Goosebumps: Welcome To Deadcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 105:28:33
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A spooky podcast about all things GOOSEBUMPS by R.L. Stine


  • More & More Tales To Give You Goosebumps: Stuck In 1957

    04/09/2020 Duration: 15min

    What do you think this episode about? Shana gets STUCKIN1957. French tip, lipstick, painted on! YOUWEARITWELL Value sure suits YOU-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH! This episode is all about having PERFECT HAIR and the terrible fear of BAD BANGS - something we can ALL relate to-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH! 

  • More & More Tales To Give You Goosebumps: Matt's Lunch Box

    21/08/2020 Duration: 17min

    LUNCHTIME! Sweet little MATT gets BOXED in by a bunch of hungry little monsters wanting to gobble it all up. Sounds like my love life! (I'M KIDDING! I'm very much alone!) Make yourself a PB&J and listen to this nasty little surprise of an episode. Tehehe!

  • Give Yourself Goosebumps #1: Escape From The Carnival Of Horrors

    14/08/2020 Duration: 26min

    BONUS EPISODE: There's some HORRORS in this house! Matthew and Daniel GIVE THEMSELVES GOOSEBUMPS - live! Matthew chooses the scares - and see how far he makes it inside this CARNIVAL of WHORES! (Spoiler alert: NOT FAR!) Special appearances by Slappy and the DOOM SLIDE. 

  • More & More Tales To Give You Goosebumps: Fun With Spelling

    06/08/2020 Duration: 23min

    This is the one Goosebumps story that R.L. Stine DIDN'T WRITE. Can you believe it? Matthew and Daniel GET INTO IT. And talk about how they won the spelling bee!! I said BRR it's COLD in here! There must be some TOROS in the ATMOSPHERE. 

  • More & More Tales To Give You Goosebumps: The Ghost Sitter

    22/07/2020 Duration: 15min

    Daniel really likes this one! And Matthew can't understand while the title wasn't The Ghost SITTERS. Either way, YOU BETTER LISTEN HINNY! Half-way through this collection of spooky sillies. This one checks all the boxes, bitch!

  • More & More Tales To Give You Goosebumps: Something Strange About Marci

    27/06/2020 Duration: 10min

    You guys... You guys. Don't even know what to say about this short story! COULDN'T tell you.

  • More & More Tales To Give You Goosebumps: Live Bait

    17/06/2020 Duration: 17min

    LIVE NUDE BAIT! There's something REALLY fishy about this episode! Follow 2 boys as they hop on a big DOCK and GO FISHIN' with a bucket of slippery FAT WORMS. Hope they don't run into a HUGE HOUSE-SIZED FISH who SWALLOWS them down WHOLE!! - Love, Daniel and Matthew Scott Montgomery AKA The Terror Twinz! 

  • More & More Tales To Give You Goosebumps: Tune In Tomorrow

    28/05/2020 Duration: 19min

    No, tune in TODAY! ...for TERROR! Turn your dial to CHANNEL SIX - and SCREAM! You'll never stop!!

  • More & More Tales To Give You Goosebumps - The Haunted Guitar

    14/05/2020 Duration: 18min

    The first story in YET ANOTHER collection of SHORT ONES! And this one is about the BLUES! PLAYING PLAYING PLAYING THE BLUES! Careful what you steal from SAL'S MUSIC STORE after it burned down! It just might be a GERTIE haunted by MEMPHIS WILLY!! And that's on periodt!

  • Still More Tales To Give You Goosebumps: The Space Suit Snatcher

    01/05/2020 Duration: 26min

    Get SNATCHED! It's STILL Halloween and we're ROCKIN' TO THE MOON! Matthew Scott and Daniel Montgomery (THEM TERROR TWINS) talk about the final short story in SMTTGYG and review the entire collection. Oh wow! What a good episode!!

  • Still More Tales To Give You Goosebumps: Bats About Bats

    20/04/2020 Duration: 14min

    Sorry, bat news!! :( The Terror Twins have a really BAT IDEA! They're BAT to the bone (they're good at being BAT!) - and this episode left a BAT taste in their mouth. >:( Oh well! This episode description was really done in BAT taste - BAT'S ALL FOLKS!

