The Tivomike Show

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 235:52:28
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The TiVoMike Show: A Pop Culture-Infused Godcast is a daily Christian podcast that explores redeeming messages from secular shows worthy of being watched. Hosted by passionate TV enthusiast Michael "TIVOMIKE" Jefferson. Co-Hosted by "Entertainment Guru" Mike Warner.


  • Mac Miller's Tragic Death & Ariana Grande's Response

    20/09/2018 Duration: 29min

    Mac Miller's Tragic DeathIn the wake of Mac Miller's death, fans flock to honor his memory and relive the joy of his art. This has caused his latest album, Swimming, to return to the Top 10 List on the Billboard charts. What does his death say about the current climate for Young Hollywood artists? And why is Ariana Grande being blamed by some of Mac Miller's fans? Entertainment Guru and TIVOMIKE discuss.Plus, Eminem responds to Machine Gun Kelly's diss track. By nearly all accounts, this effectively ended Machine Gun Kelly's career. TIVOMIKE shares his unique take on this situation and explains why this matters for the rest of us.Glory!

  • Netflix's Grace & Frankie Teaches Forgiveness

    19/09/2018 Duration: 33min

    Netflix's Grace & Frankie Teaches ForgivenessNetflix's hit show, Grace & Frankie, starring Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin, showcases forgiveness when its main characters are faced with the knowledge that their husbands have been cheating on them for 20 years.The plot twist is revealed when the husbands reveal they have been cheating on their wives with each other. The two gay husbands are played by Martin Sheen and Sam Waterson.Is Hollywood saying adultery is OK? Has Netflix produced a show dedicated to teach viewers how to offer forgiveness? Are the writers saying that family is all dysfunctional? TIVOMIKE and Entertainment Guru ponder, and answer, these questions on today's episode.Glory!

  • Dave Ramsey Listeners Pay Off Home By Age 24

    17/09/2018 Duration: 31min

    On Today's #MoneyMonday:Dave Ramsey Listeners Pay Off Home By Age 24 following Dave Ramsey's famous Baby StepsNetflix outspends television networks ABC, CBS and NBC combined -- to the tune of more than $8 billion for new contentThe highest paid TV Stars of 2018

  • The One Where TIVOMIKE Preaches Victorious Living

    16/08/2018 Duration: 31min

    "Victory" author, Michael Jefferson takes the time to preach victorious living habits to his best friend, Entertainment Guru Mike Warner and in turn, to all of you. Tune in today if you're ready to live the life that Christ Jesus died and resurrected for you to have and enjoy!

  • The One Where Bart Millard Can Only Imagine

    07/08/2018 Duration: 32min

    The One Where Bart Millard Can Only Imagine | #ICanOnlyImagine | Entertainment Guru shares the life story behind Bart Millard’s “I Can Only ImagineTIVOMIKE's Mom introduced him to "I Can Only Imagine" and it has been one of TIVOMIKE's favorite worship songs ever since. On today's episode, Entertainment Guru Mike Warner talks to TIVOMIKE about the movie based on Bart Millard's life. Entertainment Guru has watched the "I Cao Only Imagine" movie several times, because he says, "it's simply amazing!" If you've been touched by this song, enjoy worship music, like well-made Christian films, this episode is to be heard now.The TIVOMIKE Show: A Pop Culture-Infused Godcast airs weekdays on BlogTalkRadio at 2PM Eastern Standard Time. Available on Apple Podcasts and Google Play.

  • The One About Loaning Money to Friends

    06/08/2018 Duration: 31min

    The One About Loaning Money to Friends | #MoneyMonday | TIVOMIKE and Entertainment Guru explain the best way to mix money with friendships.A quick Google search on "money and friends" makes it clear that mixing money and friendships is a bad idea. Countless articles explaining the dangers of helping a friend financially when they're encountering tough economic times. However, in Christian circles, it seems to slant toward mixing money and friendships in order to truly live out the Scriptures. So, which is it--does mixing money with friendships cause strain and eventual dissolution on the friendship or is it a practical way to demonstrate biblical love?The answer is... it depends. Listen to this episode to learn when it's apprpriate and beneficial to your friendship and when it's not..

  • More Harmful Money Myths Exposed

    28/05/2018 Duration: 31min

    TIVOMIKE and the Entertainment Guru return from their hiatus to wish you a Happy Memorial Day and to expose more harmful money myths.Happy Memorial Day!

