Hosts Matt and Aviv talk about everyone's favorite police procedural show: Law and Order Special Victims Unit.
Episode 149 - S7E10 - Storm
19/10/2020 Duration: 01h55minOn this week's episode hosts Aviv and Matt view and review season 7 episode 10 of SVU - Storm! Aviv biffs it literally right outta the gate and is hilariously distracted. The guys discuss how to make this podcast not last the rest of their lives by doing seasons at a time of reviews. Matt signs up of Hulu premium and its life changing. Aviv tells fans to tweet at Matt about his diabetes. Aviv recounts the week and Matt is in disbelief that all the events happened in only a week since last recording. All this and more!Please give us a rate and review wherever you get your podcasts, tweet at us @svupodcast (which we can't stress enough is the official Twitter handle of Law and Order SVU, and you can take that to the bank, the blood bank senator!) or send us an email
Episode 148 - S7E9 - Rockabye
12/10/2020 Duration: 01h37minOn this week's episode hosts Aviv and Matt view and review season 7 episode 9 of SVU - Rockabye! The guys start the ep by going to correction corner to say that Edwin McCain was not the artist that sings Rockabye, and also that song is not called Rockabye. Aviv then quotes most of the song in the 60 second recap. All that and more!Please give a rate and review wherever you get your podcasts, tweet at us @svupodcast (which is the official Twitter handle of Law and Order SVU, and you can take that to the bank, the blood bank senator!) or send us an email at
Episode 147.1 - BONUS - Mailbag
11/10/2020 Duration: 39minOn this weeks bonus episode the guys dive into the mailbag! Please give us a rate and review wherever you get your podcasts, tweet at us @svupodcast (which is the official Twitter handle of Law and Order SUV, and you can take that to the bank, the blood bank senator!) or send us an email at
Episode 147 - S7E8 - Starved
05/10/2020 Duration: 01h55minOn this week's episode hosts Aviv and Matt view and review season 7 episode 8 of SVU - Starved! Aviv starts the ep by talking like Casey Kasem. The guys debate if Casey Kasem was a robot or not and then debate his heritage. The guys also discuss the early 2000's classic films Charlies Angels and Charlies Angels: Full Throttle. All this and much more!Give us a rate and review wherever you get your podcasts, tweet at us @svupodcast (which is the official Twitter handle of Law and Order SVU, and you can take that to the bank, the blood bank senator!) or send us an email
Episode 146.1 - BONUS - Mailbag and Lost Final Update
04/10/2020 Duration: 01h11minOn this weeks (late) bonus episode hosts Aviv and Matt dive into the mailbag and Aviv gives his final update on Lost.Rate and review us wherever you get your podcasts, tweet at us @svupodcast, which is the official Twitter handle of Law and Order SVU (and you can take that to the bank, the blood bank senator!) or send us an email
Episode 146 - S7E7 - Name
28/09/2020 Duration: 01h07minOn this weeks episode hosts Aviv and Matt view and review season 7 episode 7 of SVU - Name! Matt gets some snow in Colorado and Aviv is still in Boston. Aviv is happy to be away from wildfires and in an area that is doing better with COVID. Matt tells Aviv about his and Cassies creative date night with the Target date night thing. All this and much more!Rate and review us wherever fine podcasts are sold, tweet at us @svupodcast (which is the official Twitter handle of Law and Order SVU and you can take that to the bank, the blood bank senator!), or send us an email
Episode 145.1 - BONUS - Steven Segal Sundays - On Deadly Ground
27/09/2020 Duration: 02h11minOn this months installment of Steven Segal Sundays hosts Aviv and Matt breakdown the classic film On Deadly Ground.Rate and review us wherever you get your podcasts, tweet at us @svupodcast, which is the official Twitter handle of Law and Order SVU (you can take that to the bank, the blood bank senator) or send us an email
Episode 145 - S7E6 - Raw
21/09/2020 Duration: 01h27minOn this weeks episode hosts Aviv and Matt start out with a trigger warning because this episode has some extremely fucked up content. The guys joke about Aviv's smell coming through the FaceTime. It's super hot in Colorado which makes it difficult to really enjoy being outside. Aviv runs some errands to prepare for his trip to Boston. All this and more! Give us a rate and review wherever you get your podcasts, Tweet at us @svupodcast which we cannot stress enough is the official Twitter handle of Law and Order SVU (and you can take that to the bank, the blood bank senator!) or send us an email
Episode 144.1 - LOST Update #3 and Mailbag
20/09/2020 Duration: 01h05minOn this week's bonus episode Aviv gives his latest installment of LOST and the guys dive into the mailbag! Give us a rate and review wherever you get your podcasts, tweet at us @svupodcast (which is the official Twitter handle of SVU, and you can take that to the bank....the blood bank senator!) or send us an email
Episode 144 - S7E5 - Strain
14/09/2020 Duration: 01h26minOn this weeks episode hosts Matt and Aviv view and review season 7 episode 5 of SVU - Strain! Matt struggles out the gate with the intro and speculates at the time of recording COVID will have won. Aviv wants to get a Yo Semite t-shirt, which timestamps when this ep was recorded. Matt and Cassie enjoy going out to brunch for the first time in a while, watched some youtube videos to pass the time since there's not enough new good content out there. Matt highly recommends the screen rant pitch meeting videos for a good laugh. Aviv announces his new gig in Boston for the fall and talks about his upcoming trip to Baltimore for Yoga Journal. Aviv also tells all about an...interesting movie consulting gig that he landed. All that and more!Give us a rate and review wherever you get your podcasts, tweet at us @svupocast (which is the official Twitter of Law and Order SVU, and you can take that to the bank...the blood bank senator!) or send us an email at
Episode 143 - S7E4 - Ripped
07/09/2020 Duration: 01h14minOn this week's episode hosts Aviv and Matt view and review season 7 episode 4 - Ripped! Aviv had a horrible last couple days and talks about a horrible consulting gig that he took. All this and much more!Rate and review us wherever you get you podcasts, tweet at us @svupodcast (which again we cannot stress enough is the official twitter handle of Law and Order SVU and you can take that to the bank...the blood bank senator!) or send us an email
Episode 142.1 - Mailbag and LOST Update #2
06/09/2020 Duration: 50minOn this bonus episode the guys dive into the mailbag and Aviv goes through the latest awfulness that is lost!Rate and review us wherever you get your podcasts, tweet at us @svupodcast (which we cannot stress enough is the official twitter handle of Law and Order SVU and you can take that to the bank...the blood bank senator!) or send us an email
Episode 142 - S7E3 - 911
31/08/2020 Duration: 01h26minThe boys tackle s7e3 of SVU, 911, which is largely considered the reason Mariska won her Emmy for season 7: A little girl calls SVU with claims of rape and capture, and Olivia is the only one who believes it *isn't* a hoax.We discuss some dubious legal and metaphysical qualities of this episode. Spoilers: Exactly how long can you hold your breath inside of a garbage bag? Please don't actually try!!!Shoot us an email at and/or engage with us on twitter. We are so sad and alone. @SVUPodcast.Rate and review us wherever you do your rating and reviewing! Yelp? Grubhub? Uber? Whatever!
