Edge of Anarchy stars Amanda, who describes the show as what happens when VLR ties itself to an anvil and jumps into a cavern of chaos Looney Toons style. She’s a libertarian, part-time Anarcho-Christian, writer, and a teacher. She’s also a former city planner who will provide us all with an anarchist paradise when everything falls apart. Amanda tackles things from a free markets perspective, with her own brand of humor.
Edge of Anarchy 2015-0216
17/02/2015 Duration: 58minAmanda McCallister hosts Amy Curtis, Allan Bourdius produces!
Edge of Anarchy 2015-0121
27/01/2015 Duration: 59minAmanda McCallister returns, Steve Long is her guest!
VLR - Edge of Anarchy 1/12/15
13/01/2015 Duration: 57minAmanda is back with episode two of Edge of Anarchy. She's joined by VLR's Taylor Millard to talk #FreeCommunityCollege, Charlie Hebdo, and NY fourth graders plotting their teacher's death.
VLR Edge of Anarchy 0105
06/01/2015 Duration: 59minAmanda McCallister PREMIERS the Edge of Anarchy on VLR!