The news based sister podcast to Steele Wars : Star Wars podcast also available on iTunes or wherever podcasts are found.Australian comedian Steele Saunders runs through the week's Star Wars news and takes YOUR CALLS with a special guest each week.LISTEN LIVE AND PARTICIPATE IN THE STEELE WARS CALL IN SHOWSTREAMLIVE IN (646) 668-8360 USASKYPE IN +1 (646) 668-8360 WORLDWIDE
Live Call In Show – Ep 44 : Sal Perales & your calls on Solo, Rebels & The Last Jedi
22/10/2017 Duration: 56minSal Perales of Making Star Wars' Now This Is Podcasting! and joins us to discuss... -Sal likes to play dress-up -Reluctant origins of Sal's Kanan Jarrus cosplay -The big impact Star Wars Rebels has had on the Perales household -The process of creating and maintaining a cosplay -The Perales family road trip to Lucasfilm -When Jason met Sal P -What will happen to Ezra and Kanan at the end of Rebels? -Vague endings vs definitive answers -Did Luke know he wasn't the first Jedi in the Rebellion? -The inconspicuous nature of a lightsaber hanging from one's belt -Ezra's lack of communication
Live Call In Show – Ep 43 : The Last Jedi trailer with Ash Crossan
10/10/2017 Duration: 01h58minHear Ash Crossan and I react during The Last Jedi trailer! Plus hear from Star Wars fans around the world call in with their immediate reactions. THE LAST JEDI PREMIERE AND REACTION PODCAST TICKETS! SUPPORT STEELE WARS ON PATREON! Enjoy all our bonus shows and full back catalogue direct to the podcast player or app of your choice while ensuring the continuing production of the Steele Wars Star Wars podcast. Bonus content shows include Making Steele Wars, Steele Wars Live Movie Commentaries, Live Call In Bonus Show, Patreon Q&A Show, full length insert free versions of all Steele Wars episodes and Gonk & Steele's Trash Compactor (when Gonk isn't so busy). LISTEN LIVE AND PARTICPATE IN THE STEELE WARS CALL I N SHOW STREAMLIVE CALL IN (646) 668-8360 USA SKYPE IN +1 (646) 668-8360 WORLDWIDE YOU CAN HELP Steel
Live Call In Show – Ep 42 : With Charlotte Errity of Skytalkers & your J.J. Abrams calls
18/09/2017 Duration: 51minCharlotte Errity of the Skytalkers Podcast joins us to discuss... -Feeling sorry for Star Wars podcasters -Charlotte's clone -Steele reenacts Charlotte introducing Caitlin Plesher to Star Wars -Disneyland is double exciting for non-Americans -McDonald's vs Macca's -The return of JJ Abrams -The right amount of time between Star Wars film releases -The anxiety builds as The Last Jedi release gets closer -Boba Fett's bro-iness and how he should be written as a character -Steele tries to get Charlotte in trouble with the anti-Disney BBL crowd -The upcoming From A Certain Point Of View book release -King Tom from Columbus, Ohio leads off the calls to give us a Giant Porg update
Live Call In Show – Ep 41 : With Dominic Jones of The Star Wars Underworld
11/09/2017 Duration: 49minDominic Jones of the Star Wars Underworld podcast joins us to discuss... -Dominic's a call-in show pioneer, and a ghost -Colin Trevorrow's dismissal from Star Wars Episode IX -Licensees would be ok pushing back the movie -How does one fire someone from Star Wars? -Colin's seriously very serious -Who's going to take over for Colin? -Hiring directorial understudies -How much blame is merited toward Kathleen Kennedy? -Lindo bails Steele out of a trivia jam -Ron Howard gives Steele cravings -Lord & Miller's references -Dom Legaspi from San Francisco calls to have his name butchered -Double the Doms -The new issue of the Vader comic and Kyber bleeding -Darth Maul's different portrayals -Blue or green? -Contentber™ -Lowell and his mom from Yorba Linda call to discuss potential replacements for Colin T -A Hamilton reference leads to Dominic being put in the penalty box -Ava DuVernay's epic addition to TFA -Would Lucasfilm consider adjusting their timeline for theatrical releases? PLUS IN THE S
Live Call In Show – Ep 40 : Eric Strothers and your Force Friday reports!
