The Russ Belville Show is the nets most comprehensive news program, featuring headlines, in-depth news analysis, new music, timely interviews, and Radical Rants from one of Americas most prolific reformers.
North Dakota Medical Marijuana Regulations
07/02/2017North Dakota Medical Marijuana being eviscerated by legislature and legislators are now figuring out how to regulate medical marijuana in the state.
Do Pot Shop Staff Lack Training?
07/02/2017Today we have Cannabis Radio News with Russ Belville and we ask the question, Do pot shop staffers lack training? What one study shows us. Talk about Non-refundable medical marijuana application fees. And the NFL's Continuing Marijuana Idiocy.
Decriminalization in America; Cannabis: California's Top Crop
05/01/2017Decriminalization in America discussed although medical marijuana available to half of America and recreational available to 65 million people in 8 states.
UN Drug Conventions and Veterans Medical Marijuana Access
04/01/2017International reformer Michael Krawitz, with Veterans for Medical Cannabis Access (VMCA), on progress on UN Drug Conventions, and veterans' medical marijuana access.
The Truth About Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome
02/01/2017The Truth About Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome, a condition that may be caused by chronic cannabis use characterized by recurrent nausea, vomiting and crampy abdominal pain.
Puerto Rico Medical Marijuana Sales Move Closer
30/12/2016Puerto Rico Medical Marijuana Sales Move Closer, following an executive order by the governor in May 2015, Puerto Rico medical marijuana sales are just months away.
Obama Commutes 214 Sentences , Only 4 For Marijuana
30/12/2016President Obama issued a record-breaking amount of commutations by reducing the sentences of 214 federal inmates. More than the past 9 presidents combined.
Democratic National Convention 2016
30/12/2016Editor at Freedom Leaf magazine and columnist Chris Goldstein reports from the Democratic National Convention 2016 in Philadelphia, plus Russ responds to the Democrats Reaction to the DNC Email Leak.
Russ Belville Show Best of 2016 Highlights
30/12/2016The Russ Belville Show highlights some of the most memorable moments in 2016 from the program including interviews in studio and on-location.
Indica and Sativa and Their Real Meanings
30/12/2016Indica and Sativa don't mean what you think they do. A lot of confusion surrounds cannabis and the chemistry of the plant.
A British Marijuana Christmas Tree Bust
28/12/2016Readers Mock British Cops Bragging About Marijuana Christmas Tree Bust. They found a small home garden where a couple had decorated their large cannabis plant with traditional Christmas tree decorations.
Cannabis on Campus: Marijuana Legal But Not On Campus
28/12/2016Cannabis on Campus discussed. Even though your state legalized marijuana it may be illegal at your college or university. Just because marijuana is legal statewide does not mean it’s OK to use on campus.
Response to Arrest of Marijuana Activists Marc and Jodie Emery
28/12/2016Is It Still Civil Disobedience If It Makes A Profit? Russ offers commentary following Canada’s best-known marijuana activists Marc and Jodie Emery were arrested by police in Montreal for their role in opening six new outlets for their Cannabis Culture marijuana dispensary franchise.
Another 2016 Poll Shows Majority Supports Legalization
28/12/20166th Straight 2016 Poll Shows Majority Supports Legalization as The Harris Poll is the latest and probably last in 2016 to ask about marijuana legalization.
New DEA CBD Rule Causing Commotion
27/12/2016New DEA CBD Rule Causing Commotion as they filed a final rule notice to establish a Controlled Substances Code Number for “marihuana extract.”
Trump Picks Tom Price for HHS
27/12/2016Today we have the pleasure of speaking with John Hudak of Brookings Institute on the recent selection of Rep. Tom Price for Dept of Health & Human Services.
Idaho Columnist Reefer Madness
27/12/2016Today we are talking about Kangen Water for cannabis plants with the Kangen Queens, Mahalath and Natasha and ripping the reefer madness off one Idaho columnist.
Portland Weed Week; Feds Could Foul Up State Legalization
29/11/2016A look at Portland Weed Week with director Cory Wray; Dr. Mitch answers questions on he latest cannabis studies; how the feds could still muck up state legalization.
Digital Drug Test Divide
24/11/2016Russ discusses the Digital Drug Test Divide, drug testing at work and how Cannabis is creating a new digital divide.
NRA on Pot User Gun Rights
23/11/2016Where's the NRA on Pot User Gun Rights as concerns rise about an ATF decision that marijuana users have no right to pack heat, plus the War Between Booze and Weed.