Hosts Matt and Aviv talk about everyone's favorite police procedural show: Law and Order Special Victims Unit.
Episode 282 - S13E11 - Theatre Tricks
12/06/2023 Duration: 01h26minOn this week's episode hosts Aviv and Matt view and review season 13 episode 11 of SVU - Theatre Tricks! It's a pun! Get it!? This week's episode has everything - Mr. The Plague, Kevin Polluck, Adam Driver! What the hell is happening in this week's episode!? Aviv shares a story of not being able to play a gig with his band and plugs his new song 'Totally Depressed,' check it out where ever you get your music. All this and more!Give us a rate and review wherever fine podcasts are sold, tweet at us @svupodcast (which we cannot stress enough is the official Twitter handle of Law and Order SVU, and you can take that to the bank, the blood bank senator!) and for longer or weirder stuff, or tweet sized emails because fuck Elon Musk, send us an email specialviewingunit@gmail.comThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
Episode 281.2 - Mailbag, Pennies from Heaven
12/06/2023 Duration: 24minOn this week's very special bonus episode hosts Aviv and Matt dive into the mailbag and play another round of the game that Matt despises - listener submitted snack or wack. All this and more!Give us a rate and review wherever fine podcasts are sold, tweet at us @svupodcast (which we cannot stress enough is the official Twitter handle of Law and Order SVU, and you can take that to the bank, the blood bank senator!) and for longer or weirder stuff, or tweet sized emails because fuck Elon Musk, send us an email specialviewingunit@gmail.comThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
Episode 281 - S13E10 - Spiraling Down
05/06/2023 Duration: 01h44minOn this week's (late) episode hosts Aviv and Matt view and review season 13 episode 10 of SVU - Spiraling Down! The irony of this episode being called spiraling down as the show itself seems to be also spiraling down cannot be overstated. The hosts are both baffled by this week's episode, Aviv is deemed the Treat Williams of the podcast, and the guys talk about their Memorial Day weekend plans. All this and more!Give us a rate and review wherever fine podcasts are sold, tweet at us @svupodcast (which we cannot stress enough is the official Twitter handle of Law and Order SVU, and you can take that to the bank, the blood bank senator!) and for longer or weirder stuff, or tweet sized emails because fuck Elon Musk, send us an email specialviewingunit@gmail.comThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
Episode 280 - S13E9 - Lost Traveler
29/05/2023 Duration: 01h27minOn this week's episode hosts Aviv and Matt view and review season 13 episode 9 of SVU - Lost Traveler! THIS EPISODE IS TERRIBLE! It's an all timer for how bad it is. The guys discuss Aviv's bachelor party weekend in Joshua Tree, which ws a fantastic time! Aviv threw out a just prepared salad, it was a true power move. All this and more!Give us a rate and review wherever fine podcasts are sold, tweet at us @svupodcast (which we cannot stress enough is the official Twitter handle of Law and Order SVU, and you can take that to the bank, the blood bank senator!) and for longer or weirder stuff, or tweet sized emails because fuck Elon Musk, send us an email specialviewingunit@gmail.comThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
Episode 279.1 - Listener Submitted Snack or Wack & Mailbag
29/05/2023 Duration: 29minOn this very special bonus episode Matt gets torturened not only by Aviv continuing this awful game, but now you, the listeners, get to participate too! ET TU BRUTE LISTENERS!? The guys dive into the mialbag as well. All this and more!Give us a rate and review wherever fine podcasts are sold, tweet at us @svupodcast (which we cannot stress enough is the official Twitter handle of Law and Order SVU, and you can take that to the bank, the blood bank senator!) and for longer or weirder stuff, or tweet sized emails because fuck Elon Musk, send us an email specialviewingunit@gmail.comThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
SVU Episode 279 - S13E8 - Educated Guess
22/05/2023 Duration: 01h39minThe triumphant return of Snack or Wack, and also stuff about SVU.