  • Money Myths Exposed #FinancialFriday

    11/05/2018 Duration: 30min

    Money Myths Exposed #FinancialFridayMoney Mike, aka TIVOMIKE and Entertainment Guru Mike Warner expose money myths that may be damaging your life. Listen in and be encouraged, motivated and led to implement the money truths needed to win.Glory!

  • Lethal Weapon's Back!


    Lethal Weapon's Back! But, did it ever go anywhere?Entertainment Guru Mike Warner discusses the latest episode of "Lethal Weapon" with TIVOMIKE.Glory!

  • Harmful Money Myths Destroyed By Empowering Truths

    07/05/2018 Duration: 31min

    Harmful Money Myths Destroyed By Empowering TruthsMoney Coach Michael "TIVOMIKE" Jefferson exposes harmful money myths by sharing empowering truths.Ever since TIVOMIKE enrolled into Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University, he's been changing his money behaviors to obtain wealth for the glory of God. On today's episode, Entertainment Guru and TIVOMIKE discuss the following harmful money myths: - If I loan money to a friend or relative, I will be helping them.- By cosigning a loan, I am helping out a friend or relative- Cash advance, rent-to-own, title pawning, and tote-the-note car lots are needed services for lower-income people to get ahead.- Playing the lottery and other forms of gambling will make us rich.- Leasing your car is what sophisticated, financial people do.- If I pay my credit card off every month, I'll enjoy the perks without the pain of overspending and debt.If you're ready to end the struggling, paycheck-to-paycheck lifestyle, this episode is a must-hear.Glory!

  • Marvel Studios' Deadpool 2 is coming soon!

    02/05/2018 Duration: 31min

    Entertainment Guru and TIVOMIKE discuss the upcoming sequel meta film Deadpool 2!

  • Entertainment Guru Talks 'Overboard' and 'Tully'

    01/05/2018 Duration: 30min

    Our Entertainment Guru sorts through the upcoming films--between those that are worth seeing it from the ones that aren't. Today's conversation between Entertainment Guru and TIVOMIKE will include the films "Overboard" and "Tully."You do not want to miss this.Glory!

  • God, Your Grandma and Dave Ramsey Are Right!

    30/04/2018 Duration: 31min

    Personal Finance Coach, Michael Jefferson and Entertainment Guru Mike Warner discuss the power of submitting yourself to God's plan.

  • John Krasinski's A Quiet Place: A TIVOMIKE #ReelReview

    20/04/2018 Duration: 30min

    TIVOMIKE offers his #reelreview on this surprising, graceful and touching monster movie.Listen in to hear TIVOMIKE's take on the "only horror movie I'll watch at home." Plus, hear Entertainment Guru Mike Warner's future movie-watching plans!Glory!

  • TIVOMIKE's Guide to The Marvel Cinematic Universe!

    19/04/2018 Duration: 31min

    A recent article in Entertainment Weekly magazine prompted TIVOMIKE and Entertainment Guru to offer their take on the future and history of the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe. Plus, their thoughts on the upcoming AVENGERS movie!

  • Today We Ask: Is Justice for All?

    18/04/2018 Duration: 30min

    NBC's "Law & Order: SVU" super fans TIVOMIKE and Entertainment Guru recap the latest episode and speak to the current justice climate in America.

  • Roseanne: Becky's Baby Plans

    17/04/2018 Duration: 30min

    'Roseanne' super fans TIVOMIKE and Entertainment Guru discuss the latest episode where Becky learns she cannot have children.Plus, Aunt Jackie gets a puppy via the 5-finger discount and Dan puts his foot down!Glory!

  • #MoneyMonday Dreaming In High Definition

    16/04/2018 Duration: 30min

    Money Coach Michael "TIVOMIKE" Jefferson continues to share one of the most insightful ideas he learned from Chris Hogan's Retired Inspired talk at Dave Ramsey's Smart Conference in Boston.Plus, TIVOMIKE and Entertainment Guru pose the question: is retirement biblical?

  • TIVOMIKE Attends Dave Ramsey's Smart Conference

    14/04/2018 Duration: 30min

    TIVOMIKE Attends Dave Ramsey's 2018 Smart Conference in Boston and shares his most memorable and favorite portions of the event. Plus hear what statement changed the trajectory of his life!Glory!

  • #ReelReview: Chappaquiddick

    12/04/2018 Duration: 30min

    Michael "TIVOMIKE" Jefferson offers his take on the movie "Chappaquiddick" in today's #ReelReview segment. 

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