his family. He's a bad guy, who does bad things, but we manage to find a whole bunch of funny along the way!!Wrestle Stu Hart in a filthy Canadian basement, drive people's heads into the mat, and abandon your family with "Bruiser" Bob Sweetan!!Check us out, every Tuesday. We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!!Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie WhismanDonate at... or with using our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGet all the CIS & STM merch at crimeinsports.threadless.comGo to for all things CIS & STM!!Contact us
#129 - A Surprise In His Pants - The Ashamedness of Gary Charles
27/08/2018 Duration: 02h32minThis week, we keep being surprised by our subject's antics... until it isn't surprising anymore. He was undersized, but scrappy, and had a chance to have a great, and long career, but injuries derailed all of that. Well, injuries, and a whole lot of booze. His drinking leading to unspeakable acts of public embarrassment, ridicule & jail time. He's a disaster, which is bad for him & those around him, but he's a gold mine for our purposes!!Run your coach a bath, drink your career away, and sit in your own filth with Gary Charles!!Check us out, every Tuesday. We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie WhismanDonate at... or with using our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGet all the CIS & STM merch at crimeinsports.threadless.comGo to for all things CIS & STM!!Contact us
#128 - Hall Of Fame Or Trailer Park? - The Squanderedness of Brien Taylor
13/08/2018 Duration: 02h41minThis week, we are overwhelmed by a mushroom cloud of things that could have been... and unfortunately, the things that actually were. One of the most highly touted baseball prospects in history. A sure fire hall of famer, that never actually threw a major league pitch. Instead, he does stupid things in trailer parks, gets arrested for federal crimes. It's one of the sadder, therefore, more hilarious stories that we've done!!Have your future figured out at age 6, fail against all odds, and when all else fails, sell mountains of cocaine with Brien Taylor!!Check us out, every Tuesday. We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!!Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie WhismanDonate at... or with using our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGet all the CIS & STM merch at crimeinsports.threadless.comGo to for all things CIS & STM!!Contact us
#127 - The Escalator To Failure - The Abruptness of Darryl Henley
06/08/2018 Duration: 02h54minThis week, we navigate through a story that includes cocaine, heroin, cheerleaders, gangsters, potential hit men, and much more! He started out in a great family, went to great schools, and lived his dream. So, of course, that meant he had to figure out some way to screw it all up, and he did that with incredible vigor, and swiftness. Check out the remnants of a once great life, destroyed by stupidity! Hilarious!Come from a fantastic family, set up a cheerleader to commit federal crime, and contract strangers to kill a judge with Darryl Henley!!Check us out, every Tuesday. We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!!Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie WhismanDonate at... or with using our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGet all the CIS & STM merch at crimeinsports.threadless.comGo to for all things CIS & STM!!Contact us
#126 - Straight Out Of The Bad Bin - The Two-Facedness of Olden Polynice
30/07/2018 Duration: 02h48minThis week, we ride a roller coaster of emotions, as wee root for, then despise this man, who was born disabled, and went on to play in the NBA. Unfortunately for him, and everyone around him he was still lacking in whatever that thing is that makes you not get arrested all the time. Fortunately for us, all of this stupidity was very public, and fortunately for you, we've put the whole story together... and it's hilarious!!Be born in a third world country, don't be able to walk until you're five, then squander all of your opportunities with aggression & idiocy with Olden Polynice!!Check us out, every Tuesday. We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!!Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie WhismanDonate at... or with using our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGet all the CIS & STM merch at crimeinsports.threadless.comGo to for all things CIS & STM!!Contact us
#125 - The Ghosts Made Him Do It? - The Mercurialness of Josh "The Fluke" Grispi
23/07/2018 Duration: 02h43minThis week, we peel back the layers of a man who was incredibly promising, and even personable... until something caused him to change. Was it brain damage? Cocaine? The ghosts in his basement? Shockingly, those are all possibilities, as this story grows stranger & stranger, before finally spinning out of control, and ensnaring everyone from the next door neighbor to the family dog. Strap in, because this is a wild ride!!Get kicked out of all your schools, keep pigs in your basement, and beware the spirit of the criminal athlete with Josh"The Fluke" Grispi!!Check us out, every Tuesday. We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!!Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie WhismanDonate at... or with using our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGet all the CIS & STM merch at crimeinsports.threadless.comGo to for all things CIS & STM!!Contact us