Episode 279 - S13E7 - Russian Brides
15/05/2023 Duration: 01h35minOn this week's episode hosts Aviv and Matt view and review season 13 episode 7 of SVU - Russian Brides! Haven't we done this before? Like, the whole episode concept, sure feels like we've already done this. The bad accent work is cranked up to 11 on this week's episode, is it because of the hosts bad accents or is it because everyone was terrible on this show? You decide! Matt blows Aviv's mind by revealing that in later seasons Cragen is accused of murdering a sex worker even though listeners have definitly told us about this. All this and more!Give us a rate and review wherever fine podcasts are sold, tweet at us @svupodcast (which we cannot stress enough is the official Twitter handle of Law and Order SVU, and you can take that to the bank, the blood bank senator!) and for longer or weirder stuff, or tweet sized emails because fuck Elon Musk, send us an email
Episode 278 - S13E6 - True Believer
08/05/2023 Duration: 01h25minOn this week's episode hosts Aviv and Matt view and review season 13 episode 6 of SVU - True Believer! This episode is one that listeners have been warning us about for years and Matt has a potential hot take that he thinks this is a great episode of SVU. Aviv doesn't turn his key on that take. The guys give a brief rundown of the SAG strike (for a more in depth breakdown check out bonus episode 277.1) Aviv shares an 'am I the asshole' as it relates to his upcoming wedding,' and Matt talks about his weird finger thing. All this and more!Give us a rate and review wherever fine podcasts are sold, tweet at us @svupodcast (which we cannot stress enough is the official Twitter handle of Law and Order SVU, and you can take that to the bank, the blood bank senator!) and for longer or weirder stuff, or tweet sized emails because fuck Elon Musk, send us an email
Episode 277.1 - Bonus - Eat Shit and Mailbag
08/05/2023 Duration: 35minOn this week's bonus episode both Aviv and Matt have an eat shit story, Aviv pitches a new gameshow snack or wack that Matt finds to be just very very stupid as a backdoor ad read on spec. Matt tells Apple to eat shit, Aviv shares his horrible American Airlines story and declares that they too can eat oh so much shit. The guys also dive into the mailbag and more!Give us a rate and review wherever fine podcasts are sold, tweet at us @svupodcast (which we cannot stress enough is the official Twitter handle of Law and Order SVU, and you can take that to the bank, the blood bank senator!) and for longer or weirder stuff, or tweet sized emails because fuck Elon Musk, send us an email
Episode 277 - S13E5 - Missing Pieces
01/05/2023 Duration: 01h09minOn this week's episode hosts Aviv and Matt view and review season 13 episode 5 of SVU - Missing Pieces! This is no doubt one of the worst and most pointless episodes of SVU, full fucking stop. Why was this episode made? For the life of them, respectively, the hosts cannot figure it the fuck out. Aviv snatches the reigns of the intro and discusses being able to rattle off the intro from memory. Matt baits Aviv into saying what he said last week and wonders if anyone ever made it a ring tone/text alert, and Aviv does an ad read completely on spec in the hope (I guess?) they pay us or something? All this and more!Give us a rate and review wherever fine podcasts are sold, tweet at us @svupodcast (which we cannot stress enough is the official Twitter handle of Law and Order SVU, and you can take that to the bank, the blood bank senator!) and for longer or weirder stuff, or tweet sized emails because fuck Elon Musk, send us an email
Episode 276.1 - Bonus - Aviv's Job Interview and Mailbag
01/05/2023 Duration: 33minOn this week's very special bonus episode Aviv talks about his aboslutely bizzare job interview he went on and the guys dive into the mailbag. All this and more!Give us a rate and review wherever fine podcasts are sold, tweet at us @svupodcast (which we cannot stress enough is the official Twitter handle of Law and Order SVU, and you can take that to the bank, the blood bank senator!) and for longer or weirder stuff, or tweet sized emails because fuck Elon Musk, send us an email
Episode 276 - S13E4 - Double Strands
24/04/2023 Duration: 01h27minOn this week's episode hosts Aviv and Matt view and review season 13 episode 4 of SVU - Double Strands! Aviv is single white maling Matt in this weeks' episode with his yin yang tattoo. Matt goes to a Mariners game, and eats some great grits (cue Jill Scott sound clip). Aviv is heading to Seattle, and Aviv shares an eat shit story entirely covered by a bleep, so good luck figuring out what happened there listeners. Matt recceommends being petty and also the show Yellowjackets. Aviv has a new Podcast to check out called insynch which talks about music and the moving image. The guys dive into the mailbag and more!Give us a rate and review wherever fine podcasts are sold, tweet at us @svupodcast (which we cannot stress enough is the official Twitter handle of Law and Order SVU, and you can take that to the bank, the blood bank senator!) and for longer or weirder stuff, or tweet sized emails because fuck Elon Musk, send us an email
Episode 275 - S13E3 - Blood Brothers
17/04/2023 Duration: 01h06minOn this week's episode hosts Aviv and Matt view and review season 13 episode 3 of SVU - Blood Brothers! Matt calls out how for fans of the pod this episode is gonna be a great one for call backs. The guys are an hour plus into the pod before they realize they never introed the pod. Matt gives a plug to the Museum of Pop Culture in Seattle, and then Matt's fish died. The guys bring up how odd it is that Coop is back as a different character, and they add another entry into the right side of history. All this and more!Give us a rate and review wherever fine podcasts are sold, tweet at us @svupodcast (which we cannot stress enough is the official Twitter handle of Law and Order SVU, and you can take that to the bank, the blood bank senator!) and for longer or weirder stuff, or tweet sized emails because fuck Elon Musk, send us an email
Episode 274.1 - Bonus - Mailbag, Frame Rates, Aviv's Dad