03/09/2017 Duration: 01h05minEveryone's buddy Eric Strothers of the Bad Motivators podcast joins us to discuss…. -Merry Force Friday -We love Johnny Grasso -Steele sets a lofty goal to run his laptop into the ground for Patreon subscribers -Mendo of the month calendar? -Territorial trolleys at Toys R Us -Inventory shenanigans in retail -Brandon from Seattle details his FF haul -Cat + Porg = Meh -Emily (LINDO!) from New York (and the Canto Bight Dispatch pod) did Force Friday from home -Snoke's given Steele so much -The shroud of secrecy surrounding Force Friday products -Steele coins a new portmanteau -PORG ON THE LOOSE!!! -Aaron from OK Cupid didn't have to deal with much crowding -6" Jedi Master Luke's special feature -King Tom from Columbus doesn't know his phone number -Tom and the Giant Porg -Tom has peaked as a father PLUS IN THE FIFTY MINUTE SUPPORTER BONUS SECTION -Lucas from St. Louis inspires Steele's jealousy as another Giant Porg winner -Eric and Lucas are headed for Judge Judy -The Giant Porg resale mark
Live Call In Show – Ep 39 : Bryan Young of the Full Of Sith podcast takes on callers Star Wars grievances
26/08/2017 Duration: 55minBryan Young of the Full Of Sith podcast joins us to discuss…. -Force Friday and the new SW app update -Michael K. Williams and a Han Solo tidbit -Bryan will massage out your grievances -Sweet TLJ vehicular action -Aftermath and the fate of everyone's favorite Gungan -Bryan is down for the Bones -Katie McCort from New Jersey poses the longest question in podcast history -The "Chosen One" prophesy, Mortis, and destiny vs. choosing your own adventure -How much have the Force Ghosts told Luke? -Katie gets Swankmotroned -King Tom from Ohio brings the grievance pole about GL and the subtext of prequel characters -Vader embodies the best of Sheev's previous pawns -Star Wars is now a transmedia experience PLUS IN THE SIXTY MINUTE SUPPORTER BONUS SECTION -Downtown Brittani Brown from San Diego (and the new Canto Bight Dispatch pod) questions how woke Han Solo is after thawing out -Han's financial literacy -2 Browns for the price of 1 -Rusty's Order 66 bloodlust and the balance between the PG-13 and R rati
Live Call In Show – Ep 38 : With Allen Voivod of Star Wars 7x7 taking listener calls on the Kenobi film
21/08/2017 Duration: 01h05minAllen Voivod of the Star Wars 7x7 Podcast joins us to discuss… -This week's exciting rumor about a Kenobi standalone, and potential plotlines -The tedium of 3 years and change without a day off -Steele's hyper-organized collection -Force Friday, what can be learned from the packaging, and how far Steele will go to get a plush porg -What Lucasfilm can learn from other franchises in order to stay relevant -Steele's "way out there theory" for The Last Jedi -Chris from NY wants to be blown away by the standalones -Steele sings the praises of Mike Ehrmantraut -Lowell Reynolds from Cali offers his dream standalone scenarios -The need for new characters in Star Wars PLUS… IN THE FIFTY MINUTE SUPPORTER BONUS SECTION -Samuel from NY discusses Vader and Kenobi connecting via ForceTime -Inquisitors on Tatooine and Sheev's pre-Sith college years &
Live Call In Show – Ep 37 : With Tracy Gardner - Listener calls on Rex's possible inclusion in Return Of The Jedi