  • Still More Tales To Give You Goosebumps: The Goblin's Glare

    06/04/2020 Duration: 22min

    The Goblin's Glare! The Goblin's Gla-are! Sing it! The Goblin's Glare! The Goblin's Gla-are!

  • Still More Tales To Give You Goosebumps: Please Don't Feed The Bears

    27/03/2020 Duration: 27min

    PLEASE don't feed all these BEARS! Y'all, there are some editing MISTAKES in this short story. SLOPS! But some good ideas floating around - ideas that got us hankering for some HONEY COOKIE CRACKERS. Feel the fur fantasy and listen to this BEARY GOOD EPISODE. Love, The Terror Teddy Twinz!

  • Still More Tales To Give You Goosebumps: Awesome Ants

    16/03/2020 Duration: 41min

    Oh no! ANTS IN MY PANTS! This short story and TV episode are absolutely swarming and crawling with creepy anties! HALP! This one's not as bad as you remembered! And it still takes place around HALLOWEEN time like all (most) of the stories in this collection. OUNCH! I just got bit by an ant!

  • Still More Tales To Give You Goosebumps: The Scarecrow

    08/03/2020 Duration: 20min

    Ooh! It's still HALLOWEEN TIMES - and DARLEEN's GOTTA steal those blue gloves off that scarecrow that mysteriously just showed up next door. SURELY nothing bad will happen! It's just a PILLOW-FACED SCARECROW that just randomly appeared RIGHT BEFORE HALLOWEEN wearing all types of lusty fashions, THAT SCARF! THAT HAT! Just BEGGING for children to take them - to DENUDE that scarecrow! Isn't that so hot?! Daniel & Matthew are on the case!

  • Still More Tales To Give You Goosebumps: An Old Story

    26/02/2020 Duration: 30min

    Let's get OLD! The Terror Twins can't stop CRAVING SWEET BLACK PRUNES?! With PRUNE SAUUUURCE. This short story and TV episode should be absolute HOT TRASH but it turns out they're pretty TASTY! TURN, TURN, TURN TO GREY!

  • Still More Tales To Give You Goosebumps: The Wish

    02/02/2020 Duration: 20min

    Be Careful What You BITCH For! Or just might GET IT! It's Halloween night, AGAIN! - and MAX trick-or-treats at the WRONG HOUSE HUH-NEE! He gets this sharp old rock from that crickety old CRONE and then it's time to WISH and DISH. Oh nose!! Listen to this episode: It's quick! It's well-trod territory! And it's all KINDS of HOT NASTY. Get into it! Love, Your Sisters: The Terror Twins. PS - Let us know if you've had a JELLY APPLE!!

  • Still More Tales To Give You Goosebumps: Attack Of The Tattoo

    23/01/2020 Duration: 20min

    Oh no! Things getting nasty! Slap a WET TATTOO on your SUN-SCORCHED SKIN and see the TERROR twitch!! The Terror Twins talk about this 2nd short story from this super cool collection.Do Y'ALL have any tattoos? Sound off in these comments! Kiss me hard before you go!

  • Still More Tales To Give You Goosebumps: Pumpkin Juice

    19/01/2020 Duration: 21min

    YUMMY! PAMPKIN JUICE! It's the beginning of the NEXT collection of spooky SILLY short stories - and these are all HALLOWEENY Y'ALL. SIP ON THIS JUICE while you screech and tickle in this October-y shiverfest. Starting off wild and weird - and trodding thru old 'n standard Goosebumps plots-points and terror tropes. Listen as Matthew Scott Montgomery and then Daniel Montgomery wail and squeal about this plump juicy dumb SWEETTREAT.

  • Even More Tales To Give You Goosebumps: The Thumbprint Of Doom

    04/12/2019 Duration: 22min

    The FINAL short story in EMTTGYG - The Thumbprint of DOOM! The Terror Twins get THIS story 2 DOOM THUMBS UP! (Well, sort of) Matthew Scott Montgomery and Daniel Montgomery wrap this twisty tome and look back on which of the 10 stories were the NASTIEST and the SCARIEST and the BEST! ONLY the BEST!

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