Episode 141.1 - BONUS - Steven Segal Sundays - Out for Justice
30/08/2020 Duration: 01h57minOn this weeks bonus episode hosts Aviv and Matt continue on with their Steven Segal Sunday series by reviewing the classic film Out for Justice.Rate and review us wherever you get your podcasts, tweet at us @svupodcast (the official twitter of Law and Order SVU, and you can take that to the bank...the blood bank senator), or send us an email
Episode 141 - S7E2 - Design
24/08/2020 Duration: 01h36minFriends, gather round for a tale: a tale of baby breeding, con artists, Mark McGrath, Cohaagen! This episode is the kick in the butt that Aviv and Matt need to get excited about SVU after a grueling descent into madness. This episode has e v e r y t h i n g. And everyone. And somehow was partially written by Roald Dahl. Listen to find out more! Find us on twitter @SVUPodcast or drop us an email to us a rate and review wherever you get your podcasts! Please!
Episode 140 -S7E1 - Demons
17/08/2020 Duration: 01h33minFriend of the show Paige joins us for the opener of season 7!!! This episode is *rough* by 2020 standards as Stabler entraps former rapist Ray Schenkel and traumatizes an innocent young woman. It's a real laugh riot /s.Check out Paige's podcast the Filminists where she and co-host discuss films from a feminist perspective! hit us up on twitter @SVUPodcast, or for longer stuff, drop us an email at
Episode 139.1 - Mailbag & Lost Update #1
16/08/2020 Duration: 39minOkay folks, before we jump into season SEVEN (!!!), we have some mailbag to catch up on as well as Aviv discusses another famously bingeable show he's been watching. Spoiler alert: It's LOST. Double spoiler alert: LOST sucks. Hit us up @SVUPodcast on twitter, or drop us a line at
Episode 139 - The Descent into Madness Part VIII - S6E23 - Goliath
10/08/2020 Duration: 01h11minOn this weeks episode hosts Aviv and Matt officially hit rock bottom, and by that I mean they officially end their descent into madness with the 8th installment as they view and review season 6 episode 23 of SVU - Goliath! The guys contemplate the answer to the question everyone is asking: why not Zoidberg? The guys question if they've done the intro several times as they try to keep the train on the tracks. Matt is realizing he likely won't be able to fall asleep as soon as the descent is over because of how much coffee he has consumed. The guys make up a new month, Junaberry, and try to figure out what number episode this is. All this and much more! Rate and review us wherever you get your podcasts, tweet at us @svupodcast (which we cannot stress enough is the official podcast of Law and Order SVU, and you can take that to the bank, the blood bank senator!), or send us an email
Episode 138 - The Descent into Madness Part VII - S6E22 - Parts
03/08/2020 Duration: 01h25minOn this weeks episode Aviv and Matt approach the bottom of their descent into madness with the seventh installment when they view and review season 6 episode 22 of SVU - Parts. The guys are hopelessly hanging on to what little sanity they have left as they do a promo for 7-11 themed caffeinated beverages and Miller High Life. The guys are tired, so very tired while recording this episode. The moth has returned and is vexing Matt. The guys also respond to live listener feedback via Twitter. All that and much more madness! Rate and review us wherever you get your podcasts, tweet at us @svupodcast, which again we cannot stress enough is the official Twitter handle of Law and Order SVU (and you can take that to the bank, the blood bank senator!), or send us an email
Episode 137.1 - BONUS - Mailbag and Rubinstien and Reuter Recommend
02/08/2020 Duration: 38minHosts Aviv and Matt dive into the mailbag and talk about their holiday weekend. Which holiday? Given that time is meaningless you decide! Matt and Cassie go to Yellowstone, and Aviv breaks his foot by falling. Aviv gives a graphic description of the injury and the consequences of walking on it. The guys then dive into the mailbag to respond to your comments. Rate and review us wherever fine podcasts are sold, tweet at us @svupodcast which we cannot stress enough is the official Twitter handle of Law and Order SVU (and you can take that to the bank, the blood bank senator) or send us an email