08/08/2017 Duration: 01h09minTracy Gardner of the Rebel Grrrl podcast joins us to discuss....-Rex in Return of the Jedi?-Emma's got the porg fever-Backlash to the backlash-Tyler Westhouse from the Star Wars Podcast Alliance thinks it's all too connected-Some King Tom action-Harold & Kumar lied to Steele-What's next for The Last Jedi?-Last Jedi toys hit the shelves a month early-Brittani is creepin' on Ron Howard's twitter-How does Ron Howard feel about the Han Solo film?PLUS IN THE SIXTY MINUTE SUPPORTER BONUS SECTION-Robert's not sure why Dave Filoni won't kill off his characters-Just put it in the show, stupid-Ezra gets "Jar Jarified", new best character in Rebels-Another Robert thinks we should leave the original trilogy alone-Lack of old alien species in new films-Retconning Star Wars-Too much Boba Fett-Good and Bad of the special editions-"I didn't mind Jar Jar" Tracy becomes everyone's favourite podcaster if she wasn't already-Tracy trolls people at her work-Rogue One beautifully blends all generations of Star Wars LOS
Live Call In Show – Ep 36 : Jason Ward & Eric Strothers - Taking listener calls LIVE from D23!
18/07/2017 Duration: 47minJason Ward from and guest host Eric Strothers joins us from the overnight line at D23 to discuss…-Expectations for D23-Dom thinks R2-D2 is being mistreated-Jason Ward takes over the show-Star Wars Land model reveal-Mark Hamill's performance in the Last Jedi-Katie is worried Luke's going dark side-Brittani's highlight from D23 so far-Rebecca's midichlorian count is way off-King Tom's concerned with a lack of Last Jedi at D23-Rob is excited for the reveal of Luke's new haircut PLUS IN THE SIXTY MINUTE SUPPORTER BONUS SECTION -Eric Strothers from the Bad Motivators takes over the show-Han Solo news dried up quick-Josh loves that Mark Hamill is so down to earth -Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill honoured by Disney-Tyler would love to shove a Mark Hamill Oscar in his teachers face-Biggest eye roll moments from Star Wars-Rian Johnson's challenge to subvert expectations in The Last Jedi-Powerless Luke in the Last Jedi-The Jedi’s role in the galaxy -Greatness and silliness of t
Live Call In Show – Ep 35 : Amanda Ward - Forces Of Destiny & Pablo Hidalgo live debunks one of the worst fan theories ever for us
11/07/2017 Duration: 01h11minAmanda Ward of and the Rebel Grrrl podcast joins us to discuss… -Breakdown of Forces of Destiny episodes -Steele's sick of all the dimensions -The balance between entertaining kids and adults with the cartoons -Night watcher worm is making things too difficult for himself -Forces of Destiny spinoff -Changeling's utensil agenda -Darth Amanda Ward -Jyn Erso the galaxies greatest hero -A girl and her dewback -Ideal Forces of Destiny episodes -Eric Strothers believes R2-D2 is the Ben Burtt of the Star Wars universe. -Pablo Hidalgo weighs in on Eric's nonsense theory -Rebecca is burned out by Han Solo -Normal people don't care if a hero is male or female -Cosplaying as Captain Phasma -Pablo Hidalgo ostracizes Eric Strothers from Star Wars PLUS IN THE THIRTY MINUTE SUPPORTER BONUS SECTION -Brittani thinks people are worrying too much about Forces of Destiny -A sleepwalking wampa -D23 2017 -K Dawg is loving all the Rey this week -Does Forces of Destiny work better as back st
Live Call In Show – Ep 34 : Hawes Burkhardt, new Darth Vader comic & listener calls
