One depressed man's journey to better mental health, or suicide.
#201 All The News That's New
09/01/2021 Duration: 30minThanks for listening in to this episode! I talk about things that are new, some things that suck, and more. Be sure to subscribe to this show over on iTunes Everyone be safe and be well. Tags:Suicide, Depression, Therapy, Depressed, Mental Illness
#200 200 2020
31/12/2020 Duration: 29minThanks for listening in to this episode! I talk about the year that was, a little about the future, and more. Be sure to subscribe to this show over on iTunes Everyone be safe and be well. Tags:Suicide, Depression, Therapy, Depressed, Mental Illness
#199 Christmas Tidings
25/12/2020 Duration: 23minThanks for listening in to this episode! I talk about Christmas gifts, knee woes, eating, and more. Be sure to subscribe to this show over on iTunes Everyone be safe and be well. Tags:Suicide, Depression, Therapy, Depressed, Mental Illness
#198 Cold Morning Runs
19/12/2020 Duration: 20minThanks for listening in to this episode! I talk about the cold weather, birthday gifts, and more. Be sure to subscribe to this show over on iTunes Everyone be safe and be well. Tags:Suicide, Depression, Therapy, Depressed, Mental Illness
#197 Getting Older
12/12/2020 Duration: 21minThanks for listening in to this episode! I talk about getting older, running, work, and more. Be sure to subscribe to this show over on iTunes Everyone be safe and be well. Tags:Suicide, Depression, Therapy, Depressed, Mental Illness
#196 Deservedness
05/12/2020 Duration: 20minThanks for listening in to this episode! I talk about what is deserved, running, and more. Be sure to subscribe to this show over on iTunes Everyone be safe and be well. Tags:Suicide, Depression, Therapy, Depressed, Mental Illness
#195 When I'm Gone
27/11/2020 Duration: 31minThanks for listening in to this episode! I talk about how Eminem hit me in the feels, running, work, and more. Be sure to subscribe to this show over on iTunes Everyone be safe and be well. Tags:Suicide, Depression, Therapy, Depressed, Mental Illness
#194 My Mind is Full of Garage Crap
21/11/2020 Duration: 22minThanks for listening in to this episode! I ponder the similarities between garage crap and my mental/emotional mindset, there's been some travel, and more. Be sure to subscribe to this show over on iTunes Everyone be safe and be well. Tags:Suicide, Depression, Therapy, Depressed, Mental Illness
#193 Achilles Update
15/11/2020 Duration: 20minThanks for listening in to this episode! Just an update on the state of Jp's life. I'm back to running, I wonder if the days are short or long, and some updates on work. Be sure to subscribe to this show over on iTunes Everyone be safe and be well. Tags:Suicide, Depression, Therapy, Depressed, Mental Illness
#192 Election Update
08/11/2020 Duration: 28minThanks for listening in to this episode! Just an update on the state of Jp's life. It's been a while and once again I am committing to thinking about trying to be more consistent with these episodes. Be sure to subscribe to this show over on iTunes Everyone be safe and be well. Tags:Suicide, Depression, Therapy, Depressed, Mental Illness
#191 30 Q's About Me
07/10/2020 Duration: 49minThanks for listening in to this episode! My amazing friend Kate dug up some questions to ask me. Hopefully nothing too shocking. Be sure to subscribe to this show over on iTunes Everyone be safe and be well. Tags:Suicide, Depression, Therapy, Depressed, Mental Illness
#190 Almost a Year
05/09/2020 Duration: 22minThanks for listening in to this episode! I talk about it being a year since Dad passed, how I'm "feeling", and much more. Be sure to subscribe to this show over on iTunes Everyone be safe and be well. Tags:Suicide, Depression, Therapy, Depressed, Mental Illness
#189 New Stuff Is Happening
23/08/2020 Duration: 30minThanks for listening in to this episode! I talk about what's kept me away for so long, how I'm "feeling", and much more. Be sure to subscribe to this show over on iTunes Everyone be safe and be well. Tags:Suicide, Depression, Therapy, Depressed, Mental Illness
#188j Return To The Darkness
16/07/2020 Duration: 35minThanks for listening in to this episode! I talk about what's kept me away for so long, how I'm "feeling", and much more. Be sure to subscribe to this show over on iTunes Everyone be safe and be well. Tags:Suicide, Depression, Therapy, Depressed, Mental Illness
SAH #71 Baby Face
05/06/2020 Duration: 10minHeya, it's day seventy-one of being stuck at home with me, Jp.
SAH #69 See A Penny Pick It Up...
03/06/2020 Duration: 10minHeya, it's day sixty-nine of being stuck at home with me, Jp.
SAH #68 Race And Me
02/06/2020 Duration: 09minHeya, it's day sixty-eight of being stuck at home with me, Jp.
SAH #67 Bad Feelings
01/06/2020 Duration: 11minHeya, it's day sixty-seven of being stuck at home with me, Jp.