17/04/2023 Duration: 43minOn this very special bonus episode hosts Aviv and Matt start out by talking through their inevitable technical issues, Aviv talks to himself through his own shit, and Aviv calls out that we've all got some shit to talk about. The guys discuss Warner Bro's strategy for a gigantic tax write off via terrible decisions, and talk about capitalism at its best. All this and more!Give us a rate and review wherever fine podcasts are sold, tweet at us @svupodcast (which we cannot stress enough is the official Twitter handle of Law and Order SVU, and you can take that to the bank, the blood bank senator!) and for longer or weirder stuff, or tweet sized emails because fuck Elon Musk, send us an email
Episode 274 - S13E2 - Personal Fouls
11/04/2023 Duration: 01h19minOn this week's episode hosts Aviv and Matt view and review season 13 episode 2 of SVU - Personal Fouls! The ep starts with Matt ranting about hard outs and bonus episodes and is completely unhinged. Matt congratulates whoever had episode 274 as the ep that would finally break him. The guys both like Amaro's beard and are disappointed that he had to shave it. Matt tries to figure out that if everyone agrees that everything sucks then why is it that no one seems to be doing anything to make it suck less. All this and more!Give us a rate and review wherever fine podcasts are sold, tweet at us @svupodcast (which we cannot stress enough is the official Twitter handle of Law and Order SVU, and you can take that to the bank, the blood bank senator!) and for longer or weirder stuff, or tweet sized emails because fuck Elon Musk, send us an email
Episode 273.1 - Bonus - Mailbag, Capitalism, High Frame Rate, and of course, Michael Raymond James
10/04/2023 Duration: 35minOn this week's very special and very late bonus episode, Aviv tries to get Matt to pay for his other podcast fees, Aviv assigns slurs to Matt that he did not say, and Matt is just in an unhinged kind of a mood. The guys dive into the mailbag, Matt defends his late stage capitalism comment and goes off on that, and the hosts discuss why high frame rate movies look kinda weird. The guys also bully the great Once Upon a Time actor Michael Raymond James off of twitter.Give us a rate and review wherever fine podcasts are sold, tweet at us @svupodcast (which we cannot stress enough is the official Twitter handle of Law and Order SVU, and you can take that to the bank, the blood bank senator!) and for longer or weirder stuff, or tweet sized emails because fuck Elon Musk, send us an email
Episode 273 - S13E1 - Scorched Earth
03/04/2023 Duration: 01h40minOn this week's episode hosts Aviv and Matt view and review the season 13 premeire, episode 1 - Scorched Earth! We are in all new terretory as neither host has really seen episodes this deep into SVU's run! Matt is concerned about Trump being indicted and the existance of actual attack hellicopters above his apartment, Aviv comes out in front of the ep to say listen to our bonus ep, and Aviv starts the pod! It's the start of season 13 and the hosts are barely clinging to sanity, strap in fuckers. All this and much more unhinged nonsensical goofy content!Give us a rate and review wherever fine podcasts are sold, tweet at us @svupodcast (which we cannot stress enough is the official Twitter handle of Law and Order SVU, and you can take that to the bank, the blood bank senator!) and for longer or weirder stuff, or tweet sized emails because fuck Elon Musk, send us an email
Episode 272.1 - Bonus - Taylor Swift pt2, Mailbag, and Michael Raymond James Games
03/04/2023 Duration: 32minOn this week's bonous episode we get the thrilling conclusion of Matt's quest to not get sick before going to see Taylor Swift in concert (doesn't go his way), the guys dive into the mailbag, and get into some Michael Raymond James nonsense. All this and more!Give us a rate and review wherever fine podcasts are sold, tweet at us @svupodcast (which we cannot stress enough is the official Twitter handle of Law and Order SVU, and you can take that to the bank, the blood bank senator!) and for longer or weirder stuff, or tweet sized emails because fuck Elon Musk, send us an email
Episode 272 - S12E24 - Smoked
27/03/2023 Duration: 01h26minOn this week's episode hosts Aviv and Matt view and review the season finale of season 12, episode 24 - Smoked! It's a banner day on the pod as we see the final episode of Elliott Stabler on the show and we watch him shoot and kill a child! What a way to go! The guys discuss Pedro Pascal's distinctly non daddy vibes in this weeks episode, Stabler trying to get fetch to happen right before he murders a kid, and the meatball of a line to end the episode. The guys come up with a great spinoff for SVU akin to CBS's Ghosts involving the ghosts of all the people that have been murdered at the old SVU preceinct - half innocent, the others child rapists, and its a comedy. Somehow. Aviv talks about taking a gamble on some meat and it paid off. Beef Flap. Yes listners, Beef Flap, sounds.....interesting? Matt needs to know where is the flap on the cow, and he will never get the answer.
Episode 271.1 - Bonus - Taylor Swift, Good Will Hunting, and Mailbag
27/03/2023 Duration: 52minOn this supersized bonus episode Matt has himself just a fuckin week. Matt talks about he and Cassie's upcoming trip to Las Vegas to see Taylor Swift, Maggie vomiting blood, and Cassie being really sick. Just, nothing comin' up Millhouse for Matt this week. Aviv tries to get Matt's T. Swift tickets for pennies on the dollar, and Matt details his frantic efforts to get Cassie and Maggie well enough so they can still go to see the show. The guys dive into the mailbag, discuss the original script of Good Will Hunting, and Aviv is very cozy while recording. All this and more! Give us a rate and review wherever fine podcasts are sold, tweet at us @svupodcast (which we cannot stress enough is the official Twitter handle of Law and Order SVU, and you can take that to the bank, the blood bank senator!) and for longer or weirder stuff, or tweet sized emails because fuck Elon Musk, send us an email