04/07/2017 Duration: 01h06minHawes Burkhardt of Making Star Wars’ Rogue Won & Blue Harvest podcasts joins us to discuss… -Dealing with the addiction of collecting -The perfect Star Wars figure -Darth Vader comic issue 2 -Another classic Steele Reaction -The Last Jedi presence at San Diego Comic Con -Star Wars Dioramas -Steele pulls back the curtain -Crying on air -The real questions no one asked about Han Solo -Brad hangs up -New strategy for overnight lines -George Lucas's Museum -Hawes reveals what was in the mystery hole -Tom's disappointment with art in the Marvel Comics -What the comics should be -Steele's special quality that makes his pain enjoyable -Disney learning from their mistakes -Was Ron Howard lined up for the next spinoff? -Aaron ruins podcast PLUS IN THE SIXTY-MINUTE SUPPORTER BONUS SECTION -Steele's spinoff trilogy pitch -Guillermo Del Toro's Star Wars film -IG-88 has got it all but wants more -Hawes can't enjoy his bone -Ric Olié is the nice Han Solo -Emily gets serious -Beauty of diverse
Live Call In Show – Ep 33 : Facinating Han Solo insight from Troops creator Kevin Rubio, Scott Mendelson of Forbes, Alex Backes of Black Series Rebels & listener calls
24/06/2017 Duration: 01h03minREAD Scott Mendelson's story Disney's 'Star Wars' Has Been Spoiled By Its Success. Alex Backes from Black Series Rebels joins us to discuss.... -Chris Miller and Phil Lord fired from Han Solo stand alone film -Did people even want a Han Solo film? -Lord and Miller making Han Solo too wacky -Kevin Rubio creator of the iconic Troops fan film & writer for The Clone Wars cartoon explains why Lucasfilm would fire the directors so late in the filming process -Alden Ehrenreich's concern with the Han Solo film -Ron Howard the perfect replacement? -Who will be credited with being director? -Reporter Scott Mendelson discuss' his article on -Disney Star Wars has been spoiled by it's success -Disney's risk of burning people out on Star Wars -Lord and Miller's history of making great films out of bad ideas -Would Gareth Edwards have been fired too if he didn't play along? PLUS IN THE FORTY-FIVE MINUTE SUPPORTER BONUS SECTION -Dom admires the bravery of Kathleen Kennedy to make the tough decision
Live Call In Show – Ep 32 : Chris Miller & Phil Lord depart Han Solo IMMEDIATE REACTION with Emily Lind & Jason Ward
21/06/2017 Duration: 45minWithin the hour of the news breaking of Chris Miller & Phil Lord departing Han Solo we went live with a Call In Show with co-host Emily Lind and extended appearance from's Jason Ward trying to break down the news. Plus we take calls from shell shocked fans about their feelings on this out of left field announcement. STEELE WARS LIVE AT LA'S NERDMELT SHOWROOM Sunday July 25th 4pm TICKETS HERE SUPPORT STEELE WARS ON PATREON! Enjoy all our bonus shows and full back catalogue direct to the podcast player or app of your choice while ensuring the continuing production of the Steele Wars Star Wars podcast. Bonus content shows include Making Steele Wars, Steele Wars Live Movie Commentaries, Live Call In Bonus Show, Patreon Q&A Show, full length insert free versions of all Steele Wars episodes and Gonk & Steele's Trash Compactor (when Gonk isn't so busy). LISTEN LIVE AND PARTICPATE IN THE
Live Call In Show – Ep 31 : Jamie Stangroom - A quest to find the real head bumping Stormtrooper & THAT Ahmed Best interview!
20/06/2017 Duration: 01h35minLearn more about Jamie's "The Empire Strikes Door" project & watch the trailer on Indiegogo.Jamie Stangroom of These Are The Actors You're Looking For joins us to discuss... -Ross needs a Max Rebo bean bag chair -Empire Strikes Back the second greatest film of all time -Colin Trevorrow's (Ep. 9 director) new movie gets critcally panned -Jamie's interview with Ahmed Best -Anti-Disney Star Wars fans -Did George Lucas get enough money for the sale of Star Wars? -Upcoming documentary by Jamie about finding the Stormtrooper that bumped his head -Gary Kurtz producer of Star Wars falling out with George Lucas -The cancelled Making of the Force Awakens book -The life of small role Star Wars actors -Exclusive information on upcoming Star Wars documentary -Playing soccer with a Knight of Ren -Star Wars' history of getting back actors from minor roles -Colleen wants to find Willrow Hood PLUS IN THE THIRTY MINUTE SUPPORTER BONUS SECTION -Chris sends insane Star Wars fans towards Steele -Jamie's intervie
Live Call In Show – Ep 30 : Angus Truskett - Witnessing Mendo witnessing the Mendo t-shirt
16/06/2017 Duration: 01h59sAngus Truskett from the Hey Fam and Greenlight Boys podcasts joins us to discuss.... -Moving across the world with a bunch of toys -Steele's Christmas in June -Antique Road Show Star Wars Edition -Best Imperial trooper design -Which Australian actors should be in Star Wars? -Matthew's walk through Endor -New Darth Vader comic -Best and worst of the comics -Brittani's casino update -How Angus got to meet DIRECTOR KRENNIC himself aka Mendo -Mendo just can't wait to be king -Mendo's reaction to the Mendo shirt PLUS IN THE FORTY-FIVE MINUTE SUPPORTER BONUS SECTION -Saga trilogies becoming boring? -Jakob's Movie pitches -Steele gets shut down -Stephen Stanton the voice of Admiral Raddus has a movie pitch of his own. -Star Wars fidget spinners -Most exiting thing in Battlefront 2 so far -Emily asks for a Mendo smell report -Will Rey craft her own lightsaber? -Custom built lightsabers -Fixing the flaws of Battlefront in the sequel -Will we see Hoth in Battlefront 2? -Non-matching Vanity Fair covers -Angus' favourite
Live Call In Show – Ep 29 : "Robbo" & BONUS Stephen Stanton - Pablo Hidalgo Reddit outrage, The Last Jedi, Han Solo & listener calls
23/05/2017 Duration: 01h58minRobbo the infamous regular Call In Show contributor from the Hardcore Gaming 101 podcast joins us to discuss... -Pablo Hidalgo should be fired! ...according to Reddit -Han Solo film shooting locations -Japanese The Last Jedi promotional material revealed -Aaron from OK Cupid learns some lessons -Casino update from insider Brittani -Han Solo film leaked pics -Fake practical effects -Han Solo's big hair phase -The future of Billy D's Lando -Steele Wars bingo -Colleen has a high stakes game of Kiss Marry Kill, Star Wars edition -New comic announcements Mace Windu and Cassian & K2-SO -Clunkiest lines in Star Wars -These are not the clone wars you're looking for PLUS IN THE FORTY-FIVE MINUTE SUPPORTER BONUS SECTION -Eric Strothers may use his power for evil -Will we need to consume all canon ? -Thrawn's motivations -Reintroducing cut ideas and concepts back into the films with King Tom -Doing away with trilogies in favour of an ongoing story -Andrew speculates on #IgniteTheBlue -Luke
Live Call In Show – Ep 28 : Dominic Jones - Listener calls on the latest Star Wars news
16/05/2017 Duration: 01h13minDominic Jones from The Star Wars Underworld joins us to discuss....-How currency works-Breaking a young Canadian's heart-Getting ripped off by a guy named "Da Fear"-"Kylo" breaks into the top baby names of 2016-Ewan McGregor talking the Wars on Jimmy Kimmel-Colleen asks who would you be best friends with in Star Wars?-Using Dexter Jettster to get free food-Listener favourite Jakob is the most sane person in the Star Wars fandom-Force trees-Darth Jar Jar-Update on Jakob's training to become a Sith- Windu is Snoke-Steele's recovery after comedy festival and Celebration-Will they reboot the new canon?-Youtube comments, a wretched hive of scum and villainy-Dominic and Andrew take over the show-Star Wars fans who miss the fundamental message of the beloved franchise- Steele Wars is back! PLUS IN THE SIXTY MINUTE SUPPORTER BONUS SECTION -Booyaka Booyaka, casino insider Brittani- A trip to Disneyland-The rough life of an Ewok-Possibilities of the next anthology film-Ben Hart from the Star Wars Unde
Live Call In Show – Ep 27 : Emily Lind - Listener calls on the latest Star Wars news
09/05/2017 Duration: 01h09minEmily Lind of MENDO fan fiction fame joins us to discuss… - Our and the listeners May the 4th celebrations. - The Fan Fiction writing process of Emily Lind. - Asking the big Hallmark Itty Bitty questions. - New Funko Pop releases. - Who is the Funko millionaire? - The secret annoyances of a Death Trooper. - Toys in the Star Wars universe. - Rian Johnson’s The Force Awakens droid swap, what it could mean? - Aaron calls in to say he’s lost. - Our Itty Bitty wish lists. - Colleen calls in to be met with a unique 5-hour time challenge. - Rob from Perth calls in to talk Luke Skywalker in The Last Jedi. What do we want his path to be? - Being disappointed by The Rebellion. - The long awaited return of Jakob from Sydney doesn’t disappoint. - Will the mysteries of The Force Back be resolved by the conclusion of the trilogy? - When The Force gives you a headache. - A surprising theory about what might be in The Last Jedi books. IN THE 40 MINUTE BONUS SECTION - Brittne
Live Call In Show – Ep 26 : Hawes Burkhardt - Listener calls on The Last Jedi & Celebration
05/05/2017 Duration: 01h08minHawes Burkhardt of Making Star Wars’ Rogue Won & Blue Harvest podcasts joins us to discuss… -Highlights from Star Wars Celebration -Rules of hyperspace -Reusing aspects from TFA in Rogue One -The amazing awkwardness of George Lucas -George Lucas making fun of the fans -Making Star Wars party at celebration -Problems at airport security -Post celebration blues -Favourite cosplays from Celebration -The best tag team in Star Wars podcasting -Using George Lucas' ideas in The Force Awakens -Star Wars Rebels announcements -Rebels preview episode of season 4 from celebration PLUS IN THE SIXTY MINUTE SUPPORTER BONUS SECTION -Star Wars bringing people together -The worst exclusive of Star Wars Celebration -Behind the scenes of Steele's interviews with the creative team of The Last Jedi -Kathleen Kennedy reveals the status of original trilogy theatrical cuts. STEELE WARS EXCLUSIVE -Rumored directors for future films -"The Jedi must end" -Forces of Destiny Reveal -New toy lines -The greate
Live Call In Show – Ep 25 : Amanda Ward - the most perplexing Star Wars news story, Michael K. Williams joining Han Solo & more
05/03/2017 Duration: 01h13minAmanda Ward from & Rebel Girl joins us to discuss...-Steele Wars Patreon launch-Rebels Season 4-Michael K. Williams from The Wire & Boardwalk Empire in talks to join cast of Han Solo film-Ivy League university bans Stormtrooper costumes-$5000 Lucas inspired noodles-Can kids cope with tragedy in Star Wars?-Character relationships in Han Solo film-Oscar nomination for Mark Hamill?-What do you want in Episode VIII?Plus in the SIXTY MINUTE SUPPORTER BONUS SECTION...-Michael K. Williams appreciation-Han, Lando & Lobot go outfit shopping-Thrawn-Unaltered Original Trilogy rumours debunked?-Will Luke survive Episode VIII? SUPPORT STEELE WARS ON PATREON! Enjoy all our bonus shows and full back catalogue direct to the podcast player or app of your choice while ensuring the continuing production of the Steele Wars Star Wars podcast. Bonus content shows include Making Steele Wars, Steele Wars Live Movie Commentaries, Live Call In Bonus Show, Patreon Q&A Show, f